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IELTS Mock Test 2020 April

IELTS Mock Test 2020 April

(754 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 21 Apr 2020
  • Tests taken: 180,272
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 A/D 
  • 2 B/C 
  • 3 A/D 
  • 4 B/C 
  • 5 F/G/J 
  • 6 E/H/I 
  • 7 F/G/J 
  • 8 E/H/I 
  • 9 F/G/J 
  • 10 E/H/I 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 A/D 
  • 2 B/C 
  • 3 A/D 
  • 4 B/C 
  • 5 F/G/J 
  • 6 E/H/I 
  • 7 F/G/J 
  • 8 E/H/I 
  • 9 F/G/J 
  • 10 E/H/I 
Part 2: Question 11 - 26
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17 18 C,D 
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22 worldwide fame 
  • 23 ambition/self-belief 
  • 24 turning point 
  • 25 psychoanalytic 
  • 26 be forgotten 
Correct answer: 0/16
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 26
Correct answer: 0/16
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17 18 C,D 
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22 worldwide fame 
  • 23 ambition/self-belief 
  • 24 turning point 
  • 25 psychoanalytic 
  • 26 be forgotten 
Part 3: Question 27 - 40
  • 27 NOT GIVEN 
  • 28 TRUE 
  • 29 NOT GIVEN 
  • 30 NOT GIVEN 
  • 31 TRUE 
  • 32 FALSE 
  • 33 FALSE 
  • 34 variety of 
  • 35 therapeutic benefits 
  • 36 creative process 
  • 37 not incompatible 
  • 38
  • 39
  • 40
Correct answer: 0/14
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 27 - 40
Correct answer: 0/14
  • 27 NOT GIVEN 
  • 28 TRUE 
  • 29 NOT GIVEN 
  • 30 NOT GIVEN 
  • 31 TRUE 
  • 32 FALSE 
  • 33 FALSE 
  • 34 variety of 
  • 35 therapeutic benefits 
  • 36 creative process 
  • 37 not incompatible 
  • 38
  • 39
  • 40


#Thành viênĐiểmThời gian
sandhya dhital 9.021:53
Beishara Bala 9.025:17
Minh Dinh Duc 9.026:11
4 Sachin Kasbekar 9.026:24
5 yong han 9.026:44
6 thái nguyễn 9.029:06
7 Anindi K 9.029:26
8 Huseyn Jafarov 9.030:28
9 Manisha Subramanian 9.036:16
10 Tran Trung 9.038:12
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15 Apr 2020

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Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-10

Complete the table below.

Choose 10 answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-L, next to questions 1-10.



End Product





Act of Creation/ Production







A the finished object appeals on an emotional and spiritual level

B the final product has no pretensions to being anything more than it appears

C only a functional use is considered for the finished object

D no practical purpose as such is envisaged for the created object

E the process of creation is merely a means to an end

F whether or not there is an end product, the product itself is secondary to the process of creation

G not having to adhere to a set of rules, the process is a matter of experimentation

H there is no margin of error for experimentation, all of the process following a set of guidelines

I its goal is defined from the outset

J the process is fluid and undefined

K it is useful but not commercially viable

L the production process is a mixture of following rules and experimentation

  • 1 Answer: A/D

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q1&Q3: End Product of Art

    the very reason for art and its existence is purely to 'be', hence the furlined teacup created by Dada artist, Meret Oppenheim. The 'cup' as such was quite obviously never intended for practical use…

    Artistic products appeal purely at the level of the imagination


    After scanning the passage, we can find out the needed information for these questions. Firstly, we are aware that the very reason for art is purely to ‘be’ and it was quite obviously never intended for practical use. From that point, we can conclude that D is the answer. Secondly, artistic products are also said to appeal purely at the level of imagination. In other words, the finished object of art appeals on an emotional and spiritual level. All in all, the answers for Q1 and Q3 are A,D (in any order).

