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IELTS Recent Mock Tests Volume 5

IELTS Recent Mock Tests Volume 5

(5,172 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 24 Jan 2018
  • Tests taken: 1,548,863
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 Grieg 
  • 2 15/03/1980 
  • 3 Ellendale 
  • 4 W5 2AT 
  • 5 0/no 
  • 6 8/eight months 
  • 7 1/one 
  • 8 back door 
  • 9 G4168770 
  • 10 Silver-Colored 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 Grieg 
  • 2 15/03/1980 
  • 3 Ellendale 
  • 4 W5 2AT 
  • 5 0/no 
  • 6 8/eight months 
  • 7 1/one 
  • 8 back door 
  • 9 G4168770 
  • 10 Silver-Colored 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15 teaching methods 
  • 16 accommodation 
  • 17 flats 
  • 18 disco 
  • 19 international evening 
  • 20 2 minutes 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15 teaching methods 
  • 16 accommodation 
  • 17 flats 
  • 18 disco 
  • 19 international evening 
  • 20 2 minutes 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36 market 
  • 37 interviews 
  • 38 useless 
  • 39 photographs 
  • 40 crime 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36 market 
  • 37 interviews 
  • 38 useless 
  • 39 photographs 
  • 40 crime 


#Thành viênĐiểmThời gian
Ahmad Saleem 9.015:23
Soham Saha 9.015:31
Anindi K 9.015:39
4 Xuan Thuc 9.016:02
5 Aamena Multani 9.016:11
6 hali.vip87 9.016:11
7 Vũ Huy 9.016:44
8 Phạm Nam 9.016:49
9 Nguyen Tuan Minh 9.016:59
10 Sana Ashfaq 9.017:51
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IELTS Mock Test Reading

IELTS Mock Test Reading

Reading is the second part of the IELTS test, and takes 60 minutes. It consists of three or sometimes four reading passages of increasing difficulty,...

(18 votes)
22 Aug 2018

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-10

Complete the form below.


Registration Form


Anna 1

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):



4 3 St.

Post code:




Number of previous burglaries:


Time of apartment tenancy:


Number of occupants:


Entry point of burglar:


Details of lost property:


• Serial number of lost computer:


• Material of stolen purse:

10 Cloth

Example    Answer
Type of crime reported:robbery
  • 1 Answer: Grieg


    • the words which lead you to the answer are underlined.

    • the word/number you must write for the answer is marked.

    • words which you might wrongly think could be the answer are in italics.

    • The keywords concerned in Q1 must be “name”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a name.

    • The police officer asks Anna to give him her first and last name. As her first name, Anna, is filled in the blank, the remaining answer to this question must be “Grieg”.

    Note: The police mistakenly believes that her last name is Greg. However, Anna immediately corrects it. Therefore, “Greg” is an incorrect answer.


  • 2 Answer: 15/03/1980
    • The keywords concerned in Q2 must be “date of birth”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a date.

    • The police officer asks Anna to give him her date of birth. Anna’s date of birth is March 15th, 1980. Therefore, the correct answer for this question must be “15(th) March/March 15(th)”.

  • 3 Answer: Ellendale
    • The keywords concerned in Q3 must be “address”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a name.

    • According to Anna, she lives at 4 Ellendale Street. As we only need to fill in the name of the street, the answer for this question must be “Ellendale”.

  • 4 Answer: W5 2AT
    • The keywords concerned in Q4 must be “postal code”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a code.

    • Anna’s postal code is W5 2AT. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “W5 2AT”.

  • 5 Answer: 0/no
    • The keywords concerned in Q5 must be “number of previous burglaries”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer can be a number.

    • The police officer wants to know whether there are any previous burglaries at Anna’s flat. As he only concerns Anna’s flat, the number of prior break-ins should be zero. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “0/no”.

  • 6 Answer: 8/eight months
    • The keywords concerned in Q6 must be “time of apartment tenancy”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a period of time.

    • According to Anna, she has been in Ellendale for 8 months. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “8/eight months”.

    Note: The police officer only concerns Anna’s tenancy time in Ellendale, not UK. Therefore, “1 year” is an incorrect answer.

  • 7 Answer: 1/one
    • The keywords concerned in Q7 must be “number of occupants”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a number.

