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Master IELTS General Training Volume 6

Master IELTS General Training Volume 6

(405 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 06 Nov 2019
  • Tests taken: 289,703
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 Standard (range) 
  • 2 25 
  • 3 Cheque 
  • 4 30 
  • 5 10 
  • 6 (traditional) leather 
  • 7 bowtie 
  • 8 17 and a half 
  • 9 dark-green 
  • 10 one-button 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 Standard (range) 
  • 2 25 
  • 3 Cheque 
  • 4 30 
  • 5 10 
  • 6 (traditional) leather 
  • 7 bowtie 
  • 8 17 and a half 
  • 9 dark-green 
  • 10 one-button 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 Landscape (section) 
  • 12 Modern Art Studio 
  • 13 Modern Art (section) 
  • 14 Classical Art (section) 
  • 15 Main Exhibition Hall 
  • 16 History of Art/room 
  • 17 Digital Art (room) 
  • 18 Still Life (section) 
  • 19
  • 20
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 Landscape (section) 
  • 12 Modern Art Studio 
  • 13 Modern Art (section) 
  • 14 Classical Art (section) 
  • 15 Main Exhibition Hall 
  • 16 History of Art/room 
  • 17 Digital Art (room) 
  • 18 Still Life (section) 
  • 19
  • 20
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 local charity 
  • 22 balloons 
  • 23 special number 
  • 24 canisters 
  • 25 500 balloons 
  • 26 1.50 
  • 27 500 
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 local charity 
  • 22 balloons 
  • 23 special number 
  • 24 canisters 
  • 25 500 balloons 
  • 26 1.50 
  • 27 500 
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38
  • 39
  • 40
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38
  • 39
  • 40


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Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-3

Fill in the details missing from the order form below.



Customer Name: Max Jones

Suit Range: 1

Cost: £ 2

Payment Method: 3

  • 1 Answer: Standard (range)
    • The keyword concerned in Q1 must be “suit range”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun or a noun phrase.

    • At Jenny’s Suit Rental, she offers two kinds of suit ranges, those are designer range and standard range. From the conversation, we can imply that Max wants the cheaper range, so he selects the standard range. Therefore, the answer for Q1 must be “standard (range)”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that “designer (range)” is the correct answer of Q1. At first, Max assumes that the designer range suit costs £25 and the standard range suit costs £50. However, Jenny quickly corrects him. For that reason, he turns back to the second option, the standard range. As a result, “designer (range)” is incorrect.

  • 2 Answer: 25
    • The keyword concerned in Q2 must be “cost”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a number.

    • After further clarification from Jenny, Max realizes that the standard range suit costs him £25, while the designer range suit costs him twice of that price, which is £50. As Max opts for the cheaper range, he needs to pay £25 for the rental. Therefore, the answer for Q2 must be “25”.

  • 3 Answer: Cheque
    • The keyword concerned in Q3 must be “payment method”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun or a noun phrase.

    • At Jenny’s Suit Rental, they accept three payment methods: cheque, cash and credit card. Nevertheless, cheque is only accepted in exceptional circumstances. The fact that Max only has cheques is also counted as exceptional circumstance. As a result, Jenny accepts his cheque. Therefore, the answer for Q3 must be “cheque”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that “cash” or “credit card” is the correct answer of Q3. In the conversation, Jenny informs Max that she prefers cash or credit card. However, that does not mean she does not accept cheques. In fact, she also accepts cheques in exceptional circumstances. Therefore, the above answers are incorrect.

Questions 4-10

Complete the order form below.










  • 4 Answer: 30
    • The keyword concerned in Q4 must be “leg”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a number.

    • From the conversation, it is implied that Max’s leg size is 30. Therefore, the answer for Q4 must be “30”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that “34” or “32” is the correct answer of Q4. However, 34 is the leg size that Jenny expects, not the actual leg size of Max. 32 is the leg size that Max mentions, but he quickly confirms that his leg size is 30 and he is not so tall. As a result, the above answers are incorrect.

  • 5 Answer: 10
    • The keyword concerned in Q5 must be “UK size”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a number.

    • Max’s shoe size is 45. In UK size, that should be 10. Therefore, the answer for Q5 must be “10”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that “45” is the correct answer of Q5. As the question only concerns the UK size, we can only use the size that Jenny mentions, which is 10. As a result, “45” is incorrect.

  • 6 Answer: (traditional) leather
    • The keyword concerned in Q6 must be “style”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun or a noun phrase.

    • At Jenny’s Suit Rental, they offer three styles of shoes, those are suede, nubuck and traditional leather. Max quickly confirms that he wants the last style option, which is traditional leather. Therefore, the answer for Q6 must be “(traditional) leather”.

  • 7 Answer: bowtie
    • The keyword concerned in Q7 must be “style”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun or a noun phrase.

    • Max prefers a bowtie as an accessory to this suit. Therefore, the answer for Q7 must be “bowtie”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that “necktie” is the correct answer of Q7. In the conversation, Jenny suggests adding a necktie to the suit. However, Max wants a bowtie, which is also available at Jenny’s shop. Therefore, the final option of Max is a dark-grey bowtie, which makes “necktie” a wrong answer to Q7.

