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IELTS Practice Test Volume 2

IELTS Practice Test Volume 2

(630 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 07 Mar 2019
  • Tests taken: 221,626
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 practical 
  • 2 pizza(s) 
  • 3 (light) walking 
  • 4 Pine Park 
  • 5 fruit juice 
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 practical 
  • 2 pizza(s) 
  • 3 (light) walking 
  • 4 Pine Park 
  • 5 fruit juice 
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 padded 
  • 12 special skill 
  • 13 disinfect 
  • 14 corners 
  • 15 learning toys 
  • 16 germs 
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 padded 
  • 12 special skill 
  • 13 disinfect 
  • 14 corners 
  • 15 learning toys 
  • 16 germs 
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 topic 
  • 22 current 
  • 23 thesis 
  • 24 outline 
  • 25 progress 
  • 26 aspects 
  • 27 real-life 
  • 28 necessity 
  • 29 style guide 
  • 30 10% 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 topic 
  • 22 current 
  • 23 thesis 
  • 24 outline 
  • 25 progress 
  • 26 aspects 
  • 27 real-life 
  • 28 necessity 
  • 29 style guide 
  • 30 10% 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34 revolution 
  • 35 sick 
  • 36 attention 
  • 37 Bruno 
  • 38 motion 
  • 39 Bible 
  • 40 20% 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34 revolution 
  • 35 sick 
  • 36 attention 
  • 37 Bruno 
  • 38 motion 
  • 39 Bible 
  • 40 20% 


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Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-5

Complete the sentences.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


Peter consumes far too much soft drink

Peter and Mary’s diet will be both sensible and 1

Every two months, they can eat 2

On Saturdays, they will go 3

This coming Saturday, they will go to 4

In every meal, there will be 5

  • 1 Answer: practical
    • The keywords concerned in Q1 must be “diet”, “both”, “sensible”

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be an adjective.

    • When Mary said about “eating plan”, it refers to “Mary and Peter’s diet” and Peter said “sensible and practical”. It means that their diet will be sensible and practical.

    • Thus, the answer for Q1 should be “practical”

  • 2 Answer: pizza(s)
    • The keywords concerned in Q2 must be “every two months”, “can eat”

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer may be a noun (kind of food or drink).

    • We can hear they mentioned some kind of food (hamburgers, pizzas, ice cream). You shouldn’t be misled by ice cream because Mary said that they can eat ice cream once a week, not two months. So “ice cream” cannot be the correct answer.

    • Thus, we choose “pizza” as the answer for Q2.

  • 3 Answer: (light) walking
    • The keywords concerned in Q3 must be “Saturdays”, “will go”

    • We can hear Mary mentioned “exercise”. So we can guess they will do some exercise or play a kind of sport for losing weight.

    • Although we can hear Peter mentioned “hiking on Saturdays”, Mary said “No, hiking is Sundays”, it means that “hiking” is not correct.

    • After that, we can hear Mary said “allow Saturdays for the light walking exercise”, it means that they will go light walking on Saturdays.

    • Thus, the correct answer for Q3 should be “(light) walking”.

  • 4 Answer: Pine Park
    • The keywords concerned in Q4 must be “this coming Saturday”, “will go to”

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer may be a place.

    • We can hear Mary and Peter mentioned 02 places “Pine Park” and “Hill Park”. However, Mary also said “travel too far to reach Hill Park” and “love the smell of pines”

    • Thus, the answer for Q4 should be “Pine Park”.

  • 5 Answer: fruit juice
    • The keywords concerned in Q5 must be “every meal”, “there will be”

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun

    • We can hear Peter suppose “salad every night”, but Mary said “No”. So, “salads” is not the correct answer.

    • Then we hear Mary said “the only common factor is the fruit juice…”, it means that “there will be fruit juice in every meal”

    • Thus, the answer for Q5 should be “fruit juice”

Questions 6-10

Part 1
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You will hear two students, Peter and Mary, discussing their new eating plan.

Peter: Okay Mary, I know I’m putting on weight with all my bad eating habits.

Mary: That’s right. Chocolate bars, pizzas, and all washed down with litres of soft drink. And with all the sugar in soft drink, I think we can say you’re definitely overindulging, don’t you think? 

Peter: I know, I know. I intend to definitely stop drinking that from now on.

Mary: And that’s part of the sensible eating plan that we have agreed we need to formulate—one that we can both follow.

Peter: That’s right, sensible, and practical — allowing us to indulge in some sweet foods on occasions.

Mary: On rare occasions, and we’re going to cut out all the pizzas and hamburgers.

Peter: Well, not totally. I thought you said pizzas could be eaten once a week. You know how I like pizzas.

Mary: No. I said once every two months. Once a week was ice cream, not pizza.

Peter: Yeah, that’s because you like ice cream. I prefer pizza.

Mary: Peter, if you want to lose weight, you need to be disciplined, in both what you eat, and what you do, which brings us to the issue of exercise.

Peter: That’s right. So, jogging twice a week, and hiking on Saturdays, right?

Mary: No, hiking is Sundays, allowing Saturdays for the light walking exercise. I’ve investigated, and discovered there are a lot of walking trails around this suburb, with many beautiful places if you just look around.

Peter: So what’s happening this Saturday? A walk around the city?

Mary: That’s later in the month. This Saturday we’ll visit Pine Park.

Peter: Hill Park is nicer, with great views, too,

Mary: Yes, but we have to travel too far to reach Hill Park, so I ruled that out, and I love the smell of pines.

Peter: And what about the weekday meals? Salads every night, I suppose?

Mary: No, it’s important to vary the meals so that the food remains interesting and fun. The only common factor is the fruit juice, but otherwise we’ll have a variety of healthy fare, from salads, to fish, to lean meat.

Peter: I'd rather have meat every night, but you’re the boss.

Mary: If you want to lose weight, you’ll have to accept this program, okay?


Peter: Now Mary, you said we could have a little treat in our diet plan three times a week: specifically, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.

Mary: Yes. A very small treat, but something to reward us for all the discipline shown. Such rewards will motivate us to continue the diet.

Peter: So, on Tuesdays, what can I choose?

Mary: You have a choice between a small serving of chocolate, ice cream, or biscuits.

Peter: Okay, well, I’ll go for the biscuits. I love those crunchy little things with my cup of tea. So do you, right?

Mary: I do indeed, so I’ll have them, too, saving the ice cream for later.

Peter: But I know how much you like ice cream, so why don’t you save it for the end of the week? That will give you the motivation to keep going, and you can have chocolate midweek? 

Mary: That’s a good idea, but I think the most important thing is for you and I to eat different things on those other two days.

Peter: Well, if you think that way, I’ll eat the ice cream on Thursdays, not the chocolate. Okay?

Mary: Well, if you’re having that, then I can’t have ice cream. In order to be different, I’ll have the chocolate.

Peter: So, we can compare our different snacks, and maybe even share a little with each other.

Mary: Exactly! And the variety and fun involved will take our minds of wanting more.

Peter: Eating for fun! A good idea!

Mary: And then you can have the chocolate on Sunday, right?

Peter: But I like biscuits? Actually, I want biscuits again—to have with my cup of tea.

Mary: But you have the biscuits on Monday, remember, and we can’t repeat.

Peter: Ah come on! This isn’t fixed in concrete. I can have them again instead of chocolate. You might like variety, but I don’t. I’m a creature of habit.

Mary: Well, the whole point of this was to taste different snacks, but if you want the same thing, okay. I, for one, am sticking to the original plan, with ice cream to finish the week, and not another dose of chocolate.

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