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IELTS Practice Test Volume 6

IELTS Practice Test Volume 6

(334 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 05 Sep 2019
  • Tests taken: 73,141
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 0278804 
  • 2 2/5 
  • 3 17 Rocksford 
  • 4 5 p.m. 
  • 5 doorbell 
  • 6 teacher 
  • 7 no/break from 
  • 8 (long) summer holiday 
  • 9 pay/salary/money 
  • 10 by himself/by myself/alone/on his own 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 0278804 
  • 2 2/5 
  • 3 17 Rocksford 
  • 4 5 p.m. 
  • 5 doorbell 
  • 6 teacher 
  • 7 no/break from 
  • 8 (long) summer holiday 
  • 9 pay/salary/money 
  • 10 by himself/by myself/alone/on his own 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14 15 B,D 
  • 16 nearest police station 
  • 17 cross street/intersection 
  • 18 cafe/ (nearest)shop 
  • 19 detailed/full description 
  • 20 canceling them 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14 15 B,D 
  • 16 nearest police station 
  • 17 cross street/intersection 
  • 18 cafe/ (nearest)shop 
  • 19 detailed/full description 
  • 20 canceling them 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 beginning and completion/ending/end 
  • 32 a schedule 
  • 33 four stages 
  • 34 developing a plan / planning a project 
  • 35 realistically 
  • 36 help / advice (from others / other people) 
  • 37 Gant Chart 
  • 38 standard of delivery 
  • 39 (the) Quality Assurance 
  • 40 (the / your / this week’s) tutorials 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31 beginning and completion/ending/end 
  • 32 a schedule 
  • 33 four stages 
  • 34 developing a plan / planning a project 
  • 35 realistically 
  • 36 help / advice (from others / other people) 
  • 37 Gant Chart 
  • 38 standard of delivery 
  • 39 (the) Quality Assurance 
  • 40 (the / your / this week’s) tutorials 


#Thành viênĐiểmThời gian
Minh Nguyễn 9.016:14
Meghana N 9.019:49
Maria Saengpanich 9.020:17
4 San Nguyen 9.021:09
5 Nhật Nam Nguyễn Trương 9.022:00
6 quan do 9.022:50
7 thái nguyễn 9.023:43
8 Trúc Hương Nguyễn 9.024:03
9 Nguyễn Hải Hà 9.024:42
10 mamet mamet 9.028:28
Tips for improving your ielts score


Of course, there's no other way to achieve your target score than to practice everyday. But, we can practice smart when we applying these tips...

(536 votes)
05 Sep 2020

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-3

Complete the Student Profile below.




A New student

B Current student

C Past student - graduate

Complete the Student Profile below.




A New student

B Current student

C Past student - graduate

Student Number: 1 -EXT

Name:    Jack LARASSY                        Course: Master of Linguistics School of Languages & Literacy

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):     2 /1979

Address:     3  Avenue 


  • 1 Answer: 0278804


    • The main keyword in Q1 is “student number”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to a series of number.

    • The answer for this question (which is 0278804) is quite easy to notice as Jack said it directly, and the receptionist did spell it one more time.

    • You may be confused when the receptionist mentioned that “there should be three letters on the end”; however, that’s the “EXT” was the receptionist talking about, and we’ve already assumed that the answer refer to a series of number. Therefore, you shouldn’t feel confused about it.

  • 2 Answer: 2/5


    • The main keyword in Q2 is “date of birth”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to a day and a month (since the answer has already mentioned the year).

    • The answer for this question (which is 2nd May) is quite easy to notice as Jack said it directly.

    • You can see in the answer that the year of birth is written in numbers after a slash (/1979), so you should write your answer in numbers. By that, the correct answer should be “2/5”.

  • 3 Answer: 17 Rocksford


    • The main keyword in Q3 is “address”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to the house number and the name of the avenue.

    • The answer for this question (which is 17 Rocksford) is quite easy to notice as Jack said it directly.

    • You may mistake Maldon as the correct answer if you don’t listen carefully. Note that Jack’s answer was “No” when the receptionist mentioned Maldon, so you shouldn’t mistake that.

    Noted: When it comes to this type of answer, the name is usually spelled. If a name isn’t spelled, there’s a high chance that it isn’t the correct answer.