  • 8 Answer: 17 and a half
    • The keyword concerned in Q8 must be “neck size”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a number.

    • Max’s neck size is 17 and a half. Therefore, the answer for Q8 must be “17 and a half”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that “15” is the correct answer of Q8. Max’s neck size used to be 15 over a year ago. In fact, his current neck size is 17 and a half. For that reason, “15” is incorrect.

  • 9 Answer: dark-green
    • The keyword concerned in Q9 must be “color”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a color.

    • Jenny advises Max to go with a dark-green shirt, as the color green fits the suit that he is renting. Therefore, the answer for Q9 must be “dark-green”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that “light-blue” or “light-green” is the correct answer of Q9. In fact, Max believes that a light-blue shirt will be suitable to his suit. Nevertheless, Jenny suggests him going with green, to which he happily agrees. Later, she advises him to select dark-green, instead of light-green. As a result, the above answers are both incorrect.

  • 10 Answer: one-button
    • The keyword concerned in Q10 must be “style”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun or a noun phrase.

    • Jenny advises Max to take the one-button jacket, to which Max agrees. Therefore, the answer for Q10 must be “one-button”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that “three-button” or “two-button” is the correct answer of Q10. In the conversation, Max’s initial selection is three-button jacket. However, three-button jacket is unavailable at Jenny’s Suit Rental. Thus, Jenny goes on suggesting him the popular one-button and two-button suit jackets. In fact, the former is more popular, so Max selects the one-button jacket. For that reason, the above answers are both incorrect.

Part 1
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Section 1

You will hear a telephone conversation between a customer and a shop assistant. First you have some time to look at questions 1-3. [Pause 30 seconds]

You will see that there is an example that has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first.

Jenny: Good morning. Jenny's Suit Rental. Jenny speaking. How may I be of service?

Max: Hi there. My name is Max Jones; that's J-O-N-E-S, and I'm looking to rent a suit out for a special occasion.

Narrator: The customer's name is Max Jones, so you write J-O-N-E-S in the space provided. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1-3.

Jenny: Good morning. Jenny's Suit Rental. Jenny speaking. How may I be of service?

Max: Hi there. My name is Max Jones; that's J-O-N-E-S, and I'm looking to rent a suit out for a special occasion.

Jenny: Certainly, Max. We charge a set fee for our services; you can either choose from our designer range and pay £50 to rent your suit out, or choose from our standard range at a cost of £25. So, what will it be?

Max: The first option please, Jenny. £25, did you say?

Jenny: Unfortunately not, the designer range is twice that price.

Max: In that case, I'll take the second option; standard, was that it?

Jenny: That's right. Now, before we go any further, may I ask how you intend to pay?

Max: Do you accept cheques?

Jenny: Yes, but only in exceptional circumstances; we prefer cash or credit card.

Max: Well, as I haven't got one, does this count as those circumstances?

Jenny: Yes, that will be fine. Make it payable to Jenny's Suit Rental.

Max: Will do!

Narrator: Before listening to the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 4-10. [Pause 30 seconds] Now listen and answer questions 4-10.

Jenny: Now Max, can I take your measurements please and a few details about what sort of suit you have in mind?

Max: Certainly.

Jenny: Let's start with the trousers then, shall we? What is your waist size and leg length?

Max: I used to be a 32 waist you know, but these days it's more like 36; too many cream pies!

Jenny: I've been there! And about the leg? 34?

Max: I wish! I'm afraid I'm somewhat lacking in the height department; not even a 32; 30, I'm afraid!

Jenny: Never mind!

Max: As for the colour, could you do a dark-grey suit?

Jenny: In fact, we have a very smart one of those in just your size; you're in luck! Now, what about shoes? Same colour?

Max: No, I think I'd prefer something darker.

Jenny: Okay, let's go with traditional black then, shall we? What about size?

Max: I'm a size 45.

Jenny: Hmm. By my calculations that's a 10 in our sizes. And style?

Max: What've we got?

Jenny: We do suede, nubuck and traditional leather.

Max: Definitely the last one.

Jenny: Very well. And will you be wanting a necktie?

Max: Do you do bowties?

Jenny: Of course; I'll put one of those down on your order; dark-grey I presume?

Max: Perfect! To match the suit. I think I fancy a light-blue shirt by the way.

Jenny: Might I recommend a green? Green would go very well with the suit you are renting.

Max: Light or dark?

Jenny: I'd say dark.

Max: Dark it is then! My neck size is seventeen and a half; hard to believe that little over a year ago I could fit into a 15, isn't it? 

Jenny: Those cream pies again, right?

Max: You've got it!

Jenny: Now, what about your suit jacket? Same colour as the trousers obviously, but what size?

Max: Medium should be fine.

Jenny: Are you sure?

Max: Yeah. And have you got any of those three-button ones?

Jenny: I'm afraid not; the one- and two-button suit jackets are far more popular at the moment. In fact, the one-button is all the rage. 

Max: Let's have that one then.

Jenny: No problem. Now... (fading)

Narrator: That's the end of Section 1. You have half a minute to check your answers. [Pause 30 seconds]

Now turn to Section 2.

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