  • 2 Answer: B/C

    Q2&Q4: End Product of Craft

    the concept of craft is historically associated with the production of useful or practical products

    Artistry in craftsmanship is therefore merely a byproduct, since the primary focus is on what something does, not what it is


    Based on the keywords, we can locate the needed information. Accordingly, craft is associated with the production of useful or functional products. Thence, C is an answer for these questions. Moreover, we are informed that the primary focus in craftsmanship is on what something does, not what it is. In other words, the final product has no pretensions to being anything, but its functions. Therefore, the answers for Q2 and Q4 must be B, C (in any order).

  • 3 Answer: A/D

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q1&Q3: End Product of Art

    the very reason for art and its existence is purely to 'be', hence the furlined teacup created by Dada artist, Meret Oppenheim. The 'cup' as such was quite obviously never intended for practical use…

    Artistic products appeal purely at the level of the imagination


    After scanning the passage, we can find out the needed information for these questions. Firstly, we are aware that the very reason for art is purely to ‘be’ and it was quite obviously never intended for practical use. From that point, we can conclude that D is the answer. Secondly, artistic products are also said to appeal purely at the level of imagination. In other words, the finished object of art appeals on an emotional and spiritual level. All in all, the answers for Q1 and Q3 are A,D (in any order).

  • 4 Answer: B/C

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q2&Q4: End Product of Craft

    the concept of craft is historically associated with the production of useful or practical products

    Artistry in craftsmanship is therefore merely a byproduct, since the primary focus is on what something does, not what it is


    Based on the keywords, we can locate the needed information. Accordingly, craft is associated with the production of useful or functional products. Thence, C is an answer for these questions. Moreover, we are informed that the primary focus in craftsmanship is on what something does, not what it is. In other words, the final product has no pretensions to being anything, but its functions. Therefore, the answers for Q2 and Q4 must be B, C (in any order).

  • 5 Answer: F/G/J

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q5&Q7&Q9: Act of Creation/ Production of Art

    the process required to produce the finished object…

    Art is placed by Collingwood at the other end of the creative continuum, the creation of art being described as a process that evolves non-deterministically… Since the artist is not following a set of standard rules in the process of creation, he or she has no guidelines like the craftsman… Having no definite end-goal in mind, the emphasis on the finished product that is true of craftsmanship is placed Instead on the act of creation itself with the artist


    Based on the keywords ‘Act of Creation/ Production’ and ‘art’, we can find out the needed information for these questions. Firstly, we can acknowledge that the creation of art is described as a process that involves non-deterministically. From that point, we can figure out that J is a correct answer. Secondly, it is apparent that the artist doesn’t have to adhere to a set of rules in the process of creation. Then, G is another correct answer for these questions. What is more, the emphasis on the act of creation itself is true for the artist since they have no definite end-goal in mind. Alternatively, the product itself is secondary to the process of creation of art. In conclusion, the answers for Q5, Q7 and Q9 must be F, G, J 9in any order).

  • 6 Answer: E/H/I

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q6&Q8&Q10: Act of Creation/ Production of Craft

    With a craft, Collingwood argued, the 'result to be obtained is preconceived or thought out before being arrived at.' …

    the table or chair created by the craftsman, for example, has to conform to certain expectations in appearance and design…

    Having no definite end-goal in mind, the emphasis on the finished product that is true of craftsmanship


    Following the flow of information, we can find out the answers for these questions related to craft. Accordingly, the result to be obtained by craft is preconceived or thought before being arrived at. In other words, its goal is defined from the outset; then, I is a correct answer. As mentioned above, in addition, the craftsman has to follow the guidelines or he or she has to conform to certain expectations in appearance and design, so H is also an answer for these questions. Furthermore, it is said that the craftsmanship emphasizes on the finished product. From that point, we can figure out that the process of creation of craft is merely a means to an end. All in all E, H, I (in any order) are the answers for Q6, Q8 and Q10.

