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IELTS Practice Test Volume 6

IELTS Practice Test Volume 6

(334 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 05 Sep 2019
  • Tests taken: 73,141
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3 I Block 
  • 4 C Block 
  • 5 Student Canteen 
  • 6 have an interview/be interviewed 
  • 7 2 p.m. 
  • 8 PASTEL 
  • 9 041298735 
  • 10 BI 690011 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3 I Block 
  • 4 C Block 
  • 5 Student Canteen 
  • 6 have an interview/be interviewed 
  • 7 2 p.m. 
  • 8 PASTEL 
  • 9 041298735 
  • 10 BI 690011 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14 9th September 
  • 15 music/opera 
  • 16 Festival Club 
  • 17 14th September 
  • 18 Performing Arts Centre 
  • 19 City Football Club 
  • 20 Under the Stars 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14 9th September 
  • 15 music/opera 
  • 16 Festival Club 
  • 17 14th September 
  • 18 Performing Arts Centre 
  • 19 City Football Club 
  • 20 Under the Stars 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21
  • 22 329,758 
  • 23 about/over/more than 3 million 
  • 24 75%/3/4 of population 
  • 25 friendly and warm 
  • 26 continuing to grow/growing 
  • 27 Japan 
  • 28 tourism/number of tourists 
  • 29 education and technology 
  • 30 Eastern and Western 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21
  • 22 329,758 
  • 23 about/over/more than 3 million 
  • 24 75%/3/4 of population 
  • 25 friendly and warm 
  • 26 continuing to grow/growing 
  • 27 Japan 
  • 28 tourism/number of tourists 
  • 29 education and technology 
  • 30 Eastern and Western 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 thousands of years 
  • 32 has (been) grown 
  • 33 34 C,E 
  • 35 36 C,E 
  • 37 dried fruit(s) 
  • 38 seaweed 
  • 39 cereals 
  • 40 www.vegsoc.org 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31 thousands of years 
  • 32 has (been) grown 
  • 33 34 C,E 
  • 35 36 C,E 
  • 37 dried fruit(s) 
  • 38 seaweed 
  • 39 cereals 
  • 40 www.vegsoc.org 


#Thành viênĐiểmThời gian
Maria Saengpanich 9.020:23
Kiệt Trần 9.024:08
quan do 9.024:21
4 Nguyen Hung 9.025:20
5 Imaduddin Syed 9.025:38
6 Nguyễn Hải Hà 9.026:04
7 thái nguyễn 9.026:52
8 Nguyen Minh Phong 9.028:38
9 Anindi K 9.029:13
10 Meghana N 9.029:45
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Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-2

Choose the correct letter from A- C for each answer.

Example: Why is Peter tired?

A The exam was long.

B He got up early this morning.

C He studied until late the previous night.


Why can’t Peter relax over the three-week vacation?

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: A
  • The keyword concerned in Q1 must be “Peter”, “can’t relax” and “three-week vacation”.

  • From the question, we can assume that we have to find the reason why Peter can’t relax during vacation.

  • First, we can hear the woman says “we're on holidays for three glorious weeks” which is a clue for us, so we should focus on next information.

  • Then we hear Peter answers “I’m broke and if I'm going to have enough money to get through next semester, I'll have to get a job over the holidays”. From this sentence, we can infer that Peter have to get a job over the holidays to have money, so he can’t relax during holiday. Therefore, answer for Q1 must be A. He needs to earn some money.


What does Crystal plan to do on the holidays?

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: B
  • The keyword of Q2 must be “Crystal”, “plan” and “holidays”. 

  • From the question, we can assume that answer of this question must be an activity of Crystal in holiday.

  • In the response of Crystal which is “As much as I'd like to go home to see my family, I think I’ll have to get a job as well”, we can be confused between “go home” and “get a job”. But we have to be careful as Crystal says although she would like to go home, she think she have to get a job. The phrase “have to” helps us determine that she will get a job instead of go home

  • From above analysis, we can conclude that the answer for Q2 must be B. She’s going to get a job.

Questions 3-5

Listen to the directions and identify the place names of Questions 3-5 on the campus map below.

Choose your answers from the list of place names in the box.

NOTE: there are more place names listed than you will need

List of Place Names:

I Block
Student Employment Office
Student Canteen
Book shop
C Block




  • 3 Answer: I Block
    • For Q3, Q4, Q5, we have to identify the places name in the campus map so the keyword concerned in those questions is “the campus map”.

    • First, Peter says “I’ve got a map here of the campus, this is the signal for 3 following questions.

    • Then Crystal’s next sentence “We’ve just come out of N Block - here we are here”, so we can determine that the students are now on the right bottom of the map.

    • After that, we hear Peter’s question “What’s the building opposite us?” which mentions about the place of Q3.

