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IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 1

IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 1

(1,782 votes)
  • Published on: 13 Dec 2017
  • Tests taken: 598,042

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5 Hagerty 
  • 6 ricky45 
  • 7 29(th) February 
  • 8 business 
  • 9 conversation/to communicate 
  • 10 (at) school 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5 Hagerty 
  • 6 ricky45 
  • 7 29(th) February 
  • 8 business 
  • 9 conversation/to communicate 
  • 10 (at) school 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 loyal 
  • 12 statue 
  • 13 (possibly) count 
  • 14 gentle (nature) 
  • 15 donations/donors 
  • 16 search and rescue 
  • 17 (international) database 
  • 18 love their food/love food/love eating 
  • 19 80 people/eighty people 
  • 20 in a team 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 loyal 
  • 12 statue 
  • 13 (possibly) count 
  • 14 gentle (nature) 
  • 15 donations/donors 
  • 16 search and rescue 
  • 17 (international) database 
  • 18 love their food/love food/love eating 
  • 19 80 people/eighty people 
  • 20 in a team 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 father's workshop 
  • 22 1824 
  • 23 night writing 
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28 30 B,C,E 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 father's workshop 
  • 22 1824 
  • 23 night writing 
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28 30 B,C,E 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 (particular) events 
  • 32 string(s) 
  • 33 14 days 
  • 34 (a) fortnight/2 weeks/two weeks 
  • 35 (over) six months/6 months 
  • 36 language 
  • 37 retrieve/recall/recover 
  • 38 (an) argument 
  • 39 70% 
  • 40 40% 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31 (particular) events 
  • 32 string(s) 
  • 33 14 days 
  • 34 (a) fortnight/2 weeks/two weeks 
  • 35 (over) six months/6 months 
  • 36 language 
  • 37 retrieve/recall/recover 
  • 38 (an) argument 
  • 39 70% 
  • 40 40% 


luqyana f 9.015:14
Ngân Võ 9.015:19
Francisco Albera 9.015:20
4 Quỳnh Anh 9.015:21
5 quan nguyen 9.015:33
6 Adil Mehdiyev 9.015:57
7 Thanh Trúc 9.016:01
8 Thạch Vũ Lê Quân 9.016:35
9 Bhargav Rishi 9.016:48
10 GAURAV JOSHI 9.016:57
Tips for improving your ielts score
IELTS Mock Test Reading

IELTS Mock Test Reading

Reading is the second part of the IELTS test, and takes 60 minutes. It consists of three or sometimes four reading passages of increasing difficulty,...

(18 votes)
22 Aug 2018

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-4

Circle the correct letters A-C.


Which course is the man interested in?

A. English

B. Mandarin

C. Japanese


What kind of course is the man seeking?

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: B

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q1. . What kind of course is the man seeking?

A. Daytime

B. Evenings

C. Weekends

Man:     Oh! I couldn't manage full time as I work every day but evenings would be fine and certainly preferable to weekends.

Woman: Well, we don't offer courses at the weekend anyway

The keywords concerned in Q1 are “what course”, “seeking”

Following the conversation, we can hear the man mentioned “evenings would be fine and certainly preferable to weekends”, but the woman said that “they don’t offer courses at the weekend anyway”.

Thus, the correct answer for Q1 should beB. evenings


How long does the man want to study?

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: A

Q2. How long does the man want to study?

A. 12 weeks

B. 6 months

C. 8 months


Woman:     Well, we don't offer courses at the weekend anyway, but let me run through your options. We have a 12-week intensive course three hours three nights a week - that's our crash course! Or an eight month course two nights a week

Man:     I think the crash course would suit me best as I'll be leaving for Japan in six months time.

The keywords concerned in Q2 are “how long”, “want to study”

Following the conversation, we can hear the woman mentioned 2 courses, one is 12-week intensive course and another is eight-month course”, but the man said that “the crash course would suit me best”.

“Crash” means “very fast”. That means the man wants to study “12-week intensive course”.

Thus, the correct answer for Q2 should beA. 12 weeks


What proficiency level is the student?

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: B

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q3. What proficiency level is the student?

A. Beginner

B. Intermediate

C. Advanced


Woman:     Are you a beginner?

Man:     Not a complete beginner, no!

Woman:     Well ... we offer the courses at three levels, beginners, lower intermediate and upper intermediate, though we don't always run them all. It depends very much on demand.

Man:     I'd probably be at the lower intermediate level - as I did some Japanese at school but that was ages ago.

The keywords concerned in Q3 is “what level”, “student”

Following the conversation, we can hear the man said that he is not a complete beginner, so we could rule out option A.

When the woman mentioned other levels (lower intermediate, upper intermediate), the man said that he is at the lower intermediate level.

Thus, the correct answer for Q3 should beB. Intermediate


When does the man want to start the course?

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: C

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q4. . When does the man want to start the course?

A. March

B. June

C. September


Woman:     Right, well the next Level Two course begins on Monday 12th September - there are still some places on that one - otherwise you'd have to wait until January or March.

Man:     No - I'd prefer the next course.


The keywords concerned in Q4 is “what level”, “student”

Following the conversation, we can hear the man said that he’d prefer the next course (on Monday 12thSeptember)

Thus, the correct answer for Q4 should beC. September

Questions 5-10

Complete the form.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Language Centre

Client Information Card

Name: Richard 5

E-mail address: 6

Date of birth: 7 1980

Reason for studying Japanese: 8

Specific learning needs: 9

Place of previous study (if any): 10

  • 5 Answer: Hagerty


    Name: Richard

    Woman: What's your name? Family name first.

    Man: Hagerty. Richard.

    Woman: H A G A R T Y?

    Man: No. H AG E RTY

    The keywords concerned in Q5 is “name”, the answer for Q5 should be the man’s family name.