    • It is implied in the conversation that Anna lives alone. Therefore, the number of occupants must be one. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “1/one”.

  • 8 Answer: back door
    • The keywords concerned in Q8 must be “entry point of burglar”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • It is implied from the conversation that the thieves used a crowbar to force the back door open. In other words, the entry point of burglar must be the back door. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “back door”.

  • 9 Answer: G4168770
    • The keywords concerned in Q9 must be “serial number”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a code.

    • The serial number of Anna’s computer is G4168770. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “G4168770”.

  • 10 Answer: Silver-Colored
    • The keywords concerned in Q10 must be “material of stolen purse”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun or a noun phrase.

    • Anna’s stolen purse is made from silver-colored cloth. In other words, the material of stolen purse is silver-colored cloth. Therefore, the correct answer for this question must be “silver-colored”.

Part 1
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POLICE:    Hello, London Police Department.

ANNA:    Yes, I would like to report a robbery.

POLICE:    Alright, just a minute while I pull up the form. OK, could you give me your first and last name?

ANNA:    Anna Grieg.

POLICE:    Anna, Greg? G-R-E-G?

ANNA:    No, Grieg. G-R-I-E-G.

POLICE:    Got it. Alright moving on: gender - female. Date of birth?

ANNA:    15th of March, 1980.

POLICE:    Alright, thanks. Just a few more personal information questions and then we can address your claim.

ANNA:    Alright.

POLICE:    What is the address?

ANNA:    4 Ellendale St. That’s E-L-L-E-N-D-A-L-E.

POLICE:    Oh right, Ellendale Street: Yeah we’ve had a lot of break-ins in that area lately. And the postal code?

ANNA:    W5 2AT.

POLICE:    And are you a citizen of the UK?

ANNA:    No.

POLICE:    Okay, what type of citizenship do you have?

ANNA:    Well, I lived in the United States for most of my life, but I am actually of Grenadian nationality.

POLICE:    Okay, so    is that the    country that issued your passport?

ANNA:    Yes.

POLICE:    Alright.

POLICE:    And what is the crime you are reporting?

ANNA:    I already    said - a robbery!

POLICE:    Oh, right. Sorry, this is about the hundredth robbery report I’ve filled out today. Have you had any prior break-ins?

ANNA:    Um, in the building or just my flat? The unit below mine got broken into last year.

POLICE:    No, just your flat.

ANNA:    Oh - then no. Not here.

POLICE:    Alright, let’s see here. Can you think of anything that was out of the ordinary around your building, or anyone who may have had reason to do this?

ANNA:    No, it seemed like just a normal evening. I didn’t see anyone suspicious, and can’t think of anyone that would target me specifically.

POLICE:    How long has this been your place of residence?

ANNA:    Hm, let me think. I moved in on February 1, and it’s October, so it’s been about 8 months already. Wow, time flies!

POLICE:    And that is just for Ellendale, yeah?

ANNA:    Yes. I have lived in the UK for just over 1 year.

POLICE:    I see. Can you give me the first and last name of all members of the household?

ANNA:    Actually, I live alone.

POLICE:    OK - so no other occupants. And can you give me a brief account of what happened?

ANNA:    I left to go to a dinner party at 6 p.m., and when I returned at 11 I found the place ransacked and a lot of my things gone.

POLICE:    Any sign of forced entry?

ANNA:    Yes, the back door was wide open, and it looked like someone used a crowbar to force it open.

POLICE:    I see. And just to be clear, was the door locked when you left?

ANNA:    Of course!

POLICE:    Hey, you would be surprised how many reports we get where people have failed to lock their doors. Now I need you to list any missing items valued above £200.

ANNA:    So far I’m missing my computer, my purse with my wallet in it,

and the TV.

POLICE:    OK. Let’s start with the computer. What is the estimated value?

ANNA:    £500.

POLICE:    And what is the serial number?

ANNA:    G4168770.

POLICE:    Thank you, and a visual description?

ANNA:    It is a black    13-inch Pemdas Cloudbook. There is an Oxford sticker on the lid.

POLICE:    OK, and could you give a description of the purse?

ANNA:    Sure. It’s a Claude Frieda shoulder bag and the material is silver-colored cloth.

POLICE:    Price?

ANNA:    £300.

POLICE:    Okay. That concludes my report. I’ll submit it and we’ll let you know of any developments.

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