IELTS Mock Test 2020 October Writing Practice Test 2
Question list
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The pie graphs show the nutritional consistency of two dinners. Write a report to a university lecturer describing the data.
You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
It is suggested that primary children should learn how to grow vegetables and keep animals. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
You should write at least 250 words.
The given pie charts illustrate how the two diners maintained balance nutrition in their food. The two different types of food they ordered are medium baked potato and macaroni.
Overall, it is clear that a person who eats macaroni is nutritionally more rich in carbohydrates and less in proteins.
The diner one who eats the medium baked potato is about a quarter rich in proteins which is about 11% in diner two food of macaroni. The glucose content of diner one is about 15% which is the same as protein content in diner two food (11%). Other nutritional value of medium baked potato is also 15% which is just about 5% in macaroni.
However, slightly over half of the total nutritional value of the diner two food (macaroni) is carbohydrates, which is just over third (35%) of the total in medium baked potato meal. The fat content of macaroni is also about 21%, which is just one tenth of the total nutritional value in diner one food (medium baked potato).
Task 2
Children's education has always been given great importance. It has been advised that primary school children should be taught about growing vegetables and rearing animals. This essay will discuss both the benefits and drawbacks of the given suggestion and explain why i believe that it is hard to give them such education and mostly of practical no use.
There are several benefits of teaching farming and keepng animals. Firstly, children come to know about their food source. It is the right time to teach them about the difference between organic and inorganic practices in both farming and rearing animals. Secondly, children at this age, mostly, like to pay attention to such activities and they highly enjoy to be part of these activities. Finally, it has been observed that children, who took active participation in learning, such practices, later choose farming as profession. Surely, teaching about farming and cattle rearing helps in improving children's concept about such activities.
On the other hand, the drawabacks cannot be ignored and in my opinion outweigh the advantages. For most primary children, it is hard to understand these practices because they are too young to learn it. Moreover, those children, who are living in the cities, may find it hard to take part in such actvities because there are not many animals farms in the cities. Furthermore, children, who spend too much time to learn growing vegetables and keeping animals, can hardly get enough time to study other subjects. This can lead to huge waste of time and neglect of other subjects. In short, it is better to keep balance between teaching such activities and general education.
To conclude, I believe that teaching such practices can be sheer waste of time of children, especially in cities, because they do not have enough space to learn these activities. It can even lead to neglect of general education, which is also very important for children's future.
PS: Kindly rate evaluate these tasks. Any suggestion is appreciated.
The pie graph provides information about the nutritional consistency of Medium Baked Potatoes and Macaroni for the dinner.
Overall, the percentage of Carbohydrate consumption in both food items shows a higher proportion. In contrast, the lower percentage of consumption was from saturated fat in medium baked potato and other nutrients in macaroni.
In the first pie chart, as regards nutrients, the carbohydrates show a higher percentage about 35%, followed by the protein at 25%. Moreover, the amount of glucose and other nutrients remained relatively same. Lastly, the saturated fat is comprimised of 10% was observed at the figure.
On the other hand, the percentage of nutrients for having macroni had showed a greater proportion in carbohydrates about 52%. And followed by the second position in the chart which is saturated fat and it outraced the potato item about a twofold more accounted to 21%. Furthermore, the percentage of other nutrients apart from known nutrients was about 5%. In contrast, the amount of protein and glucose are around 11% and remained same.
task 2
Nowadays, every time you turn on television or flick through the pages of a newspaper, you learn about childrens and their activities. However, it has been adviced that the kindergarden students should know about taking care of animals and growing plants. In this essay will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages and provide a logical conclusion.
There are two main advantages for growing plants and keeping animals. Firstly, if we see the advantages of growing plants, and keeping it as a project in the primary schooling subjects. The school management can review and acquire results by taking survey about the daily work and weekly updates on the growth of plants by viewing the attached leaves on the home work notes. By this procedure childrens get to know about the planting and general awarness about the afforestation. Secondly, the advantages of taking care and keeping domestic animals like dogs and cats as a pet in their houses. They can know how to behave with animals, know their vegetation and behaviour. More importantly they will improve their feelings like loving, caring and friendship.
