Speaking Practice Test 470156
Abdulrahman Alzahrani...'s recordings
Where is your hometown?00:14
Do you like living there?00:41
Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?01:22
Did you learn about the history of your hometown at school?02:26
What sports do you like?02:59
Where did you learn how to do it?03:33
Did you do some sports when you were young?04:21
Do you think students need more exercise?--:--
In what conditions would you use a computer?--:--
When was the first time you used a computer?--:--
What would your life be like without computers?--:--
In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?00:00
Describe a time when someone asked for your opinionYou should say:
- Who asked for your opinion
- Why he/she wanted to know your opinion
- What opinion you gave
And explain how you felt when he/she asked for your opinion
Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?01:01
Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions abouts products or services?01:41
Why do people like to express their opinions on the Internet nowadays?03:27
What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the Internet?Community’s feedback
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