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Start-up process

Start-up process

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Here's a comprehensive list of vocabulary related to the start-up process for the IELTS band score 4.5-6.0:

  1. Start-up:

    • A newly established business venture, typically characterized by innovation and growth potential.

  2. Entrepreneurship:

    • The activity of setting up and running a business with the aim of making a profit.

  3. Business Plan:

    • A written document outlining the goals, strategies, and financial forecasts for a start-up.

  4. Innovation:

    • Introducing new ideas, products, or methods to the market.

  5. Market Research:

    • The process of gathering and analyzing information about a target market.

  6. Feasibility Study:

    • An assessment of the viability and potential success of a business idea.

  7. Target Audience:

    • The specific group of people that a product or service is intended for.

  8. Value Proposition:

    • The unique value that a product or service offers to customers.

  9. Competitive Advantage:

    • Factors that set a business apart from its competitors.

  10. Funding:

    • The financial resources required to start and operate a business.

  11. Investor:

    • A person or entity that provides funding to a start-up in exchange for ownership or equity.

  12. Pitch:

    • A presentation of a business idea to potential investors or stakeholders.

  13. Prototype:

    • A working model of a product that is used for testing and development.

  14. MVP (Minimum Viable Product):

    • The most basic version of a product that still meets the needs of early customers.

  15. Scaling:

    • The process of growing and expanding a start-up to reach a larger market.

  16. Revenue:

    • The income generated from sales of products or services.

  17. Profit:

    • The amount remaining after deducting expenses from revenue.

  18. Break-even Point:

    • The point at which a company's total revenue equals its total expenses.

  19. Marketing Strategy:

    • The plan for promoting and selling a product or service.

  20. Customer Acquisition:

    • The process of gaining new customers.

  21. Customer Retention:

    • Strategies to keep existing customers and encourage repeat business.

  22. ROI (Return on Investment):

    • The measure of the profitability of an investment.

  23. Cash Flow:

    • The movement of money in and out of a business.

  24. Bootstrapping:

    • Starting and growing a business without external funding.

  25. Leverage:

    • Using borrowed funds or other resources to increase the potential return on investment.

  26. Partnership:

    • A business structure where two or more individuals share ownership and responsibilities.

  27. Legal Entity:

    • The formal structure under which a business operates (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation).

  28. Intellectual Property:

    • Legal rights to inventions, designs, or creative works.

  29. Trademark:

    • A distinctive sign or symbol that identifies a product or service.

  30. Patent:

    • Exclusive rights granted to an inventor for a new invention.

  31. Copyright:

    • Legal protection for original works of authorship.

  32. Niche Market:

    • A small and specialized segment of the market.

  33. Disruption:

    • The process by which a new product or service displaces established competitors.

  34. Pivot:

    • Changing the direction of a business based on customer feedback or market changes.

  35. B2B (Business-to-Business):

    • The exchange of products or services between businesses.

  36. B2C (Business-to-Consumer):

    • The exchange of products or services between businesses and individual customers.

  37. SWOT Analysis:

    • An assessment of a business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

  38. Angel Investor:

    • An individual who provides capital to start-ups in exchange for equity ownership.

  39. Venture Capitalist:

    • A firm or individual that invests in start-ups and small businesses with high growth potential.

  40. Boot Camp:

    • Intensive training or mentorship programs for start-up founders.



These vocabulary words will help you discuss the different aspects of the start-up process, including planning, financing, marketing, and growth strategies. Best of luck with your IELTS preparation!