  • 7 Answer: F/G/J

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q5&Q7&Q9: Act of Creation/ Production of Art

    the process required to produce the finished object…

    Art is placed by Collingwood at the other end of the creative continuum, the creation of art being described as a process that evolves non-deterministically… Since the artist is not following a set of standard rules in the process of creation, he or she has no guidelines like the craftsman… Having no definite end-goal in mind, the emphasis on the finished product that is true of craftsmanship is placed Instead on the act of creation itself with the artist


    Based on the keywords ‘Act of Creation/ Production’ and ‘art’, we can find out the needed information for these questions. Firstly, we can acknowledge that the creation of art is described as a process that involves non-deterministically. From that point, we can figure out that J is a correct answer. Secondly, it is apparent that the artist doesn’t have to adhere to a set of rules in the process of creation. Then, G is another correct answer for these questions. What is more, the emphasis on the act of creation itself is true for the artist since they have no definite end-goal in mind. Alternatively, the product itself is secondary to the process of creation of art. In conclusion, the answers for Q5, Q7 and Q9 must be F, G, J 9in any order).

  • 8 Answer: E/H/I

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q6&Q8&Q10: Act of Creation/ Production of Craft

    With a craft, Collingwood argued, the 'result to be obtained is preconceived or thought out before being arrived at.' …

    the table or chair created by the craftsman, for example, has to conform to certain expectations in appearance and design…

    Having no definite end-goal in mind, the emphasis on the finished product that is true of craftsmanship


    Following the flow of information, we can find out the answers for these questions related to craft. Accordingly, the result to be obtained by craft is preconceived or thought before being arrived at. In other words, its goal is defined from the outset; then, I is a correct answer. As mentioned above, in addition, the craftsman has to follow the guidelines or he or she has to conform to certain expectations in appearance and design, so H is also an answer for these questions. Furthermore, it is said that the craftsmanship emphasizes on the finished product. From that point, we can figure out that the process of creation of craft is merely a means to an end. All in all E, H, I (in any order) are the answers for Q6, Q8 and Q10.

  • 9 Answer: F/G/J

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q5&Q7&Q9: Act of Creation/ Production of Art

    the process required to produce the finished object…

    Art is placed by Collingwood at the other end of the creative continuum, the creation of art being described as a process that evolves non-deterministically… Since the artist is not following a set of standard rules in the process of creation, he or she has no guidelines like the craftsman… Having no definite end-goal in mind, the emphasis on the finished product that is true of craftsmanship is placed Instead on the act of creation itself with the artist


    Based on the keywords ‘Act of Creation/ Production’ and ‘art’, we can find out the needed information for these questions. Firstly, we can acknowledge that the creation of art is described as a process that involves non-deterministically. From that point, we can figure out that J is a correct answer. Secondly, it is apparent that the artist doesn’t have to adhere to a set of rules in the process of creation. Then, G is another correct answer for these questions. What is more, the emphasis on the act of creation itself is true for the artist since they have no definite end-goal in mind. Alternatively, the product itself is secondary to the process of creation of art. In conclusion, the answers for Q5, Q7 and Q9 must be F, G, J in any order).

  • 10 Answer: E/H/I

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q6&Q8&Q10: Act of Creation/ Production of Craft

    With a craft, Collingwood argued, the 'result to be obtained is preconceived or thought out before being arrived at.' …

    the table or chair created by the craftsman, for example, has to conform to certain expectations in appearance and design…

    Having no definite end-goal in mind, the emphasis on the finished product that is true of craftsmanship


    Following the flow of information, we can find out the answers for these questions related to craft. Accordingly, the result to be obtained by craft is preconceived or thought before being arrived at. In other words, its goal is defined from the outset; then, I is a correct answer. As mentioned above, in addition, the craftsman has to follow the guidelines or he or she has to conform to certain expectations in appearance and design, so H is also an answer for these questions. Furthermore, it is said that the craftsmanship emphasizes on the finished product. From that point, we can figure out that the process of creation of craft is merely a means to an end. All in all E, H, I (in any order) are the answers for Q6, Q8 and Q10.

