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IELTS Mock Test 2020 January

IELTS Mock Test 2020 January

(3,161 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 08 Feb 2020
  • Tests taken: 778,045
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 Keiko 
  • 2 JO6337 
  • 3 Advanced English studies 
  • 4 5 months 
  • 5 About 4 months 
  • 6 B,D 
  • 7 Seafood 
  • 8 Tennis 
  • 9 Take the train 
  • 10 This afternoon 
Correct answer: 0/11
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/11
  • 1 Keiko 
  • 2 JO6337 
  • 3 Advanced English studies 
  • 4 5 months 
  • 5 About 4 months 
  • 6 B,D 
  • 7 Seafood 
  • 8 Tennis 
  • 9 Take the train 
  • 10 This afternoon 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 90 days 
  • 12 30 pounds 
  • 13 Confirm your nationality 
  • 14 Page 13 
  • 15 Currency form 
  • 16 Tourist export form 
  • 17 BM276 
  • 18 International student card 
  • 19 12 
  • 20 Australian dollar 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 90 days 
  • 12 30 pounds 
  • 13 Confirm your nationality 
  • 14 Page 13 
  • 15 Currency form 
  • 16 Tourist export form 
  • 17 BM276 
  • 18 International student card 
  • 19 12 
  • 20 Australian dollar 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 Cashier 
  • 22 £50 
  • 23 Big department stores 
  • 24 Jeans 
  • 25 45 pounds 
  • 26 75 pounds 
  • 27 20 pounds 
  • 28 30 D,E,F 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 Cashier 
  • 22 £50 
  • 23 Big department stores 
  • 24 Jeans 
  • 25 45 pounds 
  • 26 75 pounds 
  • 27 20 pounds 
  • 28 30 D,E,F 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38
  • 39
  • 40
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38
  • 39
  • 40


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Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-5

The housing officer takes some details from the girl.

Complete the following form with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


First name


Family name






Passport number




Course enrolled


Length of the course


Homestay time


  • 1 Answer: Keiko
    • The keyword of Q1 must be “first name

    • First, we can hear the man ask “What’s your name?” which is a clue for us, so we should focus on next information.

    • Then the girl answers her name is Keiko Yuichini. In this case, we still can’t determine what is her first name so we need to hear the next information.

    • The man continues with the question “Could you spell your family name for me, please?” and the girl answers “It’s Yuichini”. We can be confused by this information as his question is family name, not first name. However from above answer, we can determine that Yuichini is family name so Keiko will be her first name. Therefore, answer for Q1 must be Keiko.

  • 2 Answer: JO6337
    • The keyword of Q2 must be “passport number”.

    • We hear the man asks: “And could I see your passport, please?”, this is a clue for us. Then after the girl submits the passport, the man read “Your passport number is J O 6 3 3 7”. So in this case, it is easy for us to conclude that answer for Q2 must be JO6337

  • 3 Answer: Advanced English studies
    • The keyword of Q3 must be “course enrolled”.

    • We can easily found the key word when the man asks: “And what course are you enrolled in?” so the next information will surely contain the answer

    • From the girl’s answer “I’ve enrolled for 20 weeks in the advanced English Studies”, we can found that the course enrolled is advanced English Studies and this is answer of Q3.

  • 4 Answer: 5 months
    • The keyword of Q4 must be “Length of the course”.

    • Also in the girl’s answer, we can get the information that she enrolls “20 weeks” in the advanced English Studies. So we can infer that the length of the course is 20 weeks which is equivalent to 5 months

    • Therefore, answer for Q4 must be 5 months.

  • 5 Answer: About 4 months
    • The keyword of Q5 must be “Homestay time”.

    • After talking about the course, we know that the girl enrolls in the 5 months course, but she has already completed 5 weeks and as the man mentions, she will have “about four months altogether”. This information is confirmed again by the girl when she says “That’s right, about 4 months.” So from above, we can infer that the girl will take about 4 months for homestay time.

    • Therefore, answer for Q5 must be about 4 months.

Question 6

Mark TWO letter that represent the correct answer.

Whick kind of family does the girls prefer?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 6 Answer: B,D
    • For Q6, we have to find out 2 characteristics of the family that the girls prefer.

    • First, we get the clue when the man ask “Do you have a preference for a family?” so we know that next information will contain the answer.

    • When she is asked about if she like to stay with or without children, her answer is “I like to be with older people”. This information is contrary to choice A. of the question, so we will eliminate answer A. A big family with many young children

    • The next question, the man asks “Would you mind being with a family of smoker?” and the girl replies “I’d rather be with a family of people who do not smoke or drink.” This information is totally compatible with choice B. so we will choose B. A family without smoker or drinkers.

    • The man continue with the question “What about pets?” and the girl answers “I love animals” and “The more the better!”. We can see that answer C. and D both mentions about pets, but answer D. A family with many animals or pets is the one compatible with the girl demand.

    • Therefore, answer of Q6 are B & D.

Question 7-10

Fill in the blanks with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Although the girl is not a vegetarian, she doesn't eat a lot of meat. Her favourite food is 7

The girls has given up playing handball. Now, she just play 8 with her friends at weekends.

The girl does not like the bus because they are always late. She would rather 9 .

The girl can get the information about the homestay family that she wants 10 .