It also comes with the some disadvantages for growing and taking care by the children. Firstly, while using pesticides and fertilizers on the plants they could pour those dangerous liquids on thier hands. So, the school management should teach them basic tricks or tips and safety measures like use only organic matter for growing plants. Lastly, the demerits for keeping domestic animals. The repected staff or team need to aware children about the taking care of animals, while feeding, they need to use gloves to feed dogs or cats because they could bite or scratch while asking for the foods. Specifically, while playing with animals need to be catious about their behavior, maintain the trust with the animals otherwise they turn up on children.
To conclude, although these two activities have certain disadvantages like children get hurt and it has extremly positive impact if we could teach the safety measure for the childrens at the young age. I believe that the demerits outrace by these benefits.
The 21st century exposes youngsters with convenient electronic devices which unknowingly stray them further from nature. Some have pose a sollution to the issue which is to allow kids to have experience in cultivating plants or raising animals. I completely side with this approach and I will explain why it is more beneficial implementing this opinion.
First of all, it is well proven that nature brings many upsides to not only children but human in general. A healthy developing childhood needs to have contact with nature because that's the how human genetic programed us to do. Our ancestors growed up in the wild which planting crops and taming animals are fundermental activities for survival. Therefore it is only normal to let your offspring play with nature.
Second of all taking care of a pet or a plant can train younglings to have responsibility and have a kind heart. PLants need daily watering, pets need food and attention. When a child interact and sastify these needs on a daily basis, they will gradually become for gentle, understanding towards classmates and family members.
Thirdly having a dog as a childhood friend contributes greatly to one's behaviour and personality. These individuas will most likely love animals when they are matured and statistic have show that they are more energetic, enthusiastic, friendly and kind.
Although there are several visable unwanted scenarios which might occur. Such as exposure to harmful bacterias and pests when gardening or accidental injuries while playing with too hyped animals. Preventing these accidents can be done through careful supervising by adults.
In conlusion, it is advisable for children to keep pets and plants as they have many positive effects and with enough attention no incidents will happen.
The picture illustrates how two different meals are compounded regarding its nutritional consistency shown in percentages (%).
Each food option is analysed in 5 types of nutrients: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Glucose, Saturated fat, and Others
Overall, carbohydrates are the main component in both dishes being more present in Macaroni than in Medium baked potato being the first one compounded by 52% and the latest by 35%. Moreover, Medium baked potato is also higher in Saturated fat than Macaroni in almost double, 21% against 11%.
On the other hand, Glucose is present in similar quantities in both meals and other nutrients are higher in Medium baked potato in comparison with Macaroni.
In conclusion, the option of having Medium baked potato as a dinner assure you to get more than a half split between Carbohydrates and Protein while choosing Macaroni gives more than a half in only Carbohydrates.
It is true that in many countries the number of people traveling has increased over recent years .There are reasons which can be identified to account for this trend and travellers undouvtedly benefits from the chance to travel more frequently and travel far -flung destitaions .
At least two important factors help two explain while an increasing number of people are now avail to enjoy domestic and international travel .Firstly growing prosperity and a rise in living standards in many countries have enabled people to enjoy things which they could never have been before .with greater disposable income ,family luxurious such as holidays have now become affordable .secondly ,competions among tour operators have reduced the cost of travelling .Only a few decades ago,, for example budget airlines did not exists ,but now they are use millions of passengers each year.
In my view , in the case of domestics and international travels , there are clear advantages for travellers .People now have a wide choice of go and things to see and do .there are now avail to experience other parts of their country and the richness of unfamilliar. Thilands for instance is immensely popular with tourist from all over the world
including vietnam.visitors enjoy not only the unique cusine but also wonderful historical heritage of Thai temples and traditions.Another advantage for many people ,now that travel is less costly its the best time to reunite with family members who have live abroad because of work,study or simply in search of better life .
in conclusion ,there are clear reasons why people are travelling and there are obviou
By having an overview, it shows that macaroni is rich in carbohydrate. Whereas, medium baked potato has high level of protein in it.
