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IELTS Practice Test Volume 1 Speaking Practice Test 2

Question list

  • Why don't we talk about the people in your hometown?

  • Are the people in your hometown friendly?

  • How does this compare to other parts of your country?

  • Would you like to stay permanently in your hometown?

  • Talk about a time you learnt or realised a valuable lesson about people.

    You should talk about:

    - who was involved

    - what happened

    - how you reacted

    and how it influenced or changed you afterwards.

  • What languages would be of use in your country?

  • How many people speak these useful languages?

  • Why do you think children are more skilled at learning languages?

  • What qualities allow some people to learn languages better?

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Sisteminize tufurum

Ateeq ali

I am practicing speaking for ielts preparation

Ркилч птлагибс мьбстдснибч иьдсьдс ода иьсьдсеилч ятлосьда ьдсьдмнтниьсьда лвьдс илаьдлсолс тдсьдща одна дсилч илдчьдсьдлаьдантланолра олшалдсодалдлв оддаьдс лдщрсьдсьдктдч ьдсьдс


It's been amazing

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