Questions 4-5

Complete the sign on the door of Grisham College Counselling Office below.


Welcome to Student Services - Counselling Office

Office Hours.    8 a.m. to 4

After Hours Entry:    Use the 5 and a Counsellor will let you in.

Telephone - 7893 4611

  • 4 Answer: 5 p.m.


    • The main keyword in Q4 is “hours”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to the closing time of the Counselling Office (as the answer has already mentioned the opening one).

    • You may mistake “7 at night” as the correct answer if you don’t listen carefully. Note that 7 at night refers to the time that the receptionist can schedule appointments to, not the closing one. In this case, the answer is mentioned right before that (which is 5 p.m.). The phrase “The office is open” indicates the answer should follow right after that. 

  • 5 Answer: doorbell


    • The main keyword in Q5 is “after hours entry”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to an object that Jack should use when he comes after closing time.

    • The answer (which is “doorbell”) is quite noticeable as the receptionist said it directly. However, we have clarified that the answer should be an object, so some people may write down “ring the doorbell”, which is not correct (the answer has already had the phrase “use the” in place of “ring the”, so you only need to write down “doorbell”).

Questions 6-10

Complete the Counsellor's notes.

Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Student Name: Jack LARASSY

Current Job

Possible Future Job

-    working as a 6

-    studying part-time

- research at university


-    the satisfaction

-    the six week summer holiday


-     7 teaching

-    increase in pay

-    would still have 8

-    professionally beneficial


-    badly behaved students

-    lazy students

-    insufficient 9


-    working  10

-    extra travel time

  • 6 Answer: teacher


    • The main keyword in Q6 is “current job”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to a job that Jack was currently having.

    • The answer (which is “(French) teacher”) is quite noticeable as Jack himself said it directly. However, he also mentioned a job that has been offered (“research position”). Because the question refers to a job that Jack was currently having, you should be able to remove that job from your thought of possible answer.

    • The phrase “I really don’t know whether to take the position or not” signifies that the answer should follow right after it, and the phrase “” proves that research position wasn’t the job Jack was having at that time.

  • 7 Answer: no/break from


    • The main keywords in Q8 are “advantage” and “teaching”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to a verb or an adjective related to teaching that benefits Jack.

    • Jack mentioned right from the start that he wouldn't be teaching when he took this position, so the answer should be “no teaching” or “break from teaching” (Jack said afterwards that it would be nice to have a break). However, you need to add the preposition “from” if you choose to write down “break”. Otherwise, you answer isn’t correct.

  • 8 Answer: (long) summer holiday


    • The main keywords in Q9 are “advantage” and “still have”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to something benefits Jack that he can still have when taking this position.

    • The answer (which is “(long) summer holiday”) is quite noticeable as Jack himself said it directly after mentioning the increase in pay. The phrase “and of course” serves as the signal for the following advantage (in this case, it’s the answer for this question).

  • 9 Answer: pay/salary/money


    • The main keyword in Q7 are “disadvantage” and “insufficient”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to something that Jack didn’t have enough when he worked as a teacher (“insufficient” means “inadequate” or “not enough”).

    • The answer (which is “pay” or “salary” or “money”) is quite noticeable as Jack himself said it directly after mentioning the first two disadvantages. There’re many options for this answer and as long as it’s money-related, it can still be accepted as the correct answer.

  • 10 Answer: by himself/by myself/alone/on his own


    • The main keywords in Q10 are “disadvantage” and “working”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to an adverb or a prepositional phrase that has negative meanings.

    • Since the answer refers to the first disadvantage, you can easily find it from the beginning. Phrases like “any negatives” and “the only real negative” not only signal the answer but also prove that this is the correct answer.

    • In this case, the answer is by myself. However, you can also write different words or phrases that have the same meaning such as “by himself”, “alone”, “on his own”, etc. (remember that the answer must be NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS)

Part 1
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You will hear an external student making an appointment with a receptionist to see a counsellor at Grisham College.

First, look at Questions 1 to 5.


You will see that there is an example already done for you. For this question only the conversation relating to the example will be played first.

Jack:    I’d like to make an appointment to see a student counsellor.

Receptionist: Yes, certainly. Are you a student at the college?

Jack:    Yes - I’m studying Linguistics, 2nd year.