Part 1


Read, the text below and answer Questions 1-10

Art or Craft?

Down the centuries, craftsmen have been held to be distinct from artists. Craftsmen, such as woodworkers and plasterers, belonged to their own guild, whilst the artist was regarded as a more solitary being confined to an existence in a studio or attic. In addition, whilst craftsmen could rely on a reasonably steady income, artists were often living such a hand-to-mouth existence that the term 'starving artist' became a byword to describe the impoverished existence of artists generally. Even today, the lifestyles of the craftsman and the artist could not be more different. However, what exactly separates craft from art from both a practical and a philosophical view?

One of the main distinctions between art and craft resides in the nature of the finished product or piece. Essentially, the concept of craft is historically associated with the production of useful or practical products. Art, on the other hand, is not restricted by the confines of practicality. The craftsman's teapot or vase should normally be able to hold tea or flowers while the artist's work is typically without utilitarian function. In fact, the very reason for art and its existence is purely to 'be', hence the furlined teacup created by Dada artist, Meret Oppenheim. The 'cup' as such was quite obviously never intended for practical use any more than a chocolate teapot might have been.

Artistry in craftsmanship is therefore merely a byproduct, since the primary focus is on what something does, not what it is. The reverse is true for art. Artistic products appeal purely at the level of the imagination. As the celebrated philosopher, Kant, stated, 'At its best, art cultivates and expands the human spirit.' Whether the artist responsible for a piece of art has sufficient talent to achieve this is another matter. The goal of all artists nevertheless remains the same: to produce a work that simultaneously transcends the mundane and uplifts the viewer. In contrast, the world of the craftsman and his work remain lodged firmly in the practicality of the everyday world. An object produced by an artist is therefore fundamentally different from the one produced by a craftsman.

Differences between the two disciplines of art and craft extend also to the process required to produce the finished object. The British philosopher R.G. Collingwood, who set out a list of criteria that distinguish art from craft, focused on the distinction between the two disciplines in their 'planning and execution'. With a craft, Collingwood argued, the 'result to be obtained is preconceived or thought out before being arrived at.' The craftsman, Collingwood says, 'knows what he wants to make before he makes it'. This foreknowledge, according to Collingwood, must not be vague but precise. In fact, such planning is considered to be 'indispensable' to craft. In this respect, craft is essentially different from art. Art is placed by Collingwood at the other end of the creative continuum, the creation of art being described as a process that evolves non-deterministically. The artist is, therefore, just as unaware as anyone else as to what the end product of creation will be, when he is actually in the process of creating. Contrast this with the craftsman who already knows what the end product will look like before he or she has even begun to create it.

Since the artist is not following a set of standard rules in the process of creation, he or she has no guidelines like the craftsman. Whilst the table or chair created by the craftsman, for example, has to conform to certain expectations in appearance and design, no such limitations are imposed on the artist. For it is the artist alone who, through a trial-and-error approach, will create the final object.

The object merely evolves over time. Whereas the craftsman can fairly accurately predict when a product will be finished taking technical procedures into account, the artist can do no such thing. The artist is at the mercy of inspiration alone and quite apart from not being able to have a projected finishing date, may never be able to guarantee that the object will be finished at all. Unfinished symphonies by great composers and works of literature never completed by their authors testify to this.

Having no definite end-goal in mind, the emphasis on the finished product that is true of craftsmanship is placed Instead on the act of creation itself with the artist. The creation of the work of art is an exploration and a struggle and path of discovery for the artist. It could be said that the artist is producing as much for himself as for those who will view the finished product. This act of creation is very distinct from the production of an object that is crafted, therefore. The goal of making craftwork is monetary compensation. Craft is produced for purchase and is essentially a money-generating industry. Any craftsman who followed the artistic approach to creation would soon be out of a job. Craftsmen are expected to deliver, artists are not. This is probably the most fundamental difference that separates the craftsman from the artist.

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