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IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 3 Speaking Practice Test 1

Question list

  • Tell me about your country.

    What’s the weather like in your country?

  • Which time of year do you think is best in your country? Why?

  • Have you visited many different parts of your country? Why/Why not?

  • Now let’s talk about your family.

    Do you share a house with any of your family? Who?

  • Do most people in your family live in the same town or village?

  • When did you last have a family party?

  • Which person in your family are you most similar to? How?

  • Describe a place in another part of the world that you would love to visit in the future.

    You should say:

    what you know about the place how you know about it how you would go there

    and explain why you would love to visit that place.

    Who would you go to that place with? Do you enjoy travelling generally?

  • Let’s go on to discuss TV programmes about other places.

    What kinds of TV programme about different places are most popular in your country?

  • Can people learn more about geography from TV than they can from books? Why/Why not?

  • Do you think TV programmes about different places encourage people to travel themselves? Why/Why not?

  • Now let’s talk about visiting other countries.

    For what reasons do you think international travel has increased in recent years?

  • Some people say it’s important for people to find out about another country before they visit it. Do you agree?

  • How useful is it for people to understand the language of the countries they visit? Why?

  • Now let’s consider the tourism industry.

    Does tourism play a big part in the economy of your country? How?

  • What kinds of unpredictable factors can have a negative effect on the tourism industry?

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