Answer Keys:
# | User | Score | Time | |
Suraj P | | 9.0 | 15:04 | |
Ranya Mahgoub | | 9.0 | 15:08 | |
Do Kion | | 9.0 | 15:15 | |
4 | thái nguyễn | | 9.0 | 15:16 |
5 | Shallom Banjoko | | 9.0 | 15:18 |
6 | Disha Rani | | 9.0 | 15:24 |
7 | tô duy | | 9.0 | 15:26 |
8 | SA M | | 9.0 | 15:29 |
9 | tungalag.g | | 9.0 | 15:30 |
10 | Prarabdh Chaturvedi | | 9.0 | 15:33 |
You will be allowed 1 hour to complete all 3 sections of the IELTS Academic Reading test.
Review & Explanations:
Complete the form below.
Example | Answer |
Survey on: | community center |
Age: | 1 |
Postcode: | 2 |
Where? | 3 |
Where? | 4 |
Where? | 5 |
Note: there are 3 ages mentioned here. “16”, “59”, and “60”. Any misunderstanding or inattention may result in incorrect answer.
Katie offers the resident to tell her his postcode “I just need your postcode”. The resident said that “It’s HA8”. But it not enough for the question. Finally , he said that “it’s H-A-8-7-U-P “. Therefore, the answer for Q2 must be “H-A-8-7-U-P”. |
Katie asks the resident “Do you currently use public computers anywhere in town?”. The resident answer that “I go to my local library.” Therefore, the answer for Q3 must be “local library”. |
Katie asks the resident about sports facilities “what about local sports facilities”. And the resident responds that “I get down to the swimming pool at least twice a week”. Thus, the answer for Q4 must be “swimming pool”. |
Katie asks the resident that “Are you currently attending any courses?” the resident responds that “Yes, I go to Spanish classes”. Therefore, the answer for Q5 must be “Spanish classes”. |
Complete the form below.
New sports: | 6 |
Classes organized only for: | 7 |
Education classes: | 8 |
Willing to pay about: | £ 9 for new classes. |
Possible frequency of visits, if improvements made? | 10 a week |
Katie asks the resident “Which sports do you think the community centre should offer that it doesn’t already?” The resident reponds “I know it’s very popular these day. “Yes, yoga and badminton.” Therefore, the answer for Q6 must be “yoga and badminton”. Note: “these day” in passage is similar to “New sports” in the question. Because “these day” have new two sports and the resident who used to play. This is direction go to the answer. |
According to the question we can know that “Classes organized only for” so we can know from the resident who said that I know that if there were classes only for pensioners” . Therefore, the answer for Q7 must be “pensioners”. |
Katie asks the resident that “What kind of classes do you think the centre should offer that it doesn’t already?” the resident responds that “em...things like arts and crafts”. Therefore, the answer for Q5 must be “arts and crafts”. |
Katie asks the resident about the pay “I need to ask you whether you would be willing to pay for any of the services” and the resident reponds that “Something like two pounds per class”. Therefore, the answer for Q9 must be “two pounds” |
Source 1
Source 2
(K = Katie; R = resident)
K: Hi, good afternoon sir, er … excuse me! Could you spare a minute please?
R: Oh, hello. Sorry, I was in a world of my own … I didn’t hear you there.
K: No problem. My name’s Katie and I’m a second year sociology student. We’re doing a research project on the importance of community centres to local residents . May I ask, are you a resident of Molton?
R: Yes, I am.
K: That’s perfect. Would you mind answering some questions about the facilities you use? It won’t take very long…
R: Of course, I’d be happy to answer any questions you have. far !
K: Great! OK. the first questions are to do with you. So can I ask how old you are? We need to know for statistical purposes later.
R: Well, I’d like to say 16 but I’m 59, 60 next week in fact.
K: Congratulations for next week! Now I just need your postcode, and then we’ll get started.
R: Right, well that’s an easy one. It’s HA8 .
K: 7-A-8 … H-Q-P, was that right?
R: No my dear, it’s H-A-8-7-U-P.
K: Right… OK. Sorry for the confusion.
R: That’s quite alright. Now what about these questions?
K: Yes, let’s get started … So one of the most important things we need to know is which of the facilities you already use.
R: Right OK.
K: OK, what about computer facilities? Do you currently use public computers anywhere in town?
R: Yes. I do. I go to my local library.
K: Great,… just jotting that down. OK, what about local sports facilities?
R: Yes, I get down to the swimming pool at least twice a week.
K: And education facilities? Are you currently attending any courses?
R: Yes, I go to Spanish classes every Friday at the further education college.
K- That’s great! I must say, you’re very active.
K: OK, we’re halfway through. The next bit is all about how the community centre could be improved , if at all, that is.
R: I see. Well, I’ll give it a go!
K: Well firstly, I’d like to find out your views on sports facilities. Which sports do you think the community centre should offer that it doesn’t already?
R: Mmm… Well, I’m not going to say swimming as there’s no point having two pools in a town of this size. Let me think … um, what, about yoga? I know it’s very popular these days. Yes, yoga and badminton. I used to play you know.
K: Really?
R: Yes, and I was quite good though I’m probably a bit rusty now. It’s been years.
K: OK, do you think the classes should be split into groups?
R: Yes, that’s a good idea. I know that if there were classes only for pensioners. I’d definitely be more likely to play. I’m not a fast as I once was, you know.
K: OK, I’ll just write that, down … Great! Now, we’re nearly done. I just need to ask you some questions about education. What kind of classes do you think the centre should offer that it doesn’t already?
R: Well, I suppose the kind of thing that’s no longer offered at the local college, em … things like arts and crafts. Those kinds of classes have now closed as they weren’t financially viable , apparently.
K: Yes, I heard about that. It was such a shame. Those kinds of classes are so important for the psychological well-being of those most vulnerable in a community. OK, I’ve written that down. Now, I need to ask you whether you would be willing to pay for any of the services we were just talking about.
R: Umm, as long as it wasn’t too much, I have nothing against contributing. Something like two pounds per class seems like a reasonable rate for an old man like me!
K: OK, era … and lastly then, I just need to know how regularly you think you will use the new facilities if the community centre makes the changes you have suggested.
R: Well, I’d say three times a week, which is more than I go at the moment. I only bother on Mondays and Wednesdays , as there’s nothing else on during the week that interests me. But I would definitely get out of the house more if they were to make those kinds of changes.