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Master IELTS General Training Volume 1 Speaking Practice Test 1

Question list

  • Could you tell me your full name please? What should I call you?

  • Do you work or are you a student?

  • Can you tell me about your job?

  • When is the busiest time in your job?

  • If you could change your job, what would you prefer to do?

  • What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

  • Do you play a musical instrument?

  • What musical instruments do most people play in your home country? If you can play a musical instrument does this help you to enjoy music more?

  • Describe your favourite teacher.

    You should say:

    •    who this teacher was

    •    what this teacher taught

    •    how long you had this teacher

    and explain why you liked this teacher so much.

  • Did other students also like this teacher?

  • We've been talking about teaching and I'd like to ask you a few questions about teaching and education.

  • What are the qualities of a good teacher?

  • What differences in teaching styles have you experienced with different teachers?

  • Should teachers use discipline in the classroom?

  • Can students learn from computers?

  • Can you describe the education system in your country?

  • When should children start formal schooling?

  • Has education changed since your parents’ day—in the last 25 years? Should education be free?

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My name is Tracy can call me Tracy
I work as a house cleaner
I work in different house  from Monday to Thursday
The busiest time of my job l can say all the days from Monday to Thursday because l will be doing thorough cleaning
I prefer to be a nurse
I enjoy listening to gospelmusic
I don't play musicalinstrument
In my country people enjoy to play guitars,keyboards and piano it really helps because it makes the songs to be more intertain


I tried to answer the question

Ankit Gajera

1. My name is Ankit Kalpeshbhai Gajera but you can call me Ankit.
2. I have a job.
3. I am working as project manager in the field of industrial automation systems and machine learning.
4.Generally my whole days goes busy as I am at senior most post in my company but if any client or other important personal come to visit us then that would be the most busiest day for me.
5. It will depend on what type of job I am getting offered in return. If it has better pay than my current job then I would definitely prefer to change my job.
6. I have various preferences regarding music as it depends on my mood. Generally I tend to listen old Bollywood songs. Kumar Sanu is my favorite.
7. I don't know how to play any musical instrument but if I get a chance I would love to learn how to play guitar.
8. India is very diverse country in every aspect and different person have different likings. It is hard to say what most people like to play in India as India posses every kind of persona and they have different taste regarding music. As for me it will be better experience if I could play any musical instrument.


When I try Part 2 I can answer all the questions in two to three sentences (15 to 20 seconds) and I run out of ideas. Is it advisable to go little off topic in order to prolong it for 1 minute.




Would you all be so kind to evaluate my test? Thanks in advance.


1. My name is Jumayeva Shahrizoda
2. I am a student
3.I go to school and I teach at training centers in my spare time.
4. To be honest, my time at work is to teach young people like me. Because at this time I try to teach my peers a lot and at the same time enjoy their ideas.
5. If I have the opportunity to change my job, I will take a loan from the state, open a large training center and employ students like me.
6. I like to listen to more fun music and if I get addicted to music I will dance no matter what.
7. Yes, I play the guitar. I learned this when I was six, and my grandfather taught me.
8. In our country, people play more of our national instruments. For example rubab, doira, and others. And at the same time, I know how to play the guitar. because this versatile musical instrument can easily play any of my favorite songs. Also, listening to the guitar helps me to have positive thoughts when I’m a little “depressed”.

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