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IELTS Practice Test Volume 5

IELTS Practice Test Volume 5

(370 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 05 Jul 2019
  • Tests taken: 118,825
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 (photo)copier 
  • 2 ongoing 
  • 3 immediately 
  • 4 original broken 
  • 5 more functions 
  • 6 Mike Greene 
  • 7 fax machines 
  • 8 headphones 
  • 9 mobile phones 
  • 10 (new) mouses 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 (photo)copier 
  • 2 ongoing 
  • 3 immediately 
  • 4 original broken 
  • 5 more functions 
  • 6 Mike Greene 
  • 7 fax machines 
  • 8 headphones 
  • 9 mobile phones 
  • 10 (new) mouses 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25 colo(u)red paper 
  • 26 Easy Money 
  • 27 limit 
  • 28 (a) signature 
  • 29 department stamp 
  • 30 contact details 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25 colo(u)red paper 
  • 26 Easy Money 
  • 27 limit 
  • 28 (a) signature 
  • 29 department stamp 
  • 30 contact details 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 popularity 
  • 32 bad outcomes 
  • 33 trade association 
  • 34 realistic 
  • 35 community 
  • 36 scary scenes 
  • 37 society 
  • 38 viewership 
  • 39 graphic 
  • 40 independent 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31 popularity 
  • 32 bad outcomes 
  • 33 trade association 
  • 34 realistic 
  • 35 community 
  • 36 scary scenes 
  • 37 society 
  • 38 viewership 
  • 39 graphic 
  • 40 independent 


#Thành viênĐiểmThời gian
Maria Saengpanich 9.015:42
E K 9.016:26
Nguyen Van 9.016:28
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8 Bùi Anh Khôi 9.018:17
9 Disha Rani 9.018:41
10 Preethi Srinivasan 9.018:56
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30 Words That Can Be Confusing Even To Native Speakers

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29 Jan 2019

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-6

Complete the form.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Example Requisition Form

Item: 1

For: Accounts Department

Length of time: 2

Arrival time: 3

Reasons (Must give three)

1st unexpected demand

2nd  4

3rd require 5

Name: 6

  • 1 Answer: (photo)copier

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Item: __________

    Mike: I suppose you’re going to complain about the printer again?

    Jane: Sure, my printer’s bad, but the copier is almost unworkable. It jams all the time, it’s too slow, and it’s already been repaired four or five times. We’ve got to do something about it.

    Mike: Okay, I’ll put that down on the form. So, you want a copier, not a printer, and you work in accounts, right?

    Jane: Yes, that’s right—the accounts department.


    The keyword concerned in Q1 is item.

    From the question, we can assume that the answer should be a noun, an item used in offices.

    The keyword is not mentioned in the conversation, however, the woman did complain about the printer and the copier. The woman said that they’d got to do something about the copier.

    Don’t be misled by the choice printer as the woman confirmed that she wanted a copier, not a printer.

    All things considered, the answer of Q1 copier or photocopier.

  • 2 Answer: ongoing

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Length of time: __________

    Mike: Okay, but this is a requisition form. There’s meant to be a limit on the length of time you can have the item.

    Jane: We need it forever. The old machine’s almost useless. The moment it gets repaired, it breaks again.

    Mike: Well, I’ll just write ‘ongoing’, okay?


    The keywords concerned in Q2 are length and time.

    From the question, we can assume that the answer should be something referring to time.

    The keywords are mentioned in the conversation. The woman did say they needed it forever, so the man suggested that they would write ongoing.

    For that reason, the answer of Q2 is ongoing.

  • 3 Answer: immediately

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Arrival time: __________

    Mike: Now, the next question is, when do you want it? In a few days? One week? It usually takes a while for these things to arrive.

    Jane: If it arrived today, it would be better. We need it as soon as possible. Can you write ‘today’?

    Mike: Well, it can’t come that quickly. I’ll just write ‘immediately’. But be warned, that means it may still take some time to get here. Perhaps a day or two.


    The keyword concerned in Q3 is arrival time.

    From the question, we can assume that the answer should be something referring to when the item would arrive.

    The keyword is mentioned in the conversation, followed by the answer, which is immediately.

    Don’t be misled by the answer today, as the man said that the item couldn’t come that quickly.

    For that reason, the answer of Q3 is immediately.