    Following the conversation, we can hear the woman spelled the man’s name, but it was wrong, the man spelled it again. The answer is H-A-G-E-R-T-Y.

    Thus, the correct answer for Q5 should be “Hagerty”

  • 6 Answer: ricky45

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage


    E-mail address: _________

    Woman: Right. What's your email address?

    Man: It's ricky45 - that's one word R I C K Y 4 5, at hotmail dot com.

    The keywords concerned in Q6 is “e-mail address”, the answer for Q6 should be a sequence of letter and number.

    Following the conversation, we can hear the man spelled his e-mail address as one word Because “” appeared in Q6.

    Thus, the correct answer for Q6 should be “Ricky45”

  • 7 Answer: 29(th) February


    Date of birth: _________1980

    Woman: What's your date of birth?

    Man: I was born on 29th February 1980.

    Woman: ... 1980! So you're a leap year baby! That's unusual.

    The keywords concerned in Q7 is “date of birth”, the answer for Q7 should be a date.

    Following the conversation, we can hear the man said he was born on 29th February 1980

    Because 1980 appeared in Q7, the answer for Q7 should be 29th February.

    Thus, the correct answer for Q7 should be “29th February”

    Note: You may guest the man’s date of birth when the woman said that “he is a leap year baby”, it refers to people who were born in 29th February.

  • 8 Answer: business

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage


    Reason for studying Japanese: _______

    Woman: What are your main reasons for studying Japanese? Business, travel or general interest.

    Man: My company's sending me to Japan for two years.

    Woman: Alright - I'll put down “Business”

    The keyword concerned in Q8 is “reason”

    Following the conversation, we can hear the woman mentioned “business, travel or general interest” as reason for studying Japanese. And finally, she chose “business” to write down.

    Thus, the correct answer for Q8 should be “Business”

  • 9 Answer: conversation/to communicate

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage


    Specific learning needs: _________

    Woman:…And do you have any specific needs? Will there be an emphasis on written language? For instance, will you need to know how to write business letters, that sort of thing?

    Man: No. But I will need to be able to communicate with people on a day-to-day basis.

    Woman: OK so I'll put down ' conversation '.

    Man: Yes….

    The keyword concerned in Q9 is “specific needs”

    Following the conversation, we can hear the woman mentioned “conversation” as specific needs and the man said “Yes”.

    Thus, the correct answer for Q9 should be “Conversation”

  • 10 Answer: (at) school


    Place of previous study (if any): _______

    Woman: You said you'd studied some Japanese. Where did you study?

    Man: Three years at school. Then I gave it up so I've forgotten a fair bit. You know how it is with languages if you don't have the chance to use them.

    The keywords concerned in Q8 are “place”, “previous study”

    Following the conversation, we can easily hear the man said that he used to study Japanese at school.

    Thus, the correct answer for Q10 should be “School”

Part 1
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Section 1

Woman:    Good morning! University Language Centre. How can I help you?

Man:     I'm interested in doing a language course. I did Mandarin last year and now I'd like to do Japanese. Can you give me some information about what courses are available at your centre and when they start. That sort of thing?

Woman:    Yes, certainly. Well, we actually offer a number of courses in Japanese at different levels. Are you looking for full time or part time?

Man:     Oh! I couldn't manage full time as I work every day but evenings would be fine and certainly preferable to weekends.

Woman:    Well, we don't offer courses at the weekend anyway, but let me run through your options. We have a 12-week intensive course three hours three nights a week - that's our crash course! Or an eight month course two nights a week

Man:     I think the crash course would suit me best as I'll be leaving for Japan in six months time.

Woman:    Are you a beginner?

Man:     Not a complete beginner, no!

Woman:    Well ... we offer the courses at three levels, beginners, lower intermediate and upper intermediate, though we don't always run them all. It depends very much on demand.

Man:     I'd probably be at the lower intermediate level - as I did some Japanese at school but that was ages ago.

Woman:    Right, well the next Level Two course begins on Monday 12th September - there are still some places on that one - otherwise you'd have to wait until January or March.

Man:     No - I'd prefer the next course.

Woman:    Right! Can I get some details from you then so I can send you some information?

Man:     Sure!

Woman:    What's your name? Family name first.

Man:     Hagerty. Richard.

Woman:    H A G A R T Y?

Man:     No. H AG E RTY

Woman:    Oh, OK! And your address, Richard?

Man:     Well perhaps you could email it to me.

Woman:    Right. What's your email address?

Man:     It's ricky45 - that's one word R I C K Y 4 5, at hotmail dot com.

Woman:    And I just need some other information for our statistics. This helps us offer the best possible courses and draw up a profile of our students.

Man:     Fine!

Woman:    What's your date of birth?

Man:     I was born on 29th February 1980.

Woman: ... 1980! So you're a leap year baby! That's unusual.

Man:     Yes - it is!

Woman:    ... and just one or two other questions for our market research, if you don't mind.

Man:     No, that's fine.

Woman:    What are your main reasons for studying Japanese? Business, travel or general interest.

Man:     My company's sending me to Japan for two years.

Woman:    Alright - I'll put down 'Business'. And do you have any specific needs? Will there be an emphasis on written language? For instance, will you need to know how to write business letters, that sort of thing?

Man:     No. But I will need to be able to communicate with people on a day-to-day basis.

Woman:    OK so I'll put down 'conversation'.

Man:     Yes, because I already know something about the writing system at an elementary level and I don't anticipate having to read too much.

Woman:    You said you'd studied some Japanese. Where did you study?

Man:     Three years at school. Then I gave it up so I've forgotten a fair bit. You know how it is with languages if you don't have the chance to use them.

Woman:    Yes, but I'm sure it will all come back to you once you get going again. Now once we receive your enrolment form we'll …


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