Answer Keys:
# | User | Score | Time | |
Nguyen Hong Phuc | | 9.0 | 15:12 | |
Praveen K | | 9.0 | 15:16 | |
Nguyen Minh | | 9.0 | 15:21 | |
4 | sunny xtremee | | 9.0 | 15:33 |
5 | Vũ Thị Phương | | 9.0 | 15:43 |
6 | kiki kaka | | 9.0 | 16:20 |
7 | DHAVAL SHAH | | 9.0 | 16:31 |
8 | Minh Châu Phan | | 9.0 | 16:36 |
9 | AN Fei | | 9.0 | 16:38 |
10 | MAC JOSEPH | | 9.0 | 16:40 |
Have you ever come across some words that just simply confused you? Let's take a look at some of the words that even a native speaker might find...
Review & Explanations:
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
When Julie phones, Mike is
A. on his lunch break.
C. in a meeting
Which type of policy do they choose?
Note: the candidates easily confuse the answer is gold when hear Julie said “let’s get the gold". But right then, Mike said that “sorry, don't you...” to confirm the idea of Julie not gold but rather silver. |
How much does the policy cost for group cover?
How will they pay?
Note: The candidates may get a little bit confusion while Julie mentioning to debit cards and cash. But listening carefully, you will hear those forms have many disadvantages. |
How much did the camera cost?
Note: The two prices 500 pounds and 300 pounds after don't affect to the answer. |
Complete the form below.
Name(s) | Mike Wood |
Address | 5 |
D.O.B | 6 (format: dd/mm/yyyy) |
Emergency contact number | 7 |
Main policy holder | 8 |
Date of departure | 9 (format: date, for example: 2rd June) |
Date of return | 10 (format: date, for example: 2rd June) |
Note: As Julie repeat the number, the candidate may be confused the number to 0-8-9 , so the high concentration is necessary for listening. |
Note: The candidate may be misled to the 16th of July and the 31st of July. Mike misremember the 16th and the 31st is the date of return. |
Source 1
Source 2
(J – Julie; M = Mike)
J: Hi Mike! It’s Julie. Listen, I know you’re really busy , but we need to book our travel insurance . We’re leaving in a couple of days after all.
M: Yeah sure. I’m on my lunch break, so go ahead!
J: OK, well my first question is what type of insurance do we need? I wasn’t sure which to choose. Do we want the bronze , silver, gold or platinum type of policy?
M: What’s the difference?
J: Well the first only covers medical expenses , the second covers medical and our baggage , and the gold all of that plus consolation , and the platinum covers everything, including legal expenses.
M: OK, well if we’re travelling in two days’ time, we don’t really need the cancellation policy , do we? What do you think?
J: Well, personally, the only thing that’s really necessary is the medical cover .
M: Yeah, but would you think that if you had everything stolen?
J: Yeah, maybe you’re right. Let’s get the gold.
M: Sorry, don’t you mean the silver? I thought we agreed that we don’t need the cancellation cover.
J: Oh yeah. You’re right. Silver it is.
M: So, how much is that going to cost us?
J: Well, there are two of us so let’s see … it’s … pounds for single cover and 40 pounds for a group of up to three people.
M: But there are only two of us.
J: I know, but it’s still cheaper than doing two individual policies. That would cost £50.
M: OK. Group cover it is.
J: Right, now, how are we going to pay? If we pay by debit card, there’ll be a five per cent discount but I only have a credit card and there’s a two and a half per cent charge for that. They don’t have an office in central London so we can’t pay by cash .
M: Oh really? What a pain!
J: OK. well. I’ll just have to use my credit card then.
M: Great. That’s sorted then. What else is there?
J: Well, you know that new expensive camry you bought and you were hoping to take some great pictures with?
M: Yes…
J: Well, the policy only covers equipment up to the value of £200 and didn’t you say it cost 1,000 pounds ?
M: No. I bought it for $1000.
J: Yeah, but that’s still more than 200 pounds isn’t it?
M: Well at the time that was around 500 pounds but it’s worth less than that now, maybe only £300.
J: So … to cover it you’d need to pay extra.
M: Mmm …
J: I just need to check your personal details to complete this online form and then we’ll be sorted.
M: OK. What do you need to know?
J: Firstly, I need to make sure I’ve got your full name. It’s Mike Wood, right?
M: Yep.
J: Right…, next I need your address.
M: It’s 17 Hanley Gardens. Hanley spelt H-A-N-L-E-Y.
J: Just writing that down … 17 Hanley Street…
M: No, Gardens!
J: Oops! My mistake! OK, what’s your date of birth?
M: That’s 23 - 07 - 70 .
J: Right, so now I need an emergency contact number. It’s your mobile right?
M: Yes, it’s. 0793245098
J: Was that 0-8-9?
M: No, 0-9-8. Anything else?
J: Well, they need the main policyholder . Who would that be?
M: I think that would be you, since you’re paying for it with your card.
J: Of course! So I just type in Julie Bennett… Hang on just typing B-E- N-N-E-T-T. OK, we’re just about done. All I need to do is enter the dates of departure and return.
M: Well, we leave on Friday, which is the 16th.
J: No it isn’t. It’ll be the 17th.
M: Are you sure? Let me check my calendar … Oh yes, the 17th.
J: Right, so Friday the 17th of July and returning on Friday the 31st.
M: Hang on; if we fly out on Friday the 31st in the evening, it’ll be the morning of Saturday the 1st by the time we get back with the time difference . We don’t want our policy to run out before we land now, do we?
J: No, we don’t! OK, so return date is Saturday the lst of August. OK, my goodness that certainly took longer than I expected it to. I hope our trip is worth it!
M: Trust me Julie, you’ll love it there, especially as you’ll have your own personal guide .
J: Yes, OK. See you in a couple of days then. Bye!
M: See ya!