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IELTS Mock Test 2020 March

IELTS Mock Test 2020 March

(1,027 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 03 Apr 2020
  • Tests taken: 483,192
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 80
  • 2 maximum limit
  • 3 4.5 (metres)
  • 4 Hire and installation
  • 5 (Cost of) carpeting
  • 6 55
  • 7 June 5th
  • 8 Jenny Lakewell
  • 9 CV6TL3
  • 10 07944 325883
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 G
  • 12 D
  • 13 C
  • 14 A
  • 15 F
  • 16 B
  • 17 B
  • 18 C
  • 19 A
  • 20 C
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 B
  • 22 C
  • 23 C
  • 24 B
  • 25 A
  • 26 A
  • 27 B
  • 28 C
  • 29 B
  • 30 C
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 (single-handedly) revolutionised
  • 32 Identical theory
  • 33 sole credit
  • 34 proved extremely controversial
  • 35 of evolution
  • 36 missing link
  • 37 proof of
  • 38 the skull
  • 39 so convincing
  • 40 was declared


#Thành viênĐiểmThời gian
khang Nguyen An 9.015:35
Eunice Konadu Adjei 9.016:15
Andrew Amonoo 9.017:56
4 Naidan Mongonkhundaga 9.018:50
5 Violeta Villain 9.018:55
6 Bảo Anh 9.019:34
7 Mike Melia Putri 9.021:45
8 Myo Sithu 9.022:44
9 Vũ Phương 9.023:09
10 Milkah Cherotich 9.023:27

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Many candidates say that they find it very difficult to retake the IELTS test: they feel they have already done what they were supposed to do...

(38 votes)

10 Sep 2019

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-7

Complete the form below.


Details of Order

Party Host

Example: Customer's oldest daughter


18th birthday

Number of Guests Invited


Customer Budget

2 £800

Marquee Size

3 X 9 metres

4 Cost




Lighting Cost

approximately ₤ 6

Number of Guests

seated 30 / standing 50

Furniture Cost

per table £4.00 / per chair £3.00

Dates Marquee Required

Set-up date 7

To be taken down on June 7th

  • 1 Answer: 80
    • The keyword concerned in Q1 must be “Number of Guests Invited ”

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a particular number

    • Although there are many numbers given and make us misunderstand, so we need to listen carefully. Firstly, “50” but it is just the limit number wanted by representative, not final result as well as the correct answer for this question. Then, we continue to hear that “She would like to invite double that number but we decided to split the difference and settle on 80 rather than 100.” Accordingly, we can understand that the woman’s daughter want to invite about 100 guests, but the representative decides to split the difference and settles on 80, which is the correct answer for the question 1. 

  • 2 Answer: maximum limit
    • The keyword concerned in Q2 must be “Customer Budget”.

    • From the question, we can guess that the answer must be cost. 

    • Although the woman firstly only spends between £400-£600, but then she have a little changes in price. Particularly, the woman confirms that she can stretch to another hundred or two but that's the maximum limit. In another way, the budget can reach to £700 or £800 and £800 is the maximum limit. Thus, maximum limit is the correct answer for this question.

  • 3 Answer: 4.5 (metres)
    • The keyword concerned in Q3 must be Marquee Size”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be size.

    • We need to consider to the object mentioned in this question, it asks  the size of Marquee, not this of the garden. So the information 15 metres by 30 metres.” of the garden is the wrong answer for this question. Then we can hear that Well, our 4.5 by 9 metres marquee would fit in nicely” Thus, the correct answer for this question must be 4.5.

  • 4 Answer: Hire and installation
      • The keyword concerned in Q4 must be “£450”.

      • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be services.

      • Accordingly, the man mentions that the hire and installation comes to £450 but that allows you to have the marquee for 2 days.  Therefore, the answer for this question must be “hire and installation”.

  • 5 Answer: (Cost of) carpeting
      • The keyword concerned in Q5 must be “£150.

      • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be services.

