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Design and Use

Design and Use

Exploring the relationship between the architect, client and user, by analysing the design of a series of case study home.


Live Lesson Information

  • 18/03/2020
  • 200+ Attendees
  • 11:00 - 11:51 (GMT -5)
  • Free
  • English
Hester B.
Academic, Canterbury School of Architecture
Having trained as an architect, Hester Buck joined the critical design practice public works, her work explores architecture, art, performance and activism. Public works develops briefs through long term relationships with communities, self-generating funding based on these briefs, as a form of situated practice.

About this live lesson

This webinar will explore the importance of the client in the making of buildings. It will consider the client and wider team as part of architectural project. It will use a series of case study houses to better understand the different approaches to design considering how a building will be used.

Key content

  • "Women and the Making of the Modern Home' Alice T. Friedman’s - to analyse the Shroeder haus, Farnsworth House and the Frankfurt Kitchen
  • 'Lessons for Students in Architecture' Herman Hertzberger - to analyse WeesperStraat Student Accomodation, Netherlands and lacaton and vassal Neppert gardens
  • refer to Peter Blundell Jones, Doina Petrescu, Jeremy Till 'Architecture and Participation' to analyse Walter Segal, Walters Way N"

Who else is joining

Ngoc Anh
Younes SAHRI

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