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IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 1

IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 1

(1,782 votes)
  • Published on: 13 Dec 2017
  • Tests taken: 597,924

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 692411 
  • 2 Rainbow Communications 
  • 3 white 
  • 4 two/2 boxes 
  • 5 light blue 
  • 6 10 packs/ten packs 
  • 7 (coloured) (floppy) disks 
  • 8 (a/one) wall calendar 
  • 9 (a/new) catalogue 
  • 10 before 11.30/not after 11.30 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 692411 
  • 2 Rainbow Communications 
  • 3 white 
  • 4 two/2 boxes 
  • 5 light blue 
  • 6 10 packs/ten packs 
  • 7 (coloured) (floppy) disks 
  • 8 (a/one) wall calendar 
  • 9 (a/new) catalogue 
  • 10 before 11.30/not after 11.30 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 Royal Museum 
  • 12 Queen's Park Road/Rd 
  • 13 10th Dec(ember) 
  • 14 metal work 
  • 15 (garden)vegetables 
  • 16 coloured stones 
  • 17 (white) paper 
  • 18 Face to Face 
  • 19 pencil drawing 
  • 20 all materials 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 Royal Museum 
  • 12 Queen's Park Road/Rd 
  • 13 10th Dec(ember) 
  • 14 metal work 
  • 15 (garden)vegetables 
  • 16 coloured stones 
  • 17 (white) paper 
  • 18 Face to Face 
  • 19 pencil drawing 
  • 20 all materials 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 forty/40 million 
  • 22 dogs/the dog 
  • 23 (only ate) plants 
  • 24 (The) Polar Bear 
  • 25 (The) Brown Bear 
  • 26 (The) Sun bear 
  • 27 (The) Giant Panda 
  • 28 (The) Sloth Bear 
  • 29 30 B,E 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 forty/40 million 
  • 22 dogs/the dog 
  • 23 (only ate) plants 
  • 24 (The) Polar Bear 
  • 25 (The) Brown Bear 
  • 26 (The) Sun bear 
  • 27 (The) Giant Panda 
  • 28 (The) Sloth Bear 
  • 29 30 B,E 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37 (the) first person 
  • 38 (a)new element/helium 
  • 39 (the) lost planet/(the) new planet/Vulcan 
  • 40 gravity 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37 (the) first person 
  • 38 (a)new element/helium 
  • 39 (the) lost planet/(the) new planet/Vulcan 
  • 40 gravity 


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maria peltz 9.015:15
Larraine Lychartte 9.015:20
4 Truong Khue 9.015:47
5 ou jin xin 9.015:59
6 Truong Khoi 9.016:30
7 Nguyen Hung 9.016:38
8 Anh Nguyen 9.017:05
10 Nikita Polishchuk 9.018:33
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Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-6

Complete the form below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each answer.



ORDER PLACED BY:            John Carter


COMPANY NAME       2  


Size        A4 normal

Colour     3

Quantity   4

Photocopy paper

Colour     5

Quantity   6

  • 1 Answer: 692411

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio Script


    Woman: Right - can I just confirm your account number and the name of your company, John?

    Man: Sure! The account number is 6 9 2 4 double 1

    Woman: Six nine two four one one

    + In this question, we have to find out information about a chain of numbers

    + First of all, we can hear that woman said that she wanted to confirm the man’s account number. This is suggestion for us.

    + Then, the man’s answer is “Sure! The account number is 6 9 2 4 double 1.”

    + Lastly, we can check again the number when she repeats it to confirm. So, we can fill 692411 in the blank.

  • 2 Answer: Rainbow Communications

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio Script


    Woman: ... Right, and you're from 'Rainbow Computers?'

    Man: No. The company is Rainbow Communications.

    +This question requires us to point out the man’s company name.

    + As we hear, right after reconfirm the man’s account number, she has asked the man if Rainbow Computers was his company name, which informs us that the following part will give us the answer of Q2

    + Then, we can hear that the man denied this information and provided his company name which is Rainbow Communications. So, the right answer is Rainbow Communications.