      • Accordingly, the passage mentions that :” the cost of carpeting the marquee will add on another £150.” In another way, the cost of the carpeting is £150.  Therefore, the answer for this question must be “carpeting”.

  • 6 Answer: 55
    • The keyword concerned in Q6 must be “lighting cost”

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be cost.

    • The man gives 2 prices of lighting which make us misunderstand. Although the man mentions to “£90” but it is the cost of the chandelier lighting, is the most expensive option as well. However, the question doesn’t ask the chandelier lighting, just common lighting, so we will take the average lighting whose price is around £55.  Therefore the answer must be “£55”.

  • 7 Answer: June 5th
    • The keyword concerned in Q7 must be “Dates Marquee Required.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be time.

    • As the passage,although the daughter’s birthday is on June 6th, then the woman states that “so ideally a day beforehand. Then we could have it taken down the day after her birthday.”Please focus on the detail a day beforehand”. In another way, set-up date is June 5th.   Therefore, the answer must be “June 5th”.

Questions 8-10

Complete the form below.


Customer Details





Contact Number


  • 8 Answer: Jenny Lakewell
    • The keyword concerned in Q8, Q9 must be “customer detail”, “name”and “postcode”

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be name.

    • After the man asks the name of the woman “May I start by taking down your name and postcode?” The woman replies her name and postcode “Jenny Lakewell, and the postcode's CV6 TL3.” Still here, it is easy in finding the correct answer if you listen carefully. However if you are miss or don’t listen clearly, don’t worry, because the woman explain more about some easily misunderstand points of the name and postcode. Particularly, the woman speaks that the word “Jenny in her name has a double 'N' and with with a 'Y' at the end but not an “IE” as everyone. About the postcode, the woman also emphasises that It's with a 'V', not a 'B'. So it's CV6” .

    • Therefore, the answer for the question 8 must be Jenny Lakewell” and the answer of the question 9 must be CV6 TL3

  • 9 Answer: CV6TL3
    • The keyword concerned in Q8, Q9 must be “customer detail”, “name”and “postcode”

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be name.

    • After the man asks the name of the woman “May I start by taking down your name and postcode?” The woman replies her name and postcode “Jenny Lakewell, and the postcode's CV6 TL3.” Still here, it is easy in finding the correct answer if you listen carefully. However if you are miss or don’t listen clearly, don’t worry, because the woman explain more about some easily misunderstand points of the name and postcode. Particularly, the woman speaks that the word “Jenny in her name has a double 'N' and with with a 'Y' at the end but not an “IE” as everyone. About the postcode, the woman also emphasises that It's with a 'V', not a 'B'. So it's CV6” .

    • Therefore, the answer for the question 8 must be Jenny Lakewell” and the answer of the question 9 must be CV6 TL3

  • 10 Answer: 07944 325883
    • The keywords concerned in Q10 must be contact number”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be mobile phone.

    • Firstly, the woman mentions a mobile phone, but then confirms that I forgot I've got a different number now.” Thus the first contact number given is wrong. The woman speaks  a new mobile phone it's 0-7-9-then double 4, not double 0, followed by 3-2-5-8-8-3.” In another way, it is 07944325883.

Part 1
Change Audio Sources

Nguồn 1

Nguồn 2

Đang nạp...

Part 1

You will hear a telephone conversation between a caller and a representative of a company hiring marquees. First you have some time to look at questions 1-7. [Pause 30 seconds]

You will see that there is an example that has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first.

Representative: Good afternoon! Magnificent Marquees, how can I help you?

Caller: Oh hello, I would like to hire a marquee. You see, it's for special occasion. My eldest daughter's celebrating her 18th birthday and her coming of age. There was no question of her waiting until her 21st, although I'm sure we'll be having a big celebration then, too!

Representative: So, you're celebrating in style! Well, of course, I'd be happy to help. First, could you give me some details about guest numbers?

Narrator: The customer wants to hire a marquee for her oldest daughter's 18th birthday, so you write 'oldest daughter' in the space provided. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1-7.

