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IELTS Recent Mock Tests Volume 5

IELTS Recent Mock Tests Volume 5

(5,172 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 24 Jan 2018
  • Tests taken: 1,548,863
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 (modern) (family) house 
  • 2 Number One/1 Road 
  • 3 per room 
  • 4 (the) cleaner/cleaning 
  • 5 (over) (the) ocean 
  • 6 Peter Truboise 
  • 7 6047 4106 
  • 8 A,E 
  • 9 C,D 
  • 10 B,C 
Correct answer: 0/13
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/13
  • 1 (modern) (family) house 
  • 2 Number One/1 Road 
  • 3 per room 
  • 4 (the) cleaner/cleaning 
  • 5 (over) (the) ocean 
  • 6 Peter Truboise 
  • 7 6047 4106 
  • 8 A,E 
  • 9 C,D 
  • 10 B,C 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 international understanding 
  • 12 improvement 
  • 13
  • 14 (very)basic conditions 
  • 15
  • 16 250 
  • 17 disabled 
  • 18 (a) passport photo 
  • 19 terms and conditions 
  • 20 1/A/One month 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 international understanding 
  • 12 improvement 
  • 13
  • 14 (very)basic conditions 
  • 15
  • 16 250 
  • 17 disabled 
  • 18 (a) passport photo 
  • 19 terms and conditions 
  • 20 1/A/One month 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 (a) student magazine 
  • 22 sell advertising 
  • 23 take photographs 
  • 24 (a)newspaper 
  • 25 edit 
  • 26 student radio station 
  • 27 read the news 
  • 28 (a) magazine 
  • 29 write articles 
  • 30 write websites 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 (a) student magazine 
  • 22 sell advertising 
  • 23 take photographs 
  • 24 (a)newspaper 
  • 25 edit 
  • 26 student radio station 
  • 27 read the news 
  • 28 (a) magazine 
  • 29 write articles 
  • 30 write websites 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 technology 
  • 32 wealth 
  • 33 developed 
  • 34 skiing 
  • 35 art galleries 
  • 36 (the) railway 
  • 37 (the) Internet 
  • 38 literature/writers 
  • 39 garlic 
  • 40 drama (festival) 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31 technology 
  • 32 wealth 
  • 33 developed 
  • 34 skiing 
  • 35 art galleries 
  • 36 (the) railway 
  • 37 (the) Internet 
  • 38 literature/writers 
  • 39 garlic 
  • 40 drama (festival) 


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IELTS Mock Test Reading

IELTS Mock Test Reading

Reading is the second part of the IELTS test, and takes 60 minutes. It consists of three or sometimes four reading passages of increasing difficulty,...

(18 votes)
22 Aug 2018

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-7

Complete the form below.

Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each answer.


Property to rent

Type of property: 1
Architectural type: 2 storey
Address: 3281 2 , Richmond, British Columbia.
Monthly rent:$700 3 plus $ 30 for 4
View of: 5
The landlord’s information
Name: 6
Address:as above
Telephone: 7
Cell phone:903 2773987
  • 1 Answer: (modern) (family) house
    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a type of property.

    • The answer for Q1 is quite noticeable as the man directly tells (family) house.

  • 2 Answer: Number One/1 Road
    • The keyword concerned in Q2 is “address”.

    • From the question of the woman about the man’s address, we can know that the answer will soon appear.

    • The answer for Q2 is quite noticeable as the man directly tells number one road Richmond.

  • 3 Answer: per room
    • The keyword concerned in Q3 is “how much”.

    • From the question of the woman about the price for the rooms, we can know that the answer will soon appear.

    • The answer for Q3 is quite noticeable as the man directly tells $700 per room.

  • 4 Answer: (the) cleaner/cleaning
    • From the question, we can assume that the answer is a noun.

    • The question “any other costs?” suggests that the relevant information will soon appear.

    • The answer for Q4, (the) cleaner/cleaning, is quite easy to spot since it is directly stated by the man.

  • 5 Answer: (over) (the) ocean
    • The keyword in question 5 is “view”.

    • The answer for this question, (over) (the) ocean, is quite easy to spot as it is directly stated by the man.

  • 6 Answer: Peter Truboise
    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a name.

    • The woman’s question about the man’s name suggests that the answer will soon appear.

    • The answer for Q6, Peter Truboise, is quite easy to spot as it is spelled by the man.

    Note: B-O-Y is the wrong spelling because the man answers “no”.

  • 7 Answer: 6047 4106
    • The key word “phone number” suggests the answer’s appearance.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be numbers.

    • The answer for Q7 is quite noticeable as the man directly tells his phone number, which is 60474106.

Questions 8-10


Circle TWO letters A-E.