  • 3 Answer: white

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio Script

    Q3. Envelopes

    Colour …

    Woman:  White, yellow or vanilla?

    Man: We'll have the plain white please …


    + We have to write down the colour of the envelopes that the man wanted to order in this question.

    + We can know that the audio is mentioning about this question when the woman ask the man to choose between 3 colours: white, yellow and vanilla.

    + After that, the man’s response which is “We'll have the plain white please” give us the right answer

    + So the missing word in this case is white.

  • 4 Answer: two/2 boxes

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio Script

    Q4. Envelopes

          Quantity …

    Man: … We need a box of A4

    Woman: OK ... One box - A4 - white - just the one box, was it?

    Man: Urn, on second thoughts make that two boxes.

    + This question requires information about the quantity of envelopes that the man needs.

    + When first ordering, he has said that he need only one box, and after that the woman ask to reconfirm the question “just the one box, was it?”

    + But we need to be careful with this question because his response in the audio has changed. Particularly, he said “on second thoughts make that two boxes”. So that the exact answer in this case is 2/two boxes.

    + The missing words we need to fill in the blank space are 2/ two boxes.

  • 5 Answer: light blue

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio Script

    Q5. Photocopy paper


    Man: Yes, we need some coloured photocopy paper. What colours do you have?

    Woman: We've got purple, light blue, blue, light green …

    Man: Let's see ... we're going to need a lot of blue paper … Make sure it's the light blue though ...

    + Just like question 3, this question asks for information about colour of photocopy paper which the man wants to purchase.

    + When he said that he needs some coloured photocopy paper and asks about colours of paper, we have to pay attention to the following information.

    + After choosing among the woman’s recommended colours such as purple, light blue, blue, light green …, he has decided that he need a lot of blue paper, and emphasize on the light blue

    + So, the right answer for this question is light blue.

  • 6 Answer: 10 packs/ten packs

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio Script

    Q6. Photocopy paper

    Quantity …

    Man: … so can you give us ten packs, please …

    Woman: Ten packs of the light blue …

    + Along with decision about colour, the man also mentioned about the quantity of photocopy paper that he need to order. So we can find out the answer for this question at this part too

    + His request which is “so can you give us ten packs, please” and the woman’s reconfirmation “Ten packs of the light blue” are two main clues that help us identify the right answer – ten packs

    + So, in this question, the answer is ten packs/10 packs.

Questions 7-9

List THREE additional things that the man requests.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.   




  • 7 Answer: (coloured) (floppy) disks

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio Script

    Q7. List THREE additional things that the man requests.

    Woman: Pens, paper clips, fax paper, computer supplies, office furniture?

    Man: Oh, yes! We need floppy disks - do you have those nice coloured ones?

    + In this question, we have to point out what three other things that the man requested

    + First, we will hear that the woman list a lots of office things for the man to choose such as pens, paper clips, fax paper, computer supplies, office furniture,…

    + Then, he said “We need floppy disks” and after that he asked her about these disks’ colours so we can conclude that the first one that he requests is (coloured) floppy disks/disks 

  • 8 Answer: (a/one) wall calendar

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio Script

    Q8. List THREE additional things that the man requests

    Woman: … And what about diaries for next year?...

    Man: No - I think we're alright for diaries but something we do need is one of those big wall calendars 

    + Same as Q7, we need to find out the second thing that the man has demand

    + At first, it is easy to hear that the woman introduce the man about diaries but he refuses to buy this product and says that he need “one of those big wall calendars”, which is the right answer for this question.

    + So, we need to fill (a/one) wall calendar in the blank.

  • 9 Answer: (a/new) catalogue

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio Script

    Q.9 List THREE additional things that the man requests

    Woman: Sure - and do you have a copy of our new catalogue?

    Man: No, I don't, but could you send one.


    + This Q9 is also about additional things that the man requests.

    + The woman continues asking her customer if he had a copy of her new catalogue.

    + And his answer is “No, I don't, but could you send one.” which give us the clue for the last one that he needs.

