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Master IELTS General Training Volume 1 Speaking Practice Test 2

Question list

  • Which part of your country do most people live in?

  • Tell me about the main industries there.

  • How easy is it to travel around your country?

  • Has your country changed much since you were a child?

  • Describe a leisure activity you like doing in your free time.

    You should say:

    what kind of activity it is

    how often you do it

    what equipment you need to do it

    and explain why you enjoy doing it.

  • What type of leisure activities are popular in your country?

  • Why it is important for people to have leisure activities?

  • Why are some leisure activities more popular than others?

  • Do you think that parents should choose leisure activities for their children? Why/Why not?

  • Has free time activities among people in your country changed much than that of 2 decades ago?

  • What changes do you think technologies has brought in the way people enjoy their leisure activities?

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the popular leisure activities in my country i think for the men in my country is going to the resturant, having  drinks with their friend and sometimes they also discus about their business while the women in my country spent time with their kids or use leisure time to wash the children cloths and arranging the scarttered houses

i think its impotant for people to have leisure time because to clear their head off somethings about work or studied. all work and no play make jack a dull boy.

i cant really say if one leisure time is more popular than others but what i believe that leisure time is all about individual person and what you feel its convienant or like to do at that time

i dont think parent should choose a leisure time for the childred because childred have away of observing their free time either playing with thier toys or doing one funny things or the other 

cant say but i think its has change people now have different ways how and when they observed their leisure time, ten years ago in my country people free time is either they are reading news papper or staying outside their compound observing the people around them but now people can now go to the cinemas and shopping during their leisure time.

i think technologies has make people to enjoy their leisure time by doing alot of things on your phone with technology you can now buy and sell product on facebook or instagrame at you leisure time


the things i like doing in my free time are
being in my room with my phone or tablet making phone call or chatting with friends and family or you know as a mother of two girls i love plaiting my girls hair instead of spending huge amount of money for their hair i use my leisure time to make their hair. i make my children hair every two weeks on Saturday and i chat with my friends anytime i am free. i love making my children"s hair because its safe me more money and love people admiring the hair i plaite for my kids.


the most part of the country where my people lived is Lagos state, there are alots of job opportunity in lagos and also have time to have fun

i think the main industries in Nigeria are malls and resturant. returant it an easy business that required little capital

it is easy to travel in my country by commercial buses because its cheap although it is time consuming but the best way is to travel groups of friend or family in the bus.

yes , when i was a child we use to send latter through post office but now technology has taking place in my country both adult and children now communicate to their friends and love ones with the use of phones.


it's very good


part 2 and part 3 are different but examples don't match that
