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Master IELTS General Training Volume 3

Master IELTS General Training Volume 3

(571 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 13 Feb 2019
  • Tests taken: 312,410
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 Thursday 16th 
  • 2 business 
  • 3 $3,200 
  • 4 taxes and surcharges 
  • 5 1:45 
  • 6 Vancouver 
  • 7 6:15 
  • 8 10:25 
  • 9 Reece Mary-Anne 
  • 10 ABC Stocks 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 Thursday 16th 
  • 2 business 
  • 3 $3,200 
  • 4 taxes and surcharges 
  • 5 1:45 
  • 6 Vancouver 
  • 7 6:15 
  • 8 10:25 
  • 9 Reece Mary-Anne 
  • 10 ABC Stocks 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 written legal agreement 
  • 12 first six months 
  • 13 copy 
  • 14 An inventory 
  • 15 17 B,D,E 
  • 18 20 D,F,G 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 written legal agreement 
  • 12 first six months 
  • 13 copy 
  • 14 An inventory 
  • 15 17 B,D,E 
  • 18 20 D,F,G 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 voting patterns 
  • 22 (in the) newspapers 
  • 23 schools 
  • 24 crime rates/statistic 
  • 25 (the) police 
  • 26 uniform approach 
  • 27 changing the format 
  • 28 short 
  • 29 a/1 month 
  • 30 (final) proofreading 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 voting patterns 
  • 22 (in the) newspapers 
  • 23 schools 
  • 24 crime rates/statistic 
  • 25 (the) police 
  • 26 uniform approach 
  • 27 changing the format 
  • 28 short 
  • 29 a/1 month 
  • 30 (final) proofreading 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 postgraduate 
  • 32 fees-only 
  • 33 20,000 
  • 34 British Council office 
  • 35 £5,000 to £15,000 
  • 36 taught postgraduate courses 
  • 37 (an) international organisation 
  • 38 development 
  • 39 fees 
  • 40 Ministry of Education 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31 postgraduate 
  • 32 fees-only 
  • 33 20,000 
  • 34 British Council office 
  • 35 £5,000 to £15,000 
  • 36 taught postgraduate courses 
  • 37 (an) international organisation 
  • 38 development 
  • 39 fees 
  • 40 Ministry of Education 


#Thành viênĐiểmThời gian
Christiana Ezekwe 9.015:33
Hoang-Nguyen Nguyen 9.016:08
Trisha Mae Cabiling 9.017:00
4 Nguyen Le Truong Nguyen 9.017:52
5 Siss Thwae Oo 9.021:11
6 Abdelmonim Kheir 9.021:18
7 Dev Laroiya 9.022:31
8 Thư Trần 9.023:17
10 Srujan Rode 9.024:37
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22 Sep 2020

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-4

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each answer.

On which day and date does the woman want to fly to Toronto?


What class does the woman want to fly in?


What is the lowest price for a ticket on the days the customer has chosen?


What do the ticket prices include?


  • 1 Answer: Thursday 16th
    • The keywords concerned in Q1 must be “day”, “date” and “fly to Toronto”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a day of the week and date number.

    • Customer’s statement “I’d like to book a flight to Toronto” can be seen as a suggestion for the answer’s appearance.

    • The customer says that “On Thursday” and the travel agent  confirms “Thursday the 16th” .

    • Therefore, the answer for Q1 must be “Thursday the 16th”.


    • Remember to capitalise the initial letter of “Thursday” because it is the name of a day of the week.

  • 2 Answer: business
    • The keywords concerned in Q2 must be “class

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun (airline class).

    • The customer says that “She’ll be flying business class”.

    • Therefore, the answer for Q2 must be “business (class)”.

  • 3 Answer: $3,200
    • The keywords concerned in Q3 must be “lowest price”, “ticket” and “days”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a price number.

    • The travel agent lists the ticket prices of different airlines and this can be as a suggestion for the answer’s appearance.

    • After confirming the return date of the customer, he states that “Air Canada has tickets for $4,600. Qantas has them for $4,200. Pacific has tickets for $3,200”. It means that $3,200 is the lowest price for a ticket on the days the customer has chosen.

    • Therefore, the answer for Q3 must be “$3,200”.


    • Before confirming the return date of the customer, the travel agent lists ticket price range of different airlines. However, it is not the specific price on the days the customer has chosen. Hence, “$2,000 and $3,500” is not the correct answer.

  • 4 Answer: taxes and surcharges
    • The keywords concerned in Q4 must be “ticket prices” and “include”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be noun.

    • The travel agent says that “Those prices all include taxes and surcharges”.

    • Therefore, the answer for Q4 must be “taxes and surcharges”.


    • Remember that the answer must be in plural form.

Questions 5-8

Complete the following information about the flight times, using NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A TIME for each gap.


Outward flight (hh:mm)

Return flight (hh:mm)






Air Canada

















Los Angeles

  • 5 Answer: 1:45
    • The keywords concerned in Q5 must be “Qantas”, “outward flight” and “departure”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a time.

    • As the equivalent keywords “The Qantas flight” andleaves Sydneyare heard of Q5 are heard, we can be sure that the answer must soon appear.

    • The travel agent states that “The Qantas flight leaves Sydney at 1:45”. It means that the departure time of the outward flight of Qantas is 1:45.

    • Therefore, the answer for Q5 must be “1:45”.

  • 6 Answer: Vancouver
    • The keywords concerned in Q6 must be “Qantas” and “stopover”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a place (name of a city or country).

    • As keywords of Q6 are heard, we can be sure that the answer must soon appear.

    • The travel agent states that “There’s also a stopover in Vancouver”.

    • Therefore, the answer for Q6 must be “Vancouver”.


