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IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 1

IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 1

(1,782 votes)
  • Published on: 13 Dec 2017
  • Tests taken: 598,042

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 Mitchell 
  • 2 66 
  • 3 Education 
  • 4 994578ED 
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 Mitchell 
  • 2 66 
  • 3 Education 
  • 4 994578ED 
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 fishing village 
  • 12 pine trees 
  • 13 marshland/marsh(es) 
  • 14 sunbeds and umbrellas 
  • 15 kilometers 
  • 16 flag system/flags 
  • 17 north(-)west 
  • 18 white cliffs 
  • 19 sand(-)banks 
  • 20 food and drink 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 fishing village 
  • 12 pine trees 
  • 13 marshland/marsh(es) 
  • 14 sunbeds and umbrellas 
  • 15 kilometers 
  • 16 flag system/flags 
  • 17 north(-)west 
  • 18 white cliffs 
  • 19 sand(-)banks 
  • 20 food and drink 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 (course) booklists/reading list(s) 
  • 22 recommended 
  • 23 sales figures 
  • 24 year (group) 
  • 25 catalogues 
  • 26 letters/correspondence 
  • 27 inspection/free copies 
  • 28 value (for money) 
  • 29 clear/easy to use 
  • 30 easy to use/clear 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 (course) booklists/reading list(s) 
  • 22 recommended 
  • 23 sales figures 
  • 24 year (group) 
  • 25 catalogues 
  • 26 letters/correspondence 
  • 27 inspection/free copies 
  • 28 value (for money) 
  • 29 clear/easy to use 
  • 30 easy to use/clear 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31
  • 32 33 A,D 
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36 (a) competition(s) 
  • 37 design and print 
  • 38 style/technique 
  • 39 categories 
  • 40 two/2 names 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31
  • 32 33 A,D 
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36 (a) competition(s) 
  • 37 design and print 
  • 38 style/technique 
  • 39 categories 
  • 40 two/2 names 


Minh Nguyễn 9.015:59
Shiela Rose 9.016:11
Rafeef Alyousef 9.016:20
4 Linh Chi 9.016:28
5 Nurislom Samariddinov 9.017:28
6 Gohar Mirzoyan 9.018:15
7 Vu Phuong Anh 9.018:22
8 Eldana Bektenalieva 9.019:16
9 Gia An Dang 9.019:19
10 Rudra Kansara 9.020:19
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Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-4

Complete the form below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each answer

Conference Registration Form


Name of Conference: Beyond 2000

Name: Melanie Ms  1

Address: Room 2 , at Women's College Newtown

Faculty: 3

Student No: 4


  • 1 Answer: Mitchell
    • The keyword concerned in Q1 is “Name”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a name after Melanie .

    • The answer for Q1 is quite noticeable as the student directly tells us her name, which is Mitchell and the woman is confirming the student’s name by spelling it.


    Note: The only thing confusing here is after the student confirmed that the woman was spelling her name correctly, she added that's Ms not Miss, which may trouble some candidates. However, candidates should ignore this distraction because the name is confirmed.  

  • 2 Answer: 66
    • The keyword concerned in Q2 should be Address and Room

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer should be a number

    • The woman’s question “what's your address?” can be seen as a suggestion for the answer’s appearance. However, the question here focus on Room, therefore candidates should pay attention when hearing the word “ROOM

    • after the word “Room”, number 66 is mentioned

  • 3 Answer: Education
    • The keyword concerned in Q3 is Faculty”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a nouns.

    • The woman’s question “ And which Faculty are you studying in?” is a suggestion for the answer’s appearance. Candidates should pay attention to the word comes after “Faculty”, which is Education.

    • The adding information about her course “Master's in Primary School Teaching.” might confuse some candidates if they do not know what Faculty means . However, due to the limit in the number of words (3) and because Education  comes right after the suggested word Faculty, candidates should overcome this distraction.

  • 4 Answer: 994578ED
    • The keyword concerned in Q4 is “Student No”. Therefore candidates should focus when hearing related words “student” and “number”

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a string of numbers and maybe there will be letters also.

    • The student says her “number is” and a little pause comes after that to suggest candidates that the next part should be the answer “  9 9 4 5 7 8 E D .”

    Note: Sometime candidates expect student number contains number only, not letters, so when it comes to 2 letters “ E D” at the end, they may get confused.

Questions 5-10

Circle the correct letters A-C.


Registration for:

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: C
  • The keyword concerned in Q5 is “Registration for ”. From the answers from the choices, candidates should understand that they are expecting the information about the length of conference the student would like to take.

  • From the conversation, we are aware that the conference lasted for three days. There are a few adding details ( such as “ it is possible to register for half a day only.”) given by the woman which may distract candidates. However, candidates should focus on the student answer, here she said that “I'll register for  all three days . please.” all three days suggests the choice of C - Full conference  


Accommodation required:

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: B
  • The keyword concerned in Q6 is “Accommodation ”. From the choices, candidates understand that they should focus on the details about room and bathroom, whether it is share/ own.

  • Similarly to the previous Question, there are a few adding details given by the woman such as the price of each choice which may distract candidates. However, candidates should focus on the student answer, here she said that “ I'll have my own room, but I'll share the bathroom .” which suggests the choice of B - Own room/share bathroom

  • Even when the candidates narrow their focus on the student answer, it is confusing when she suddenly changed her mind. As she first said “I don't mind sharing a room” , candidates might rush to choice A- share room. However, the student quickly changed her mind as she said “On second thoughts, yes I do (mind the fact of sharing room)” and corrected her choice of Own room/share bathroom right after that.


