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IELTS Recent Mock Tests Volume 5 Speaking Practice Test 4

Question list

  • What would you like me to call you?

  • Tell me a bit about your family.

    What do your brothers and sisters do?

  • So, where are you from?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of living here?

  • Describe a course you took in your college or university.

    You should say:

    • what it was
    • when you took it
    • what you learned from this course

    And explain why you took this course.

  • How do you think studying overseas will be different to studying in your own country?

  • So what problems do you think you will have studying abroad?

  • Do you think you will have many difficulties adapting to a new culture?

  • Do you think that there will be any major changes in your field of study over the next few years?

  • How do you think an overseas degree will improve your professional skills?

  • What do you intend to do once you have finished your studies?

  • What do you see yourself doing professionally in 10 years' time? And how do you see your personal life changing?

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