Complete the form below.
Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each answer.
Property to rent
Type of property: | 1 |
Architectural type: | 2 storey |
Address: | 3281 2 , Richmond, British Columbia. |
Monthly rent: | $700 3 plus $ 30 for 4 |
View of: | 5 |
The landlord’s information | |
Name: | 6 |
Address: | as above |
Telephone: | 7 |
Cell phone: | 903 2773987 |
Note: B-O-Y is the wrong spelling because the man answers “no”. |
Circle TWO letters A-E.
Which of the following does the kitchen contain?
Circle TWO letters A-E.
Which of the following does the house have?
Circle TWO letters A-E.
Which amenities are nearby?
Woman: Hi. Bellingham Real-Estate Agents. Could you hold, please?
Man: OK.
Woman: Sorry about that. What can I do for you?
Man: Yeah. I’m looking for some tenants for my house and I was hoping you could advertise it for me.
Woman: Sure. No problem. Is it here in vancouver ?
Man: No, it’s just outside in richmond .
Woman: Very nice. It’s a house, you say?
Man: Yes. It’s a family house. It’s two-storey, quite modem.
Woman: Right. And you’re wanting to rent out the whole place, is that right?
Man: No, no, just two rooms are for rent-that’s two bedroomsplus the use of the rest of the house-it would really suit a couple of students.
Woman: OK. Can you just tell me the address , please?
Man: Yeah sure, it’s three to eight one Number One Road. Richmond.
Woman: OK, that’s quite a way out. And how much were you thinking of for these rooms?
Man: I thought $700 per room would be a pretty fair price.
Woman: Is that per month?
Man: Sure.
Woman: OK. You’d get at least a thousand if you were in Vancouver.
Man: Yeah, I know.
Woman: Hum. Any other costs?
Man: Er, just the cleaner who comes once a week.
Woman: Cleaner, OK. And how much would your tenant have to pay her?
Man: Hm, actually. It’s a guy and…er…that would be another $30 a month for the cleaning.
Woman: OK, and is it nice? I mean is it got a view and things?
Man: Sure, it looks out over the ocean. No garden , but there’s lots to look at from the lounge okay .
Woman: OK, and your name is?
Man: Peter Truboise.
Woman: Truboise-is that B-O-Y-S?
Man: No, it’s T-R-U-B-O-I-S-E.
Woman: Truboise. Nice name. And your address?
Man: It’s the same one as I just gave you.
Woman: Fine, as above. Got a phone number you can give me?
Man: Sure. I’m calling vou from it. It’s six zero four seven four one zero .
Woman: And a cell?
Man: Yes. That’s nine zero three two seven seven three nine eight seven before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at questions 8:00 to 10:00 now listen carefully and answer questions 8 to 10 .
Woman: Now let’s get down to the serious stuff. What have you got in the kitchen? A fridge, of course.
Man: Yes. a fridge. and there’s a dishwasher .
Woman: Got facilities for washing clothes?
Man: Yeah. A washing machine in the basement , and a dryer too.
Woman: OK. Gas or electric stove?
Man: Electric, and in the kitchen there’s a microwave as well.
Woman: Fine. Now what about the house? Anything worth mentioning sure there's ?
Man: Sure-there’s a room for nlaving ping pong and pool.
Woman: Great and how’s it heated?
Man: It’s got central heating but no fireplace.
Woman: That’s too bad. I like an open fire in winter. air-conditioned ?
Man: No.
Woman: No conditioning. I suppose you’ve got a TV?
Man: Sure.
Woman: Cable?
Man: Er, afraid not. I’ve never gotten around to putting it in.
Woman: Fine. What sort of tenant are you looking for-students, you said?
Man: That’s right. Although it’s quite away from the university, though-I guess they’d need a car.
Woman: That’s true. Still, there’s a shopping mall just iust a block awav-I’m looking at a map right now.
Man: Yup, just a small one-no movie theaters or anything like that. We’re right by the beach though and that’s something.
Woman: Sure, especially in this weather. I wish I was there myself! Any other entertainment in the area?
Man: There’s a cocktail lounge on the comer and a couple of
hamburger joins. You’d have to go downtown for a movie though. Oh, and Boyd Park is only a couple of hundred yards away.
Woman: OK. Mr. Tmboise, I’ll post this up for you and I hope you have some luck.
Man: Thanks, bye.
Woman: Bye, and take care.
Man: Sure, thanks.