    + So, the answer for this question should be (a/new) catalogue.

Question 10

Complete the notes.


Special instructions:
Deliver goods
  • 10 Answer: before 11.30/not after 11.30

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio Script

    Q10. Special instructions: 

    Deliver goods …

    Man: … And when can you deliver this?

    Woman: Should be with you tomorrow morning.

    Man: Can you make sure that it's not after 11.30am because I have to go out at 12 there's only myself here on Fridays.

    Woman: Fine - I'll make a note on the delivery docket that they should deliver before half past eleven …

    + This question requires us to find out the special request of the client about delivering goods

    + First, we will hear in the audio the saying of the man “And when can you deliver this?”, which inform us that this following part will mention about this question.

    + Then, the woman offers that the deliver time is tomorrow morning

    + The man’s response is “Can you make sure that it's not after 11.30am”, which means that he agrees with the suggestion and in addition, he has a special instruction: deliver goods before 11.30am/not after 11.30am

    + So, for this question, we will fill before 11.30/not after 11.30

Part 1
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Section 1

Recorded voice: Thank you for calling Millenium Office Supplies. If you would like to place an order, please press one. Your call has been placed in a queue. A customer service operator will be with you shortly.

Woman:    Gina speaking. How can I help you?

Man:     Oh, hello - I'd like to order some stationery, please.

Woman:    And who am I speaking to?

Man:     John Carter.

Woman:    Right - can I just confirm your account number and the name of your company, John?

Man:     Sure! The account number is 6 9 2 4 double 1

Woman:    Six nine two four one one. Right, and you're from 'Rainbow Computers?'

Man:     No. The company is Rainbow Communications

Woman:    Oh, OK, I'll just fix that on the system ... communications. And what would you like to order, John?

Man:     Envelopes. We need a box of A4 - that is, normal size envelopes

Woman:    White, yellow or vanilla?

Man:     We'll have the plain white please - but the ones with the little windows

Woman:    OK ... One box - A4 - white - just the one box, was it?

Man:     Um, on second thoughts make that two boxes. We go through heaps of envelopes. As a matter of interest. Are they made from recycled paper?

Woman:    No. You can't get white recycled paper. The recycled ones are grey and they're more expensive actually.

Man:     Right - we'll stick to white then.

Woman:    Something else, John?

Man:     Yes, we need some coloured photocopy paper. What colours do you have?

Woman:    We've got purple, light blue, blue, light green - whatever you want, pretty much. There are 500 sheets to the pack.

Man:     Let's see ... we're going to need a lot of blue paper for our new price lists so can you give us ten packs, please. Make sure it's the light blue though ...

Woman:    Ten packs of the light blue. Anything else that we can help you with?

Man:     Let me think ... what else do we need? I'm sure there was something else.

Woman:    Pens, paper clips, fax paper, computer supplies, office furniture?

Man:     Oh, yes! We need floppy disks - do you have those nice coloured ones?

Woman:    Yes, but they're a bit more expensive than the black ones.

Man:     That's alright. I'm not paying, anyway!

Woman:    Right. Floppy disks. And what about diaries for next year? We've got them in stock already and it's a good idea to order early.

Man:     No - I think we're alright for diaries but something we do need is one of those big wall calendars - you know, one that shows the whole year at a glance. Do you stock those?

Woman:    We certainly do.

Man:     OK - can you include a wall calendar then, with the other stuff. Just make sure it's got the whole year on the one side.

Woman:    Sure - and do you have a copy of our new catalogue?

Man:     No, I don't, but could you send one.

Woman:    Yes! I'll pop one in with the order. You'll find it a lot easier to remember what you need if you have our catalogue in front of you next time.

Man:     Yes, good idea. And when can you deliver this?

Woman:    Should be with you tomorrow morning.

Man:     Can you make sure that it's not after 11.30am because I have to go out at 12 there's only myself here on Fridays.

Woman:    Fine - I'll make a note on the delivery docket that they should deliver before half past eleven. Thanks very much.

Man:     Thanks.


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