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Recent Exam Question in IELTS Writing Task 1 (Attending Business Conference)

Recent Exam Question in IELTS Writing Task 1 (Attending Business Conference)

(2 votes)




You recently heard about a business conference that you would like to attend. Write a letter to your manager and explain

– What and where is it?

– Why do you want to attend it?

– How will it be helpful to you and the company?

Dear Sir/Mam,


I am writing this letter to inform you and seek permission from you for attending a business conference which is to be held in the next week.


The business conference that I want to attend is based on improving social media skills and using such tactics to improve branding of the company.  This meeting would be held on Wednesday at 3 pm in the Grand Hotel, Bangalore.


I find this conference an important one to attend since I feel that it would help me gain some insights into brand reputation and would really help me in performing my job better. Social media is a very effective platform nowadays and I am also working on that domain. So, it would give me an exposure on what other people in the industry are doing for branding building. In this conference, much experienced industry leaders are going to present their lectures and learning some secret tips from them would really be beneficial.


Kindly allow me to attend the conference at the above stated time.


Yours faithfully,


Prajakta Tiwari