    • Crystal’s response “That's the International Centre” and Peter’s confirmation “Oh right - I see, it says I Block.”, so we can infer that I Block is name of place Q3. Therefore , answer of Q3 is I Block.

  • 4 Answer: C Block
    • For Q4, firstly we hear Peter says “we'll head past D Block, go between B and C Blocks”, which means they will go through D Block and go on the road between the B Block and the place of Q4. From this sentence, we can easily found that the name of Q4’s place is C Block.

    • So, correct answer of Q4 is C Block

  • 5 Answer: Student Canteen
    • Looking at the map, we know that position of Q5 is next to A Block, near the Sport Fields and Main Entrance.

    • Crystal suggests “How about going to the student canteen before we get to Y Block” and after that, she adds “It's just on the other side of A Block - near the main entrance.” From her information, we know that Student Canteen is on the other side of A Block and near the main entrance, this is totally compatible with position of Q5 so answer for Q5 must be Student Canteen.

Questions 6-7

Complete the sentences below.


First, Peter and Crystal must have a/an 6

Peter and Crystal arrange to meet at 7 on Friday.

  • 6 Answer: have an interview/be interviewed
    • The keywords of Q6 are “First”, “Peter and Crystal”, “must have”.

    • From the question, we can assume that answer must be a noun.

    • At the beginning of this conversation, we will hear that they are discussing about enrolling in vacation jobs. And then, the receptionist mentions about how to get a job. As she says “You will need to register, but before you do that, you’ll need to be interviewed”. In this sentence, we can be misled as register is mentioned first so we can think answer is registration. 

    • However, the receptionist says that “before you do that, you’ll need to be interviewed”. The phrase “before you do that” helps us determine that interview is the first condition for the students. So we can conclude that answer of Q6 must be an interview.

  • 7 Answer: 2 p.m.
    • The keywords concerned in Q7 are “meet at” and “Friday”.

    • From the question, we can assume that answer can be a place or a point of time.

    • We first will hear the receptionist asks “Would you like to make an appointment to have an interview?” which is a signal for us.

    • Then, we can hear that she mentions about Friday: “So, it's either Friday - that's tomorrow or next Thursday” so we know that the answer will appear soon.

    • After that, she give out two options which are “tomorrow morning at 9:30” or “after 2 tomorrow afternoon

    • Next, we will hear that Peter asks Crystal if 9:30 all right but Crystal rejects this option and asks “could we make it at 2?”. Peter’s answer “No problem” and receptionist’s confirmation “OK - that's for 2 o'clock then” help us assure that 2 p.m is the time which is agreed by all of them.

    • So, answer of Q7 must be 2 p.m.

Questions 8-10

Complete the table below.

Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.



Contact Phono Number

Student Number




B 723466





  • 8 Answer: PASTEL
    • The keyword concern in Q8 must be “surname” and “Peter”. In this question, we need to find out Peter’s surname.

    • The question from receptionist “What's your surname?” is a clue for us so we know answer will appear soon.

    • Right after that, we can hear Peter’s response “Pastel” and he also helps us to have the most correct answer by spelling “P-A-S-T-E-L”.

    • So, answer of Q8 is Pastel.

  • 9 Answer: 041298735
    • The keywords of Q9 are “Contact Phone Number” and “Peter”.

    • From the question, we can assume that answer must be a list of numbers.

    • The signal appears when the receptionist asks “a contact phone number please?”

    • Then we hear Peter responses “My mobile is 0412 987 35” help us determine the answer.

    • So, answer of Q9 is 0412 987 35.

  • 10 Answer: BI 690011
    • The keywords of Q10 are “Student Number” and “Crystal” so the answer must be a list of letters or/and numbers.

    • After having phone number, the receptionist continues to require information about their student number in the sentence “Thank you and I'll need your Student Number as well”

    • And Peter’s answer which is “Mine is B (for Business) 7 2 3 4 double 6” may mislead us because we need to find out Crystal’s student number.

    • After that, Crystal also answers “And mine is B (for Business as well) I 6 9 double zero, double 1”. From her sentence, we can conclude that correct answer of Q10 is BI690011.

Part 1
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You will hear two friends talking outside an examination room about working over the vacation period.

First, look at Questions 1 to 5.


You will see that there is an example already done for you. For this question only the conversation relating to the example will be played first.

Crystal: Hi Peter - I’m so pleased that exam’s over!

Peter:    Me too Crystal - I’m exhausted. I stayed up late studying last night and then got up early this morning.

Crystal: Well, you can rest now - we’re on holidays for three glorious weeks.

Peter said he stayed up late studying last night, so C is the correct answer.

Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time.

Now listen carefully and answer Questions 1 to 5.

