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Tips for IELTS Writing

Tips for IELTS Writing

(8 votes)

There are two compulsory writing tasks which should be answered using a formal, academic style of English. Task 2 is worth more so it is suggested that this is written first.

Task 1: 20 minutes (150 words)

Write a factual description of a diagram


•    Summarize the main features of the diagram in 2/3 paragraphs.

•    Don't attempt to describe every detail.

•    Describe changes and/or make comparisons where relevant.

•    Don't speculate about possible causes or reasons for trends.

•    Support your points with figures from the diagram.

•    Be prepared for a range of different diagrams (graphs, tables, bar charts, pie charts, processes, illustrations or maps).

•    Organize your time: Think and Plan (2-3 mins) —► Write (12-15mins) —► Check (2-3 mins)

Task 2: 250 words (40 minutes)
Write an essay in response to a given opinion or problem


•    Take time to understand the question and keep every sentence focused on it.

•    Introduce, develop and conclude your essay.

•    Support your points with explanation, evidence or examples.

•    Make your own opinion clear.

•    Aim for 2 or 3 main points - with each in a separate paragraph.

•    Be flexible - different questions will require different approaches so read the question carefully.

•    Organize your time: Think and Plan (5-10 mins) —► Write (25-30mins)

—► Check (5 mins)

The IELTS Writing paper is assessed using the following four criteria:

Task 1

  1    Task Achievement - This assesses how well you have understood the diagram and if you have summarized and highlighted the main patterns and differences.

2    Coherence and Cohesion - This assesses how clear your summary is and whether or not you have used paragraphs. It also assesses your use of linking and reference words.

3    Lexical Resource - This assesses your vocabulary and spelling and also looks at your word formation.

4    Grammatical Range and Accuracy - This assesses whether or not you

have used a wide range of sentence types, both simple and complex. It also tests your punctuation.

Task 2

1 Task Response - This assesses how well you have understood the

question and whether or not you have answered all the different parts of the question. It tests your ability to make clear and logical arguments.

2   Coherence and Cohesion - This assesses how logically and clearly you have linked your ideas together and whether or not you have used paragraphs. It also assesses your use of linking and reference words.

3   Lexical Resource - This assesses your vocabulary and spelling and also looks at your word formation. You need to show a wide range of topic vocabulary linked to the question.

4    Grammatical Range and Accuracy - This assesses whether or not you

have used a wide range of sentence types, both simple and complex. It also tests your punctuation.

Previous: How to Write ‘Compare and Contrast’ Type of Essay in IELTS Writing Task 2? Next: IELTS Writing Task 1 Analysis (Asking Friend to Look After Home) – Band 7

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