  • 4 Answer: original broken

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio



    1st unexpected demand

    2nd __________

    Mike: Good. I’ll write that as one of the reasons. We need three reasons, you know, or they won’t grant this request. So, for the second reason, I’ll write ‘original broken’.


    The keywords concerned in Q4 are reason and 2nd.

    From the question, we can assume that the answer should be something referring to the reason for this request.

    The keywords are mentioned in the conversation, followed by the answer, which is original broken.

    For that reason, the answer of Q4 is original broken.

  • 5 Answer: more functions

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    3rd require __________

    Mike: Well, I think we still need a third reason. Maybe I’ll have to bend the truth a bit. I’ll just write, ah ... ‘Require more functions’, okay?

    Jane: Or you could write, ‘require faster speed’.

    Mike: No, all these copiers operate at the same speed, so that reason won’t sound true.

    Jane: Okay, whatever it takes.


    The keywords concerned in Q5 are 3rd and require.

    From the question, we can assume that the answer should be a noun.

    The keywords are mentioned in the conversation, followed by the answer, which is more functions.

    Don’t be misled by the answer faster speed as the man said that reason wouldn’t sound true.

    For that reason, the answer of Q5 is more functions. Remember to write functions in its plural form as the ending sound was /z/.

  • 6 Answer: Mike Greene

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Name: __________

    Mike: Right! And shall I put your name, Jane Huang, spelt with a ‘u’, right?

    Jane: Well, actually, I would say your name would be more likely to get speedier results.

    Mike: Alright. I certainly don’t mind putting my name with this. ‘Mike Greene’, G — R—E ...

    Jane: Just like the colour ‘green’, right—but with that final ‘E’ which often tricks people.

    Mike: Yes, that ‘E’ at the end tricks them all the time.


    The keyword concerned in Q6 is name.

    From the question, we can assume that the answer should be the name of the person handed in the requisition form.

    The keyword is mentioned in the conversation, followed by the answer, which is Mike Greene.

    Don’t be misled by the answer Jane Huang as Jane said that Mike’s name would be more likely to get speedier results.

    All things considered, the answer of Q6 is Mike Greene.

Questions 7-10

Complete the table.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Equipment Bought (Previous Year)

No. Ordered



• computers




• speakers




• lamps


• fluorescent lights




  • 7 Answer: fax machines

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Equipment Bought (Previous Year) __________

    No. Ordered: 2

    Mike: Actually, Jane, talking about office equipment needed, I’ve got a list before me of all the items purchased last year. There’s certainly a lot, and I can see why the owners are getting concerned. Obviously, some things are necessary in the business, like the twenty boxes of copying paper I’ve just ordered. And it shows here that last year our office ordered two fax machines, which is certainly not excessive, but there’s a lot of other equipment on this form which may raise questions.


    The keywords concerned in Q7 are equipment and 2.

    From the question, we can assume that the answer should be the name of equipment, 2 items of which were bought by the company.

    The keywords are mentioned in the conversation, followed by the answer, which is fax machines.

    For that reason, the answer of Q7 is fax machines.

  • 8 Answer: headphones

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Equipment Bought (Previous Year) __________

    No. Ordered: 16

    Mike: We actually got the printers from another department, so it didn’t cost us, but sure, with 17 people all needing computers, that was a considerable expense. Along with the 15 speakers, and 16 headphones. Why did we need those?


    The keywords concerned in Q8 are equipment and 16.

    From the question, we can assume that the answer should be the name of equipment, 16 items of which were bought by the company.

    The keyword 16 is mentioned in the conversation, followed by the answer, which is headphones.

    For that reason, the answer of Q8 is headphones.

  • 9 Answer: mobile phones

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Equipment Bought (Previous Year) __________

    No. Ordered: 6

    Mike: And we have six items here, as well.

    Jane: Printers? But you said we got them from another department?

    Mike: No, mobile phones. Paid for by the company.


    The keywords concerned in Q9 are equipment and 6.

    From the question, we can assume that the answer should be the name of equipment, 6 items of which were bought by the company.

    The keyword 6 is mentioned in the conversation, followed by the answer, which is mobile phones.

    Don’t be misled by the answer printers as Mike said that weren’t printers.

    For that reason, the answer of Q9 is mobile phones.

  • 10 Answer: (new) mouses

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Equipment Bought (Previous Year) __________

    No. Ordered: 13

    Jane: And we needed 13 new mouses as well, to replace some of the old ones. All of the replacement computers had screens — very nice screens — but some of them lacked mouses.