Crystal: Hi Peter - I’m so pleased that exam's over!

Peter:    Me too Crystal - I'm exhausted. I stayed up late last night studying and then got up early this morning.

Crystal:    Well, you can rest now - we're on holidays for three glorious weeks.

Peter:    That is a nice thought. Unfortunately though, I’m broke and if I'm going to have enough money to get through next semester, I'll have to get a job over the holidays.

Crystal: Yes, I've been thinking the same thing myself. As much as I'd like to go home to see my family, I think I’ll have to get a job as well. Have you got any ideas or contacts?

Peter:    Well, as a matter of fact, I’m going to go to the Student Employment Office. Do you want to come with me?

Crystal: Sure, if you don’t mind. Where is it?

Peter:    Let me see - (TAKES OUT PAPER) - I’ve got a map here of the campus. It's up here in Y Block.

Crystal: Oh, boy - we're a long way away from there! We’ve just come out of N Block - here we are here.

Peter:    Yes, N Block. Well, we can turn right and follow Circular Drive around but that's the long way. What’s the building opposite us?

Crystal: That's the International Centre -I learnt English there before starting my Bachelor of Business.

Peter:    Oh right - I see, it says I Block. I guess I stands for International. Well, let’s cross Circular Drive and walk up to the right -

Crystal: No, there’s lots of trees and gardens there - we'd better go to the left of the building. You can’t get through otherwise.

Peter:    OK - we'll head past D Block, go between B and C Blocks and then across the sports fields to Y Block.

Crystal: OK, but I'm really hungry. How about going to the student canteen before we get to Y Block? It's just on the other side of A Block - near the main entrance.

Peter:    Good idea - I didn't have breakfast this morning. I'm starving! Let's go.

Peter and Crystal arrive at the Student Employment Office and the receptionist meets them.

As you listen to the rest of the conversation., answer Questions 6 to 1.0.

Before the conversation continues, read Questions 6 to 10.


Receptionist: Good morning - can I help you?

Peter:    Good morning - yes, we’d both like to find some vacation work.

Receptionist: Right - for this vacation period?

Peter & Crystal: Yes. Mm - hmm.

Receptionist: Have you registered with us?

Peter & Crystal: No.

Receptionist: Oh - you have left it a bit late. Students usually register with us around midsemester.

Peter:    - Really?

Receptionist: Yes, but never mind. You will need to register, but before you do that, you’ll need to be interviewed by one of our consultants.

Peter:    Oh -I thought you would just give us a list of job vacancies and we would contact those places directly.

Receptionist: No, we don’t give out contacts until after you've been interviewed and registered.

Peter:    I see.

Receptionist: Would you like to make an appointment to have an interview?

Peter & Crystal: Yes, please. Yes - as soon as possible.

Receptionist: Let me see - today’s Thursday 11th. Our consultants are here tomorrow but they are going on a Staff In-service from next Monday to Wednesday. So, it's either Friday - that's tomorrow or next Thursday.

Peter:    Couldn’t we see one of them this afternoon?

Receptionist: No, they are fully booked I’m afraid. End of semester is the busiest time for job placements, as you can imagine. There has been a cancellation for tomorrow morning at 9:30 or you can come after 2 tomorrow afternoon.

Peter:    Can we be interviewed together?

Receptionist:    Yes, I’m sure that would be OK.

Peter:    Crystal, is 9:30 all right with you?

Crystal:    Yes that suits me. Actually, I’m going to the dentist tomorrow - let me check the time. (LOOKS UP DIARY) Hang on, the dentist is at 9, so could we make it at 2?

Peter:    No problem.

Receptionist: OK - that's for 2 o'clock then. What's your surname?

Peter:    Pastel. P-A-S-T-E-L. Peter’s my first name.

Receptionist:    Thanks - and yours?

Crystal:    My surname’s Lu. L-U. My first name's Crystal - that’s C - R - Y - S - T - A - L.

Receptionist: Right - a contact phone number please?

Peter:    My mobile is 0412 987 35.

Receptionist: Thank you and I'll need your Student Number as well, so I can access your files.

Peter:    Mine is B (for Business) 7 2 3 4 double    6.

Crystal:    And mine is B (for Business as well) I 6 9 double zero, double 1.

Receptionist: That’s BI69 double 0, double 1 for you Peter and...

Crystal & Peter: No, that's mine - Wrong way around.


Receptionist: Oops! - it's BI69 double zero, double 1 for Crystal, and B7234 double 6 for Peter. I'll just put an arrow next to your names to show what I've done wrong! Right then -see you both.

Peter & Crystal: Bye. Thanks a lot.

That is the end of Section 1, You now have 1/2 minute to check your Answers,


Now turn to Section 2 of your Listening Question Booklet.

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