To begin with, a person who eats medium baked potato has highest protein intake in his diet which is 25% comparing this to macaroni, it depicts that it has less protein than that of medium baked potato which is 11%. However, carbohydrate in macaroni is much on the higher side which is 52% than medium baked potato (35%)
Other nutritional value in medium baked potato like saturated fat, other nutrients and glucose are 10%, 15% and 15% respectively. Wherein, macaroni has the lowest amount of nutrients in it that is 5%. Macaroni has high percentage of saturated fat (21%) than that of medium baked potato (10%). Level of glucose in macaroni is up to 15%.
Task 1
The pie graphs reflect the nutritional facts from two different recipes: the first one medium baked potato and the second one macaroni.
The Medium baked potato contains mostly carbohydrates with a percentage of 35% on it, it is also rich in protein with 25% which means 60% of the recipe is based on carbs and protein. For saturated fat it has 10%, glucose of 15% and the rest is for other nutrients with 15%.
Macaroni, on the other hand, utilise 52% in just carbs, 11% in protein and 11% in glucose, 21% of saturated fat and just 5% in other nutrients.
Even though both recipes contain high levels of carbohydrates, medium baked potato is healthier than the macaroni since carbs and protein are well-balanced and saturated fat is not really elevated. On the other hand, macaroni takes more than half of itself just for carbs which is the nutrient that leads more to obesity along with saturated fat (73% of those two are the main nutrients of the plate). However, in terms of glucose, which is the result of the transformation of sweet on the body, the first recipe beats the percentage with 15% of it over 11% for the macaroni.
Task 2
Growing vegetables and maintaining animals should be taught to children. Although it could be seen as a proper path to help our planet it has a lot of requisites prior to guarantee it and therefore other factors to consider.
By teaching agriculture and cattle raising, children get to know about nature and different species, they are capable of reasoning about the impact it has for the planet and can develop new alternatives to be more sustainable, as well as, replicating this knowledge to their loved ones. For instance, they can grow they own food in their own places with their parents if someone explains them or by just curiosity, techniques of gardening in small spaces such as permaculture. The outcome would be that their parents buy less veggies in the super and this means less production from the producers and less chemicals to our lands, and this applies for cattle as well.
On the other hand, not only by learning these the impact will change but also there are a lot of other different factors such as water (and the amount of it that is required to get a steak in a plate or even a grain in a lunch), the requirement of land that is limited to generate change and other solution to the problem. If a child has the knowledge to raise a cow but at the end raising a cow require 10 tons of water and they also get off methane to the environment which higher the levels of co2, the change will never be seen.
To conclude, it is important to teach children about gardening, plants and animals; alongside with environmental problems, sustainability and teach them not to be satisfied with what they are taught but also to be curious and learn to learn.
kindly review my task 1 and task 2 essays.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
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The pie graphs illustrates the nutrients given from two nutrient meals, namely medium baked potato and macaroni. Moreover is advised to eat them during the dinner and not at lunch.
A broad assessment of the graphs reveals that in each case we are talking about two complete meals which involve any kind of nutrients.
Starting with the amount of carbohydrate, this one is the most considerable with over than a third for the baked potato around a half for the Italian dish.
However is actually relevant how the first one is likely more balanced, in fact it provide also twenty-five per cent of protein, it means a quarter of the total calories and is also as double as macaroni provides (11%)
Nevertheless we should also focus on the figure of the fat and other nutrients which is around the same total amounts for both meals but is split in a opposite quantity, where macaroni is more consistent on fat while potato on the others.
The last label of the pie charts is called glucose, which regards a minority percentage in every situation with figures from 11 to 15%