Which of the following does the kitchen contain?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • 8 Answer: A,E
    • The woman’s question “What have you got in the kitchen?” suggests that the answer will soon appear.

    • From the man’s direct answer “there’s a dishwasher” and “in the kitchen there’s a microwave as well”, we can conclude that the answer for Q8 is A&E.


Circle TWO letters A-E.

Which of the following does the house have?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • 9 Answer: C,D
    • The woman’s question “Now what about the house? suggests that the answer will soon appear.

    • From the man’s direct answer “there’s a room for playing ping-pong” and “It’s got central heating”, we can conclude that the answer for Q9 is C&D.


Circle TWO letters A-E.

Which amenities are nearby?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • 10 Answer: B,C
    • As stated in the conversation, “there’s a shopping mall just a block away” and Boyd Park is only a couple of hundred yards away, we can conclude that the answer for Q10 is B&C.

    • We should notice that “just a block away” and “only a couple of hundred yards away” are similar to “nearby”.

Part 1
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Woman: Hi. Bellingham Real-Estate Agents. Could you hold, please?
Man: OK.
Woman: Sorry about that. What can I do for you?
Man: Yeah. I’m looking for some tenants for my house and I was hoping you could advertise it for me.
Woman: Sure. No problem. Is it here in vancouver ?
Man: No, it’s just outside in richmond .
Woman: Very nice. It’s a house, you say?
Man: Yes. It’s a family house. It’s two-storey, quite modem.
Woman: Right. And you’re wanting to rent out the whole place, is that right?
Man: No, no, just two rooms are for rent-that’s two bedroomsplus the use of the rest of the house-it would really suit a couple of students.
Woman: OK. Can you just tell me the address , please?
Man: Yeah sure, it’s three to eight one Number One Road. Richmond.
Woman: OK, that’s quite a way out. And how much were you thinking of for these rooms?
Man: I thought $700 per room would be a pretty fair price.
Woman: Is that per month?

Man: Sure.
Woman: OK. You’d get at least a thousand if you were in Vancouver.
Man: Yeah, I know.
Woman: Hum. Any other costs?
Man: Er, just the cleaner who comes once a week.
Woman: Cleaner, OK. And how much would your tenant have to pay her?
Man: Hm, actually. It’s a guy and…er…that would be another $30 a month for the cleaning.
Woman: OK, and is it nice? I mean is it got a view and things?
Man: Sure, it looks out over the ocean. No garden , but there’s lots to look at from the lounge okay .
Woman: OK, and your name is?
Man: Peter Truboise.

Woman: Truboise-is that B-O-Y-S?
Man: No, it’s T-R-U-B-O-I-S-E.
Woman: Truboise. Nice name. And your address?
Man: It’s the same one as I just gave you.
Woman: Fine, as above. Got a phone number you can give me?
Man: Sure. I’m calling vou from it. It’s six zero four seven four one zero .

Woman: And a cell?
Man: Yes. That’s nine zero three two seven seven three nine eight seven before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at questions 8:00 to 10:00 now listen carefully and answer questions 8 to 10 .
Woman: Now let’s get down to the serious stuff. What have you got in the kitchen? A fridge, of course.
Man: Yes. a fridge. and there’s a dishwasher .
Woman: Got facilities for washing clothes?
Man: Yeah. A washing machine in the basement , and a dryer too.
Woman: OK. Gas or electric stove?
Man: Electric, and in the kitchen there’s a microwave as well.
Woman: Fine. Now what about the house? Anything worth mentioning sure there's ?
Man: Sure-there’s a room for nlaving ping pong and pool.
Woman: Great and how’s it heated?
Man: It’s got central heating but no fireplace.

Woman: That’s too bad. I like an open fire in winter. air-conditioned ?
Man: No.
Woman: No conditioning. I suppose you’ve got a TV?
Man: Sure.
Woman: Cable?
Man: Er, afraid not. I’ve never gotten around to putting it in.
Woman: Fine. What sort of tenant are you looking for-students, you said?
Man: That’s right. Although it’s quite away from the university, though-I guess they’d need a car.
Woman: That’s true. Still, there’s a shopping mall just iust a block awav-I’m looking at a map right now.
Man: Yup, just a small one-no movie theaters or anything like that. We’re right by the beach though and that’s something.

Woman: Sure, especially in this weather. I wish I was there myself! Any other entertainment in the area?
Man: There’s a cocktail lounge on the comer and a couple of
hamburger joins. You’d have to go downtown for a movie though. Oh, and Boyd Park is only a couple of hundred yards away.
Woman: OK. Mr. Tmboise, I’ll post this up for you and I hope you have some luck.
Man: Thanks, bye.
Woman: Bye, and take care.
Man: Sure, thanks.

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