Đáp án
# | Thành viên | Điểm | Thời gian | |
Long Luyện | | 9.0 | 15:30 | |
Janrey Cebrecus | | 9.0 | 15:41 | |
Nkho Nioh | | 9.0 | 16:38 | |
4 | Nicolas Cubillos | | 9.0 | 16:40 |
5 | Kalzhyr Merekenov | | 9.0 | 17:16 |
6 | Tran Nguyen | | 9.0 | 17:24 |
7 | Gia Hân | | 9.0 | 17:29 |
8 | Huy Đứm Qi | | 9.0 | 17:51 |
9 | Han Nguyen | | 9.0 | 18:03 |
10 | Lazaro Siqueira | | 9.0 | 19:11 |
Of course, there's no other way to achieve your target score than to practice everyday. But, we can practice smart when we applying these tips...
Review & Explanations:
Complete the form below.
Name: William 1 Address: 10 2 Nelson Contact number: 07 3 Payment by credit card type: 4 card. Card No. 4550 1392 8309 3221 Card expiry date: July 20XX Rental period: 5 days |
Answer the following questions USING NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER
How much is the car per day?
What does the price include?
Who will he be visiting?
What kind of car does the agent recommend?
What does he need to collect the car?
Nguồn 1
Nguồn 2
You will hear a conversation between a customer and receptionist at a car rental agency. First you have some time to look at questions 1 to 5. Now listen and answer the questions 1 to 5.
Woman: Good morning. How can I help you?
Man: Hello. is this a Southern rental car?
Woman: Yes, it is.
Man: I wonder if you can help me. I am ringing from Nelson, but I am coming over to Auckland for 12 days and I’d like to hire a car.
Woman: Ok, I’ll fill in a booking for you now. First, can I take your name ?
Man: Yes, its William Waddell.
Woman: I sorry, Could you spell your surname?
Man: Ah, yeah it is W-A-D-D-E-L-L.
Woman: Thanks, now can I have an address and phone number
Man: Sure, I live at 10 Robyn place, that is R-O-B-Y-N place.
Woman: And that is Nelson, isn’t it?
Man: That’s right. Do you want my home number or my mobile
Woman: Home number will be fine.
Man: Ok, it’s 07 263 8666.
Woman: Great, now can I also have a credit card number?
Man:Do I have to pay by credit card?
Woman: Well, we need a credit card number as a guarantee. It is a standard policy for car rentals.
Man: Ok, Well. I’ll pay by Visa then the card number is 4550 1392 8309 3221.
Woman: And the expiry date?
Man: Sorry?
Woman: Your card, When does it expiry?
Man: Oh, next July.
Woman: Right, now how long did you want the car for? 12 days did you say?
Man: No, I only need a car for 10 days, from the second to the eleventh of next month.
Before you hear the rest of the recording, you will have some time to look at questions 6 to 10. Now listen and answer the question 6 to 10.
Woman: Now what type of car are you looking for hire?
Man: Well, I am not too worried about the model of the car, but I understand that you have rental cars for just 25 dollars a day. Is that correct?
Woman: We do sometimes to have 25 dollar deals but only in the low season, but the period you’re looking at the cheapest we have at 35 dollars. However that prices includes unlimited kilometers.
Man: Sorry. Did you say unlimited kilometers? What does that mean exactly?
Woman: That means that no matter how far you go, the cost is the same. Some company charge for rental and then charge again for every kilometer you actually drive.
Man: Well, I am going to travel quite long distances. I am visiting relatives and they look quite far apart from each others, so unlimited kilometers are probably good idea.
Woman: If you’re traveling long distances, you would be better off with an automatic. Changing gears and a manual can make it more expensive on petrol.
Man: Ok, I’ll take the automatic thing.
Woman: Right, so that’s an automatic car for 10 days from the second to the eleventh. That’s all but is there anything else I can help you with?
Man: No, That’s fine. Oh, sorry. What do I need to bring with me when I pick up the car?
Woman: All you need is your driving licence.
Man: Fine, Well. Thanks very much, bye.
That is the end of Part 1. You now have half a minute to check your answers.
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