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IELTS Mock Test 2020 May Writing Practice Test 1

Question list

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie chart gives information on UAE government spending in 2000. The total budget was AED 315 billion.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

Writing Task 1

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some systems require students to specialize in a limited range of subjects from the age of fifteen. Other systems require students to study a wide range of subjects until they leave school. What are the benefits of these two education systems and which is better?

You should write at least 250 words.

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The world today is growing rapidly leaving behind the inequality between men and women we had before. In many developed and even developing countries, women have started working alongside men. Awareness in the society has promoted the importance of education, unlike the earlier times when such things were gender specific. In countries like India, it was the job of men to work and women to look after the household work.

Now that the scenario has changed, it is necessary for men and women to share household work along with managing their demanding professional lives. In many cases, the burden of household work still comes up on the shoulder of a woman, even if she is working full time. They find it very exhausting to manage their professional and personal life together. I think that, if there is equality in the workplace then the same should be followed to manage the household works. For a stable and smooth flow of life, it is important that men and women both share their work load which gives them equal chance to manage their time wisely.

But I also believe that in recent times, men have been very supportive towards the idea of managing the household work equally. It is always good to have an extra pair of hand for help and the men of today’s world are making this possible.

Though there is not a complete change but things are improving and changing slow and steadily which is not bad. The situation in the future will surely be better than today.


The diagram below illustrates the process of rainwater collection which is treated and used as drinking water in an Australian town.
The process of rainwater collection has 3 steps from filtering the collected water to chemically treating it. The overall process is not complex but rather has a very simple procedure.
First of all, every house in the Australian town has a drainage system from where the rain water is collected. The rainwater that falls on the top of the roof directly passes through the water drainage system. The collected water then gets filtered by a water filter before getting stored. The filtered and stored water then goes for the next step that is water treatment. In this procedure, chemicals are added into the water to purify it and make it safe for drinking. This clean water tank is connected with the community’s drinking water taps from where people can access this drinking water which is achieved from rain water harvesting.


This Diagram illustrate how we can treat water from the rain and use it for life.
The Government Australian  built a system who s treating the water from the rain. In order to implement he created a system to collect the rain and a storage where all the water can go and reserved.
Once it s raining the water are falling in the storage and then treated by the chemicals to treat water for drinking.
However, the water  from the failing rain will be used for life. This period we are facing of country or kids and family who don t have clean water for life.

Alfer Ivan Camargo Infante

The diagram illustrates how rainwater is collect and them treated and filtered so finally it can be consumed.
In the upper right part of diagram is the image of how start the water collection process, after the rain water falls on the roof of the house and it slides into a gutter that collects it and them transports it to a pipe tat will lead it to the bottom of the house.
This system is repeated in each of the neighboring houses which are connected to a system of subway pipes that collect the water and transports it to a filter, where start the first part of the water treatment.
Subsequently, the water leaves the filter and it sent through the pipe to a store tank that allows it to rest to next pass to another treatment tank.
The diagram shows that the size of the store tank and the treatment tank are the same to ensure that the same amount of store water is treated.
Once in the treatment tank, the water received some chemicals that help to complete the cleaning process to finally be conducted through a pipe to the same group the houses from where it came out initially according to the consumption needs of each one as show in the upper left part of the diagram.


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The information below represrnts the proces of picking nature water and next conversion for individual usage in rural area of Australia.

The main advantage of treatment the collected water consist in an acces to unpaid sourse of raw material and an extrimely low lengh of proces.

First of all, the raining water is going through a drain straigford to filtrer. Then, free of hard elements it is collected in sizeable storage.  It is also possible to place the product for reserve, if needed.

Following to the next step, the filtered water is getting the treatment by adding specific chemicals in order to destroy potentially dengerous components and hurmful for drinking toxins. Thus, it looks like clean,  free of metal and another chemical substances. In consequance, the end product  of owerwork water"s chain requires to be directed into the houses of Australian town.

It seems, like the process of collecting rain water and following treatment requires of minimal contribution.


The economical system of most of the contries requires to have double income in the family in order to be free of financial issues. Thus, many spouses came to solution to be involved in work process, like full-time employers. In addition, they keep on doing indoors and outdoors work in the house. But the open question is, if the couple should to cooperate and manage with the task together or this is still responsibility of females? I am of the opinion that woman has to orginise householding as well as she can, because it took the beginning hundrets years ago. Consequantly, the couple has a time for recovering afrer work day.

To begin, the loud termin, called "feminism' took the beginning over 20 yers ago and gave the start to new look at relationships between two genders. One of the advantages is the fact that the women are able to build succsessful career or to be in the charge of women and man as well. Another benefit is that females can request a husband's help with looking after kids, cleaning, shopping of food and even cooking for the family. Undoubtelly, I belive thet the mentioned above type of taking care of home will become more acceptable and well-known, espesially aroun the Europe and the USA. Actually, I had been living in danish family for a year and used to see the equal divite of daily routine.

On the other hand, I suppose that the woman has a risk to lose a feeling of femality by spending 8 or more hours at work place. The main thing that she has to think about is how to create cosy atmosphere at home and to be full of energyin order to give a excelent care and an enormous amount of love to the husband or children. Besides, she can definately have an outstanding ocuppation in order to be surrounded with fascinating people. My family is a suitable example of all, mentioned bellow and I raised that way. So, I still keep in mind this kind of domestic state.

To summarise, I am of the opinion the male and female have never been the same and have to use this difference to gaing high-level arangment of home comfort.


Nowadays, both gender from various countries are into full time job. Due to that situation, household chores should be done equally. The writer of the essay completely agrees to it because people should learn how to share responsibilities in order to make life and work easier. Further paragraphs will discuss the importance why both sexes need to work more and the advantages of fair distribution of chores after working. 
In the past, there is a norm that women should be the one to do all the household cleaning while men will be responsible in working outside to provide for the family. However, as years go by, life has become harder which made both men and women work full time in order to earn more. There are a lot of job openings that can maximize the potential of both gender but requires to spend 8 to 10 hours of their time at work. These working schedules can tend to exhaust every individual. It is important to equally share the duties at home to be able to get things done early and to give longer period of rest. 
Generally, people should learn to accept that all responsibilities can be done by anyone despite of what gender they are. Learning how to embrace shared work can greatly benefit every individual and couples all over the world. For instance, if parents will divide the chores at home then they can spend more time for their children and for other activities that they want to do. If they rely on one another then household cleaning will be easier and faster. It can also promote additional connection and bond with their partners after a long day at work. It can also lessen stress and frustration because they have someone to lean on and help them in doing all of it.
In conclusion, every house needs to be kept clean and organize every day. It is a hard job for each member of the family especially if they are working because it will take up much of their time. However, we should learn how to prioritize, delegate and equally distribute all the chores at home for us to be able to maximize our daily lives. Remember that it’s a home and people should always look forward in spending time there.


Hi guys! I would greatly appreciate it if any of y'all had a look and gave my answers a mark. My IELTS is in the few days and I'm (totally) not panicking! Cheers! xoxo


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