    The keywords concerned in Q10 are equipment and 13.

    From the question, we can assume that the answer should be the name of equipment, 13 items of which were bought by the company.

    The keyword 13 is mentioned in the conversation, followed by the answer, which is new mouses.

    For that reason, the answer of Q10 is (new) mouses.

Part 1
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You will hear two colleagues, Mike and Jane, discussing the need for new equipment in their office.

Mike: Hi, Jane. You mentioned that we might need some new equipment in the office,

Jane: Absolutely. What we’ve got is too old, and much of it is faulty.

Mike: Well, you know how difficult it is to replace equipment. I guess I’ll just use another requisition form. [Example] We can fill it out now.

Jane: If you don’t mind.

Mike: I suppose you’re going to complain about the printer again?

Jane: Sure, my printer’s bad, but the copier is almost unworkable. It jams all the time, it’s too slow, and it’s already been repaired four or five times. We’ve got to do something about it. 

Mike: Okay, I’ll put that down on the form. So, you want a copier, not a printer, and you work in accounts, right?

Jane: Yes, that’s right—the accounts department.

Mike: Okay, but this is a requisition form. There’s meant to be a limit on the length of time you can have the item.

Jane: We need it forever. The old machine’s almost useless. The moment it gets repaired, it breaks again.

Mike: Well, I’ll just write ‘ongoing’, okay? That basically means the item will stay with us until I say otherwise. Now, the next question is, when do you want it? In a few days? One week? It usually takes a while for these things to arrive.

Jane: If it arrived today, it would be better. We need it as soon as possible. Can you write ‘today’?

Mike: Well, it can’t come that quickly. I’ll just write ‘immediately’. But be warned, that means it may still take some time to get here. Perhaps a day or two. 

Jane: That’s annoying. We’ve got so much unexpected demand right now.

Mike: Good. I’ll write that as one of the reasons. We need three reasons, you know, or they won’t grant this request. So, for the second reason, I’ll write ‘original broken’.

Jane: And that’s essentially true. It is broken.

Mike: The truth is always good. But can you think of one more reason?

Jane: Not really. But those first two reasons are surely strong enough, aren’t they?

Mike: Well, I think we still need a third reason. Maybe I’ll have to bend the truth a bit. I’ll just write, ah ... ‘Require more functions’, okay?

Jane: Or you could write, ‘require faster speed’.

Mike: No, all these copiers operate at the same speed, so that reason won’t sound true.

Jane: Okay, whatever it takes.

Mike: Right! And shall I put your name, Jane Huang, spelt with a ‘u’, right?

Jane: Well, actually, I would say your name would be more likely to get speedier results.

Mike: Alright. I certainly don’t mind putting my name with this. ‘Mike Greene’, G — R—E ...

Jane: Just like the colour ‘green’, right—but with that final ‘E’ which often tricks people.

Mike: Yes, that ‘E’ at the end tricks them all the time.

Mike: Actually, Jane, talking about office equipment needed, I’ve got a list before me of all the items purchased last year. There’s certainly a lot, and I can see why the owners are getting concerned. Obviously, some things are necessary in the business, like the twenty boxes of copying paper I’ve just ordered. And it shows here that last year our office ordered two fax machines, which is certainly not excessive, but there’s a lot of other equipment on this form which may raise questions.

Jane: Yeah, but we had special circumstances, Mike. We renovated the office and had to replace all the computers and printers. Seventeen, I think.

Mike: We actually got the printers from another department, so it didn’t cost us, but sure, with 17 people all needing computers, that was a considerable expense. Along with the 15 speakers, and 16 headphones. Why did we need those?

Jane: Everyone was using ‘skype’ to communicate with clients. They still do, of course. It’s a very popular way to communicate.

Mike: And we have six items here, as well.

Jane: Printers? But you said we got them from another department?

Mike: No, mobile phones. Paid for by the company. I remember that—for our agents out in the field. They used to use landline phones, belonging to the clients. Okay ... we also ordered lots of lighting equipment, but that can be expected. I’m not worried about that: 27 lamps, and over 34 fluorescent lights.

Jane: And we needed 13 new mouses as well, to replace some of the old ones. All of the replacement computers had screens — very nice screens — but some of them lacked mouses.

Mike: Well, at least it wasn’t 13 fans like the marketing department has just asked for. Alright, so basically, the amount of equipment ordered last year was quite considerable, but it was all necessary.

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