Đáp án
# | Thành viên | Điểm | Thời gian | |
Phạm Huy | | 9.0 | 15:12 | |
Nguyen Ba Minh | | 9.0 | 17:30 | |
Abhinav Chaudhary | | 9.0 | 19:26 | |
4 | Hung Nguyen Anh | | 9.0 | 19:26 |
5 | dongduc2017 | | 9.0 | 20:09 |
6 | Thái Tiểu Bảo | | 9.0 | 20:54 |
7 | thái nguyễn | | 9.0 | 21:00 |
8 | park chaeyoung | | 9.0 | 22:51 |
9 | Faith Ofure | | 9.0 | 24:31 |
10 | Trang Nguyen Mai | | 9.0 | 25:54 |
The biggest problem is the fact that you need to look at the whole text. The answers could be anywhere in the text and they do not come in order,...
Review & Explanations:
Fill in the details missing from the quotation form below.
Destination Country: Canada (Example) Name: Marco 1 Collection Address: 25 2 Town: Grimsby Postcode: 3 ![]() Size of Container: Height: 4 Length: 5 Width: 6 Contents: television 7 sofa bed 8 Total Estimated Value: £5,000 |
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
What type of visa will Marco have when he enters Canada?
Nguồn 1
Nguồn 2
You will hear a telephone conversation between a customer and the receptionist at a courier company. First you have some time to look at questions 1-8.
[Pause 30 seconds]
You will see that there is an example that has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first.
Sam: Good morning. This is Sam speaking. How may I help you?
Marco: Hi. My name is Marco and I'm calling to enquire about sending some goods to Canada.
Narrator: The destination country is Canada, so you write Canada in the space provided. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1-8.
Sam: Good morning. This is Sam speaking. How may I help you?
Marco: Hi. My name is Marco and I'm calling to enquire about sending some goods to Canada.
Sam: No problem. What's your full name please Marco?
Marco: My middle name is Pronto; that's P-R-O-N-T-O.
Sam: Sorry, Marco, just your surname will be fine; that's all we need for the form.
Marco: It's Cebrianatori; that's C-E-B-R-l-A-N-A-T-O-R-l.
Sam: Great, and your address please?
Marco: I live on Grimsby Place.
Sam: Grimsby Place; okay.
Marco: But wait, you mean the address from where the goods will be collected?
Sam: Right.
Marco: In that case I'd better give you my mum and dad's address; my stuff is there temporarily until I make the move. Same street; house number 25, in Grimsby, and the postcode is GB8 6BY.
Sam: Now Marco, tell me what you would like to have shipped.
Marco: I am moving to Canada, so I have a fairly big container for my belongings you'll understand.
Sam: Of course, what are the dimensions?
Marco: It's two metres high, one and a half across and three metres long.
Sam: My! That's huge!
Marco: Tell me about it! Moving day is going to be a nightmare!
Sam: And what will this container 'contain' then?
Marco: Well, to start with, there's my television. I'm also taking a brand-new sofa bed with me, as well as my fridge-freezer and home computer.
Sam: I see. That all sounds rather valuable, do you know the total value of the goods in the container?
Marco: Yes, I estimate about £5,000.
Narrator: Before listening to the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 9-10. [Pause 30 seconds] Now listen and answer questions 9-10.
Sam: Excellent. Now, shipping to Canada is not by any means cheap these days, so this is going to cost you £500.
Marco: That would nearly pay for a new TV and sofa!
Sam: It's a lot of money, isn't it? But, as I said, shipping is an expensive business. How do you intend to pay then Marco?
Marco: Credit card okay?
Sam: Fine. I assume you are the card holder?
Marco: Actually it's my sister's account; money's a little tight for me at the moment with the expense of the move, so it's either a case of ask sis or ask the parents - which would you choose?
Sam: I see what you mean! Okay, I'll take the details in a moment and confirm the collection date, but first let me just ask you a few questions about your move to Canada; the Canadian government requires all shipping companies to carry out a thorough check before agreeing to ship goods into the country, and part of that check is a personal profile of our customers, you see. So, why are you moving to Canada?
Marco: My girlfriend is Canadian. I'm going to live with her.
Sam: And what will be your employment status over there?
Marco: Well, I'm travelling on a working-holiday visa, but I hope to secure a work-sponsored visa shortly after arrival.
Sam: (to himself) I see; a holiday visa?
Marco: No, a working-holiday visa; that allows me to stay in the country for 12 months as opposed to 60 days with a holiday visa.
Sam: Okay, no... (fading)
Narrator: That's the end of Part 1. You have half a minute to check your answers. [Pause 30 seconds]
Now turn to Part 2.
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