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# | Thành viên | Điểm | Thời gian | |
Hoang Anh Vo Tran | | 9.0 | 15:38 | |
Begimay Talantbek kyzy | | 9.0 | 15:46 | |
leee niaaa | | 9.0 | 16:03 | |
4 | Nhi Vuong | | 9.0 | 16:32 |
5 | Jiner Zhang | | 9.0 | 16:50 |
6 | thái nguyễn | | 9.0 | 17:24 |
7 | Harpreet Kaur | | 9.0 | 17:50 |
8 | Kalzhyr Merekenov | | 9.0 | 17:58 |
9 | darpan kapadia | | 9.0 | 18:09 |
10 | Giang Phan | | 9.0 | 18:56 |
When reading a passage in the IELTS test, it is most likely that you will come across words with which you are unfamiliar. Be prepared for this....
Review & Explanations:
Complete the notes below.
Birmingham Exhibition
• Open in: 1 • Length of exhibition: 2 • A wide range of manufacturers will be showcased. • Some cars are available to observe and the others are for 3 • The 4 is prohibited to take into the museum. • Every ticket includes one free photo. • Price of ticket: £ 5 (in advance) • Transfer to Mark 6 (Box Office Manager) • Held in the 7 Palace this year • Not far from 8 • Website: www. 9 .com • Best way to contact: 10 |
Question 1:
Note: Candidates might take “June” as an answer because they heard the woman asked: “Does it open in June?” and the man answered :Yes”. However, candidates should ignore this distraction because the time is confirmed. The answer “yes” is for the question: “ I was wondering whether you could provide me with some more information”, not for “Does it open in June?” |
Question 2:
Note: Candidates might take “1st - 3rd of July” as the answer. The answer is basically not wrong, however, due to the limitation of word (no more than 2 words), this answer cannot be accepted. |
Question 3:
Note: Candidates might take “sit” or “drive” as an answer, however, the gap must be a noun as explained. If the word before the gap is “to” ( parallel to the phrase ““to observe”) then “sit” or “drive” is correct. |
Question 4:
Note: Candidates might take “cameras” as an answer as they heard the man said the word in plural form. However, the word “is” written on the questions sheet suggest the answer must be provided in singular form. |
Question 5:
Note: Candidates might be confused as they heard many prices mentioned. However, they could get rid of this distraction by focus on the keyword :”in advance” |
Question 6:
Question 7:
Note: Candidates might take “Birmingham Exhibition Centre” However, candidates should easily ignore this distraction because the location is confirmed. Moreover, this location does not contain any information about Palace |
Question 8:
Question 9:
Question 10:
Nguồn 1
Nguồn 2
Events Coordinator: Good morning, you’re through to the events coordinator at the Birmingham City ouncil, how may I help you?
Julie: Hello there, my husband and I are interested in purchasing tickets to the automobile exhibition, but I couldn’t find many details about it on your website, and I was wondering whether you could provide me with some more information. Does it open in June?
Events Coordinator: Yes, of course, Madam. The exhibition will take place during July, and will showcase the history of automobiles from the very first commercial car in the late 1800s all the way through to the present day.
Julie: Is the exhibition open for the duration of July?
Events Coordinator: No, Madam, the exhibition will last 3 days, from the 1st of July to the 3rd of July, and then the cars will be taken to another exhibition.
Julie: Okay. Does the exhibition focus on a certain manufacturer?
Events Coordinator: No, it will showcase a wide range of manufacturers.
Julie: Wonderful! I’m ever so fed up of going to these shows and only seeing one manufacturer. Are there any opportunities to sit in or even drive the cars?
Events Coordinator: There will be many opportunities for you to sit in the cars; however, some of the cars will only be available to observe. We are yet to be told whether any of the antique cars will be available to drive, however there will certainly be an opportunity to test driving some of the more modern cars on a purpose-built track.
Julie: That sounds like great fun! I mustn’t forget to bring my camera, or my husband will never forgive me!
Events Coordinator: I’m afraid to say that cameras are actually strictly not allowed to bring into the exhibition. There will however be a section where a professional photographer will be available to take photos of you sitting in a car in period clothing.
Julie: Well, that sounds like it could be fun, but I assume the photos won’t be free.
Events Coordinator: On the contrary, one free photograph is included within every ticket, but each photo after this will cost £5.
Julie: That’s a nice surprise, not many things are free anymore. I’ve been asking around about the ticket prices, but I haven’t yet had a definite answer. Is it correct that the tickets are £100 whether you buy them now or on arrival?
Events Coordinator: I’m afraid not. If you buy the ticket in advance the price is £110, but it’s £165 on the door.
Julie: Oh goodness! I suppose I’d best pay for them now then. Is it possible to buy tickets from you now over the phone?
Events Coordinator: Yes, of course, Madam. I’ll transfer you to the Box Office Manager, Mark Edgeworth, that’s E-D-G-E-W-O-R-T-H, and he will probably need to take your credit card details and some personal details.
Julie: Yes, that’s fine. Before you transfer me, I just need to ask a few more questions. Will the exhibition be held in the Birmingham Exhibition Centre? I think that’s where I went last time.
Events Coordinator: No, Madam, the Birmingham Exhibition Centre is currently undergoing some renovations, so this year all exhibitions will be held in the Summer Palace.
Julie: Summer Palace? I’m not entirely sure where that is.
Events Coordinator: Well, it’s not too far from city centre. Once you’re in the centre, you should be able to find signs for the palace. If not, most people in Birmingham will be able to direct you.
Julie: Hmm...neither my husband nor I am particularly good with directions. Is there anywhere I can find this information on the Internet?
Events Coordinator: Our website will give you an address. Perhaps you could visit www.directions.com for more detailed information, and they should be able to provide you with step-by-step instructions.
Julie: Okay and is this the best way to contact you, by phone?
Events Coordinator: I think the most convenient way to contact us is enquiring online, which is much simpler than having to dial various different numbers to reach the right person! Unless you have any more questions, I’ll transfer you now.
Julie: No, that’s great! Thank you for your help.
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