    • Remember to capitalise the initial letter of “Vancouver” because it is the name of a city.

  • 7 Answer: 6:15
    • The keywords concerned in Q7 must be “Pacific”, “outward flight” and “departure”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a time.

    • As the equivalent keywords “Pacific” andleavesof Q7 are heard, we can be sure that the answer must soon appear.

    • The travel agent states that “Pacific flies via Los Angeles and leaves at 6:15”. It means that the departure time of the outward flight of Pacific is 6:15.

    • Therefore, the answer for Q7 must be “6:15”.

  • 8 Answer: 10:25
    • The keywords concerned in Q8 must be “Pacific”, “return flight” and “departure”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a time.

    • As the equivalent keywords “Pacific” andleaves Torontoof Q8 are heard, we can be sure that the answer must soon appear.

    • The travel agent states that “The Pacific flight leaves Toronto at 10:25”. It means that the departure time of the return flight of Pacific is 10:25.

    • Therefore, the answer for Q8 must be “10:25”.

Questions 9-10

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

What is the customer’s full name?


Which company does she work for?


  • 9 Answer: Reece Mary-Anne
    • The keywords concerned in Q9 must be “customer” and “full name”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a name.

    • The travel agent’s statement “Make sure that I’ve spelt your name correctly” can be seen as a suggestion of the answer’s appearance.

    • The customer states that “Her first name is Reece and given names is Mary-Anne”.

    • Therefore, the answer for Q9 must be “Reece Mary-Anne”.  


    • Remember to capitalise each initial letter of “Reece Mary-Anne” and the hyphen between the customer’s given names.

  • 10 Answer: ABC Stocks
    • The keywords concerned in Q10 must be “company” and “work for”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be name of a company.

    • The travel agent’s statement “Shall I use the company name as it appears on the credit card” can be seen as a suggestion of the answer’s appearance.

    • The travel agent states that “Shall I use the company name as it appears on the credit card ABC Stocks” and the customer confirms this information.

    • Therefore, the answer for Q10 must be “ABC Stocks”.  

Part 1
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Section 1

Customer:    Good morning. I’d like to book a flight to Toronto, please.

Travel Agent: Certainly. Flying from Sydney?

Customer:    Yes. On Thursday, please.

Travel Agent: Thursday the 16th? Right. ... There are three flights that day. Do you prefer flying with any particular airline?

Customer:    I’ve heard that Air Canada is good, but expensive. Is there a big difference in prices between the airlines? I’ll be flying business class.

Travel Agent: Yes, there is. Air Canada is the most expensive airline at $4,000 to $6,000 for business class depending on the date of return. Qantas is $3,000 to $6,000 and Pacific, the budget airline, charges between $2,000 and $3,500.

Customer:    Wow! That’s quite a difference in prices! I’m returning on from Wednesday 22nd, so could you check the return prices for me?

Travel Agent: Sure. Let me just enter the return date into the computer.... OK. ... Air Canada has tickets for $4,600. Qantas has them for $4,200. Pacific has tickets for $3,200. Those prices all include taxes and surcharges.

Customer:    OK. Before I make a decision, I would like to know the departure and arrival times - in both directions.

Travel Agent: Of course. Let’s look at Air Canada first.... Leaves Sydney at 10 a.m. and arrives in Toronto at 10 a.m. local time. There’s a stopover in Vancouver. The Qantas flight leaves Sydney at 1:45 and arrives at 10:15 a.m. There’s also a stopover in Vancouver, but it’s shorter than the Air Canada one. Pacific flies via Los Angeles and leaves at 6:15, arriving at 11:55 p.m.

Customer:    Oh, that doesn’t sound very convenient - flying by Pacific, I mean.

Travel Agent: Well, budget airlines do offer cheaper tickets, but they are often not so advantageous in other ways.

Customer:    How about the return flights?

Travel Agent: Let me check.... The Air Canada flight leaves Toronto at 4 o’clock and arrives at 6 o’clock local time. The Qantas flight leaves at 9 a.m. and arrives at 11 a.m. local time in Sydney. Pacific ... The Pacific flight leaves Toronto at 10:25 and arrives at 6:10 local time in Sydney. Again, not very convenient timing.

Customer:    No, it isn’t. Are the stopovers the same as on the outward journey?

Travel Agent: Yes, they are.

Customer:    Well, I have a business appointment on Wednesday 22nd in the morning, so unfortunately, I can’t take the Qantas flight. The Pacific flight times are too inconvenient, so I’ll take the Air Canada flight, even though it’s more expensive.

Travel Agent: Right. I’ll book that for you, shall I? Do you have your passport with you?

Customer:    Yes, I do.... Here you are.

Travel Agent: Thank you. I’ll just enter your details.... OK, could you just check this printout? Make sure that I’ve spelt your name correctly and have written your passport number correctly too. ... Will you be paying by credit card?

Customer:    Yes, I have a company credit card. ... Here you are. ... Oh, my name is Reece with a ‘c’ not an ‘s’.

Travel Agent: Oh, I’m sorry! I’ll correct that. R, double E, C, E.

Customer:    And my given names are hyphenated. Mary hyphen Anne - with an ‘e’ - oh, you’ve got that. Sorry.

Travel Agent: OK. Mary-Anne, joined together with a hyphen. Is the passport number OK?

Customer:    Yes. Could you give me an official invoice, please? I need it for my company.

Travel Agent: Certainly. Shall I use the company name as it appears on the credit card - ABC Stocks?

Customer:    Yes.

Travel Agent: OK. Thank you. Could you sign here?... And here?... Thank you. I’ll just print out your ticket.

Customer:    Thank you.

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