Meals required:

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: B
  • The keywords concerned in Q7 are Meals required. From the choices candidates know that the student would choose one of three meal among Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  • When hearing the test, candidates notice that the woman had changed the topic when she was then talking about meals . Once again, candidates should focus on the answer of the student and here the choice is quite clear as she said “  I'll have the lunch but not the dinner or breakfast “. So the answer is B - lunch


Friday SIGs:

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: A
  • The keywords concerned in Q8 are Friday and SIGs ( which is mentioned more specifically in the choices) give candidates a hint that the woman is now mention about what groups was organised.

  • Once again, pay more attention on the student’s answer. This is quite tricky as she mentioned about 3 SIGs; however she shown her interest in “ technology in the classroom” clearly as she said “ technology in the classroom is really my area of interest rather than reading, so “I'll go for that.” Hence, the answer is here is A. Computers in Education.



Saturday SIGs:

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: C
  • The keywords concerned in Q9 are “Saturday ” and SIGs ( which are Cultural Differences, Music in the Curriculum, Gender Issues)

  • Focus on the student when she was speaking, she did not repeat the term appeared in Choices; however, candidates should be able to link her interst “I am really interested in how boys and girls behave differently” with the choice C- Gender issues. As “gender” and “Boys and Girls” are talking about the same things.  


Method of payment:

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: A
  • The keywords concerned in Q10 are Method of payment and candidates should expect her answer from three choices : Cash, card and Cheque.

  • Focus on the student and her answer was clear as she said “  I'll have to put it on my card 'cos I don't have enough cash on me”. So the answer is A-Credit card

Part 1
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Section 1

Student:    Good morning!

Woman:    Good morning - can I help you?

Student:    Yes, is this where we register for the Beyond 2000 Conference?

Woman:    Yes? What's your name and I'll get your conference bag.

Student:    Well ... I haven't actually registered yet. I was told I'd be able to register today, so I hope that's OK ... I've just arrived in Melbourne.

Woman:    That should be fine, if you're a student. I'll need to take your details though. So can I have your full name?

Student:    Yes, sure. It's Melanie Mitchell.

Woman:    Is that M I T C H E double L?

Student:    Yes, that's right and that's Ms not Miss.

Woman:    OK, fair enough! And what's your address, Melanie?

Student:    I live in student accommodation at Sydney University. So my address there is Room 66. Women's College. Newtown.

Woman:    OK. And which Faculty are you studying in?

Student:    I'm in the Faculty of Education - I'm doing a Master's in Primary School Teaching.

Woman:    Right, and may I see your student card because I need to verify that you're a current student?

Student:    Yes, sure. Here it is. My number is ... 9 9 4 5 7 8 E D.

Woman:    OK - now do you want to attend all three days? The conference runs from Thursday to Saturday.

Student:    Yes, I think so - if I can afford it. What does it cost?

Woman:    Well, you're eligible for a student discount - which makes it $15 for a day registration or $40 for the three days, though it is possible to register for half a day only.

Student:    I'll register for all three days. please.

Woman:    Good ... now will you be requiring accommodation while you're here in Melbourne?

Student:    Yes, I suppose I will. What's available?

Woman:    Well... we have several levels of accommodation. You can share a room with another student for $25 a night.

Student:    Urn.

Woman:    Or you can have your own room but share the bathroom - I believe it's just down the corridor - that's $45.

Student:    Right.

Woman:    Or you can have a single room with your own bathroom .

Student:    I don't mind sharing a room ... On second thoughts, yes I do - I'll have my own room, but I'll share the bathroom.

Woman:    Right ... Now the conference fee does not include meals though you d o get tea and coffee in the breaks. Shall I put you down for lunch - that's an extra $10 a day and there's the conference dinner on Friday night which is $25 ... oh, and what about breakfast?

Student:    Hang on a minute ... it's all starting to sound rather expensive! I'll have the lunch but not the dinner or breakfast - if that's OK?

Woman:    Perfectly OK. Now ... a couple of other things - there are a number of special interest groups organised - they're known as SIG's and you're asked to nominate your preference. They'll take place on the Friday afternoon and Saturday morning but they're filling up quickly which is why you need to nominate now.

Student:    Right. What are the SIG's?

Woman:    Well, there are six altogether. Let's see, on Friday you have a choice between Computers in Education or Teaching Reading Skills...

Student:    Urn...

Woman:    ... or a session on Catering for the Gifted Child.

Student:    Oh they all sound interesting but technology in the classroom is really my area of interest rather than reading, so I'll go for that. I can probably read up on the gifted child topic myself.

Woman:    Right ... And then the Saturday options are: a session on Cultural Differences; or there's Music in the Primary Curriculum or you could go to the one on Gender Issues in the Classroom.

Student:    Wow! Can I go to them all? They all sound fascinating.

Woman:    'Fraid not.

Student:    Well, I am really interested in how bovs and girls behave differently, even when they are very young, so I'd better opt for the third session even though the Cultural Differences SIG is probably really interesting, too.

Woman:    Right!

Student:    ... and the Music option would be ...

Woman:    And how would you like to pay? We accept most credit cards - or bank cheques but not personal cheques, I'm afraid. Been caught out too often before - and cash, of course. We never say 'No' to cash.

Student:    I'll have to put it on my card 'cos I don't have enough cash on me, right now.

Woman:    That's fine. Enjoy your time here with us in Melbourne...


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