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Memories and experiences Vocabulary

Memories and experiences Vocabulary

(63 votes)


In the left column are the words that are quite common or the candidate uses incorrect semantics. In the right column are the words you should use when taking the IELTS test to get a high score.

Quite commonShould useExample
UnforgettableMemorable/impressiveThe gig I went to last weekend was so memorable.
MemoryA lasting impressionThis film left a lasting impression on my mind.
A rare opportunityA once-in-a-lifetime chanceThis is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, I won't let it go.
In my memoryIn retrospectIn retrospect, I made the right decision at the very beginning.
RememberRecallWe recalled all good memories we had in high school.
Starting pointIncentiveThe incentive was that I wanted to extend my own limits.
Get marriedTie the knot (infml)Today is the big day for my sister to tie the knot.
Wedding dressWedding gownThis exquisite wedding gown is handmade.
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The answer for 19 is E,
for 16 it is reserved, but not reserve (can be reserved),
also for 11 question in the speech it says in the morning, but then continues and says from 9 am to 12 pm, which is midnight,
also the answer for 15 here is "locker", but that would not be correct without the article "a"
Is this the actual IELTS test with the answers or just something similar?


Sorry, I mean Q19 should be E


Q21 should be E

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