  • 7 Answer: Seafood
    • The key word concerned in Q7 must be “her favorite food”.

    • First, we hear the man asks if the girl have “any special food requirements”, this is a clue for us.

    • Then in the girl answer, we have to be careful a there is some information can mislead us. As she says, she is “not a vegetarian” but she “don’t eat a lot of meat” and she “like seafood”. From above, we can determine that she only like seafood.

    • Therefore, answer of Q7 is seafood.

  • 8 Answer: Tennis
    • The key word concerned in Q8 must be “given up playing handball” and “play at weekends”.

    • In this question, we have to find out a kind of sport that the girl play at weekends but not handball

    • From the question sheet, we know that she played handball before but she quit now, and this information is also mentioned in the conversation.

    • Then she continues “I played tennis on the weekend with my friends”, so from this sentence, we know that answer of Q8 is tennis.

  • 9 Answer: Take the train
    • The key word concerned in Q9 must be “does not like the bus” and “would rather”.

    • In this question, we have to find out a kind of transportation that the girl prefers.

    • From the question sheet and the girl’s answer, we know that she does not like the bus because they are always late.

    • Then when the man asks about the train, she says that “I like catching trains they’re much faster”. From this sentences, we can conclude that answer of Q9 is take the train.

  • 10 Answer: This afternoon
    • The key word concerned in Q10 must be “get the information about the homestay”.

    • In this question, we have to find out time that the girl can get the information about the homestay.

    • We can hear the man says “I will give you details this afternoon” and then the girl confirms “Thank you for your help”. Therefore we can infer that she can get information this afternoon

    • So answer of Q10 is this afternoon.

Part 1
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Part 1

Please turn to section 1 of listening practice test.

Listen to the conversation between a Japanese student and a housing officer and complete the form. First you have some time to look at questions 1 to 5. You will see that there is an example which has been done for you. The conversation relating to this will be played first.

Man: Yes? What can I do for you?

Girl: My friend is in a homestay and she really enjoys it, so I’d like to join a family as well.

Man: Okay let me get some details. What’s your name?

Girl: My name is Keiko Yuichini.

Man: Could you spell your family name for me, please?

Girl: Yes. It’s Yuichini. That’s Y U I C H I N I.

The student’s family name is Yuichini. So that has been written on the form. Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Now listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 5.

Man: Yes? What can I do for you?

Girl: My friend is in a homestay and she really enjoys it so I’d like to join a family as well. Man: Okay. Let me get some details. What’s your name?

Girl: My name is Keiko Yuichini.

Man: Could you spell your family name for me, please?

Girl: Yes. It’s Yuichini. That’s Y U I C H I N I.

Man: And your first name?

Girl: It’s Keiko, K E I K O.

Man: That’s Keiko Yuichini. Okay and you’re female and what is your nationality?

Girl: I’m Japanese.

Man: Right. And could I see your passport, please?

Girl: Here it is!

Man: Okay. Your passport number is J O 6 3 3 7. And you are how old?

Girl: I’m 28 years old.

Man: Now you are living in one of the colleges. Which one?

Girl: Willow college. Room 21 C

Man: Right, 21C, Willow college. And how long do you plan to stay with homestay?

Girl: About 4 months longer if I like it.

Man: And what course are you enrolled in?

Girl: Well.. I’ve enrolled for 20 weeks in the advanced English Studies because I need help with my writing. And I’m nearly at the end of my first five-week course.

Man: Right so you’ve completed 5 weeks and you have enrolled for another 15 weeks. That’s about four months altogether.

Girl: That’s right, about 4 months.

Before they continue their conversation look at questions 6 to 10. You as you listen to the rest of the conversation complete the form by filling in the numbered spaces 6 to 10.

Man: Okay. Do you have a preference for a family? With children or without children?

Girl: I prefer… I mean, I like young children but I like to be with older people. You know I like someone of my own age.

Man: Okay and do you smoke or drink?

Girl: No and no.

Man: Would you mind being with a family of smoker?

Girl: Yes, I would. I don’t like smoking. I’d rather be with a family of people who do not smoke or drink.

Man: Okay. Um… What about pets?

Girl: Oh I love animals! I’m a veterinarian so that’s fine. The more the better!

Man: All right. Now what about you? Are you a vegetarian? Or do you have any special food requirements?

Girl: No, I’m not a vegetarian but I don’t eat a lot of meat. I really like seafood.

Man: And what about your hobbies?

Girl: I like reading and going to the movies.

Man: Do you play any sports?

Girl: Yes. I joined the handball team but I didn’t like that so I stopped playing. You know I played tennis on the weekend with my friends.

Man: All right. Let’s see name, age, transport… are you familiar with the public transport system?

Girl: No, I’m not really because I’ve been living on campus. I’ve been to the city a few times on the bus, that they’re always late.

Man: What about the trains?

Girl: I like catching trains they’re much faster.

Man: Well, let’s go and check on the computer to see what I’ve got. Um… listen would it be okay to leave this with me? Could he come back after class this afternoon?

Girl: Yes of course.

Man: I’ll check my records and I will give you details this afternoon.

Girl: Thank you for your help.

Man: It’s a pleasure I’ll see you this afternoon. Bye.

Girl: Bye.

That is the end of Part one you. Now have half a minute to check your answers

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