Representative: Good afternoon! Magnificent Marquees, how can I help you?

Caller: Oh hello, I would like to hire a marquee. You see, it's for special occasion. My eldest daughter's celebrating her 18th birthday and her coming of age. There was no question of her waiting until her 21st, although I'm sure well be having a big celebration then, too!

Representative: So, you're celebrating in style! Well, of course, I'd be happy to help. First, could you give me some details about guest numbers?

Caller: Right, yes...Well, I was anticipating just a small 'do' but my daughter seems to have other ideas!

Representative: Well, you can't blame her; It's a special day! Caller: I guess...I told her to limit numbers to around 50 guests but the guest list seems to be growing daily. She would like to invite double that number but we decided to split the difference and settle on 80 rather than 100!

Representative: If you don't mind some of the guests standing, then our marquee sizes always allow standing space for almost double as many as those seated. For instance, one of our smaller marquees seats 30 guests but accommodates 50 standing. Caller: That sounds interesting. How big is that marquee? As not only am I working to a budget but also we're limited by our garden size.

Representative: Can you give me an idea of both your budget and the size we're looking at?

Caller: Yes, I'm thinking of spending between £400-£600.I can stretch to another hundred or two but that's the maximum limit. As for size, well, our garden's 15 metres by 30 metres. 

Representative: OK... Well, our 4.5 by 9 metres marquee would fit in nicely. The hire and installation comes to £450 but that allows you to have the marquee for 2 days.

Caller: The marquee size you mentioned sounds fine and will accommodate the guests that we are expecting. Yes, I think that's the size I'll go for.

Representative: So, now as to the cost of lighting and fittings... Caller: Oh, will that be very expensive?

Representative: It depends on what you want but the cost of carpeting the marquee will add on another £150. With regard to the lighting, prices vary quite a bit. If you opt for chandelier

lighting, then it's another £90. But that's the most expensive option. Otherwise, the average pricing is around £55.

Caller: I think I'll go for the more economic lighting then.

Representative: Then there's the furniture: tables and chairs and so on. You decided on seating for 30 guests... Well, at £3 per chair, that will work out at £90 In total. You will then probably need 5 tables at least and so with each table costing £4, that brings us to a total of £20 for the tables.

Caller: OK, so I'm still just within my budget. Great! I'll go ahead with the booking then.

Representative: Wonderful. So there's only one more important detail that I need. When would you like us to set up the marquee? 

Caller: Well, my daughter's birthday is on June 6th, so ideally a day beforehand. Then we could have it taken down the day after her birthday.

Representative: Yes, no problem.

Caller: Great. Well, I'll go ahead with the order then.

 Representative: Wonderful!

Narrator: Before listening to the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at questions 8-10. [Pause 30 seconds] Now listen and answer questions 8-10.

Representative: OK, so that I can process your order, I need to take down some details. May I start by taking down your name and postcode?

Caller: Yes. It's Jenny Lakewell, and the postcode's CV6 TL3. Representative: Is that Jenny with a double 'N'?

Caller: Yes, that's correct.

Representative: And is that Jenny with a 'Y' or an 'IE' at the end? 

Caller: Yes, it confuses everyone. I use the first spelling.

Representative: And, I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch the postcode, was that 'CB6'?

Caller: No, It's with a 'V', not a 'B'. So it's CV6.

Representative: Right you are. Can I have a contact number also, please?

Caller: My mobile number is 0-7-9-0-0 4-5-6. Oh, hold on a minute!

I forgot I've got a different number now. So it's 0-7-9-then double 4, not double 0, followed by 3-2-5-8-8-3.

Representative: Great! That's everything for the moment. Well be sending you details and an invoice through the post in the next few days.

Caller: OK. And thank you for your help. Goodbye!

Narrator: That's the end of Part 1. You have half a minute to check your answers. [Pause 30 seconds]

Now turn to Part 2.

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