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IELTS General Training Volume 7

IELTS General Training Volume 7

(708 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 22 Aug 2018
  • Tests taken: 628,963
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 Tom/Tom Jones
  • 2 Flat 1
  • 3 020 7788 1212
  • 4 Cafe Manager
  • 5 Daltton
  • 6 broken
  • 7 Jenny Orion
  • 8 Business partner
  • 9 1st February
  • 10 credit card
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 Palace Gardens
  • 12 Royal Crescent
  • 13 middle ages
  • 14 old hockey playground
  • 15 residential road
  • 16 Queen Square
  • 17 Roman baths
  • 18 (The) Roman Boat
  • 19 48 hours
  • 20 English
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 Educational Science
  • 22 primary school
  • 23 arithmetic
  • 24 construction
  • 25 (A) friend
  • 26 understanding
  • 27 extend
  • 28 computer
  • 29 raise/earn money
  • 30 accommodation
Part 4: Question 31 - 39
  • 31 (A) questionnaire
  • 32 (the) fountain
  • 33 (the) business school
  • 34 2/two
  • 35 leisure and sports
  • 36 (a) drama theatre
  • 37 25%
  • 38 (the) accommodation buildings
  • 39 40 B,E


#Thành viênĐiểmThời gian
Harroop Kaur 9.015:12
Rahimunnisa Shaik 9.015:12
Mohini Chauhan 9.015:13
4 Rose Ann Villoga 9.015:56
5 Ankur Sonik 9.016:12
6 Alan Milanio 9.016:14
7 Dickson Mukundane 9.016:15
8 APRIL JOY VEA 9.016:17
9 cz pro 9.016:21
10 Thạch Vũ Lê Quân 9.016:24

Tips for improving your ielts score

How to Do Matching Heading Type of Questions in IELTS Reading?

One of the most difficult questions that students face in IELTS reading is matching heading type of questions. Students get worried about solving...

(33 votes)

24 Aug 2018

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-10

Complete the notes below.





Dealer’s name:

Mary Fox

Customer’s name:


Current address:

2 Wood House, Wolf Crescent

Daytime contact number:




Current car:

2.0 Litre

Humax 5 in 2000

Car insurance Co. (before):

North Pole Safe


Three cases


The window was 6

Another driver's name:


Relationship to main driver:


Starting insurance:

The 9

Method of payment:


  • 1 Answer: Tom/Tom Jones


    • the words which lead you to the answer are underlined.

    • the word/number you must write for the answer is marked.

    • words which you might wrongly think could be the answer are in italics.

    • The keyword concerned in Q1 must be Customer’s name.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a name.

    • As the women asks the man to tell her his name, the man confirms that his name is Tom Jones Therefore, the answer for Q1 must be Tom Jones

  • 2 Answer: Flat 1
    • The keyword concerned in Q2 must be current address.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a place.

    • The customer mentions that It’s Flat 1 Wood House, Wolf Crescent . Therefore, the answer for Q2 must be Flat 1

  • 3 Answer: 020 7788 1212
    • The keyword concerned in Q3 must be Daytime contact number.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a series of numbers.

    • The customer mentions that My office number is 020 7788 1212. Therefore, the answer for Q3 must be 020 7788 1212.

  • 4 Answer: Cafe Manager
    • The keywords concerned in Q4 must be Job.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • The man states that I’m a cafe manager.Thus, the answer for Q4 must be “cafe manager”.

  • 5 Answer: Daltton
    • The keywords concerned in Q5 must be Current car and Humax

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • As the women asks the man to tell her the model name, the man confirms that It’s a Humax Daltton Thus, the answer for Q5 must be Daltton.

  • 6 Answer: broken
    • The keywords concerned in Q6 must be Problem and The window

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a adjective

    • The man states that It was a broken window. Thus, the answer for Q6 must be broken

  • 7 Answer: Jenny Orion
    • The keywords concerned in Q7 must be Another driver's name

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • The man states that Yes, just one woman and Jenny Orion. Thus, the answer for Q7 must be Jenny Orion

  • 8 Answer: Business partner
    • The keywords concerned in Q8 must be Relationship

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • The man states that She is my business partner. Thus, the answer for Q8 must be business partner

  • 9 Answer: 1st February
    • The keywords concerned in Q9 must be Starting insurance

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a interval.

    • The man states that I’ll need it from the 1st of February. Thus, the answer for Q9 must be 1st February

  • 10 Answer: credit card
    • The keywords concerned in Q10 must be Method of payment

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • The man states that I’ll use a credit card. Thus, the answer for Q10 must be credit card.

Part 1
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AGENT:    Hello. Nice to meet you. My name Is Mary Fox. I am a car Insurance marketing manager here. What can I do for you, sir?

CUSTOMER; Oh hello. I’m interested in buying some car insurance.

AGENT:    Great. I’ll show you a brochure then. What’s your name, sir?

CUSTOMER: Tom Jones. Just call me Tom. Easy to remember, isn’t it?

AGENT:    And your current address In the UK, Tom?

CUSTOMER:    It’s Flat 1 Wood House, Wolf Crescent.

AGENT:    Wolf Crescent. Is that in the Surrey Quay area of east London?


AGENT:    And what’s your daytime phone number, please?

CUSTOMER:    My office number is 020 7788 1212.

AGENT:    And could I ask you what you do for a living?

CUSTOMER:    I’m a cafe manager.

AGENT:    OK. So can you tell me the engine size of your car, please, Tom?

CUSTOMER:    It has a 2.0 litre engine.

AGENT:    Thank you. And the model name?

CUSTOMER:    It’s a Humax Daltton.

AGENT:    Could you spell the model name, please?

CUSTOMER:    Yes. D-A-L-T-T-O-N.

AGENT:    Ah yes, thanks. And when was it launched?

CUSTOMER:    It would have been In 2000, I think.

AGENT:    Lovely. Right. I presume you’ve had a previous Insurer recently?


AGENT:    Right. We need to know the name of the car Insurance company you were with before.

CUSTOMER:    Certainly. It was North Pole Safe.

AGENT:    Thank you, and have you made any insurance claims within the last three years?

CUSTOMER:    Yes, three cases In 2005.

AGENT:    And what was your problem?

CUSTOMER:    It was a broken window.

AGENT:    That’s fine, Mr. Jones. Everything sounds fine so far. And will you include any other drivers on the insurance?

CUSTOMER:    Yes, just one woman.

AGENT:    And her name?

CUSTOMER:    Jenny Orion.

AGENT:    Could you spell her full name, please?

CUSTOMER:    Jenny Orion, that’s J-E-double N-Y O-R-l-O-N.

AGENT:    OK, thank you. And what relationship is she to you?

CUSTOMER:    She is my business partner.

AGENT:    And what will you be using the car for?

CUSTOMER:    Well... mainly for business use.

AGENT:    Business use (murmuring). Will you be using it for delivery?

CUSTOMER:    Yes, always.

AGENT:    Anything else?

CUSTOMER:    No. That’s it.

AGENT:    And finally, when would you like to begin the Insurance?

CUSTOMER:    I’ll need it from the 1st of February.

AGENT:    Right. Could I check the tick box on the computer now?

CUSTOMER:    Yes, go ahead.

AGENT:    And that comes out at £700.00 per year.

CUSTOMER:    Well... It’s quite a bit higher than I’ve been paying until now... but it’s just about OK.

AGENT:    Great. How would you like to pay? Cash or card, sir?

CUSTOMER:    I’ll use a credit card.

AGENT:    Certainly, sir.

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