Receptionist: Right. I'll just get a few details.

Jack said that he is in his second year which means he is a current student - so B is the correct answer.

Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time.

Now listen carefully and answer Questions 1 to 5.

Jack:    I'd like to make an appointment to see a student counsellor.

Receptionist: Yes, certainly. Are you a student at the college?

Jack:    Yes - I’m studying Linguistics, 2nd year.

Receptionist: Right. I'll just get a few details. What’s your student number?

Jack:    0278804.

Receptionist:    0 - 2 - 7 - double    8    - 0 - 4    ...    and there should be three letters on the end of that?

Jack:    Oh yes, EXT -I guess that means external.

Receptionist: Yes, that's right. Jack Larassy - is that right?

Jack:    Yes, that’s me.

Receptionist: What’s your date of birth, Jack?

Jack:    2nd May 1979.

Receptionist:    Are you still living    in Maldon?

Jack:    No - I moved to Chelmsford last week actually.

Receptionist: What's your new address then?

Jack:    17 Rocksford Avenue, Chelmsford.

Receptionist: Is that R-O-C-K-S-F-O-R-D?

Jack:    Yes, that’s right. The postcode for Chelmsford is CM3 94Y.

Receptionist: Thanks. What time would you like to have your interview?

Jack:    When are you open?

Receptionist: The office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. but we can schedule appointments from. 8 in the morning through till 7 at night.

Jack:    That’s great - the evening would suit me, better.

Receptionist: How about 6 on Thursday night?

Jack:    Terrific. Do I come here for the interview?

Receptionist: Yes, but because the office closes at 5, the door will be locked. Just ring the doorbell and the counsellor will let you in.

Jack:    Where's the doorbell?

Receptionist: It’s just under the sign.

Jack arrives at the Counsellor's Office for his interview and meets one of the student counsellors,

As you listen to the rest of the conversation, answer Questions 6 - 10.

Before the conversation continues, read Questions 6 - 10.


Counsellor: Hi - you must be Jack. I’m Ellen Short - one of the student counsellors at Grisham College.

Jack:    Nice to meet you Ellen.

Counsellor: I see you’re an external student Jack. Do you find it difficult to do your assignments without going to lectures?

Jack:    Oh, not really. We get really good study guides that have all the information we need but we can also contact the lecturers by phone or email. It’s been a great Course.

Counsellor: That’s good to hear. Now, what can I help you with?

Jack:    I'd like to talk about my career options. I’m teaching French at the moment and studying linguistics but I’ve been offered a research position at the university. I really don’t know whether to take the position or not.

Counsellor: Oh I see. Do you enjoy teaching?

Jack:    Well, yes - for the most part I do. I find teaching very satisfying - it’s great to see students do well. And of course, I love the summer holiday - six weeks at the end of the school-year is fantastic.

Counsellor: Yes, but you’d get a long summer holiday at the university, wouldn’t you?

Jack:    Yes -I think it's an even longer period.

Counsellor: Is there anything that you don't like about teaching?

Jack:    Oh yes - lazy students who don't want to do any work or the ones that behave badly and disturb the rest of the class. That can be very difficult. I guess I am a little tired of teaching. The pay for teachers isn’t very good either. In fact, I find it difficult to save any money from my salary.

Counsellor:    I see. So, what do you think the advantages of working at the university will be?

Jack:    Well, as I said, it's a research position which means I wouldn't be teaching – it would be nice to have a break. The pay will be much better than what I’m getting at the moment and of course, I’d still get a long summer holiday. And, professionally I think working at a university would help me in the future.

Counsellor: So are there any negatives?

Jack:    Well, the only real negative that I can think of is that I’ll be working by myself. I’m not really used to that. It seems with teaching that there's always somebody around - whether it's the students or teachers or parents.

Counsellor: So, you could only think of one disadvantage?

Jack:    Well, I'd have to travel a longer distance. At the moment, I just walk to school but I’d have to drive for about 35 minutes to the university.

Counsellor: Right Jack - let's write down all of the advantages and disadvantages in both jobs.

Jack:    Yes - that sounds like a good idea.

Counsellor: Right - let’s start with the advantages of teaching ...

That is the end of Section 1. You now have 1/2 minute to check your answers.

Now turn to Section 2 of your Listening Question Booklet.

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