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IELTS Mock Test 2023 June

IELTS Mock Test 2023 June

(701 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 21 Jun 2023
  • Tests taken: 664,935
Part 1: Question 1 - 14
  • 1 TRUE 
  • 2 TRUE 
  • 3 TRUE 
  • 4 NOT GIVEN 
  • 5 NOT GIVEN 
  • 6 FALSE 
  • 7 jargon and waffle 
  • 8 Gap 
  • 9 do-it-yourself 
  • 10 frustration 
  • 11 first-time user 
  • 12 legal 
  • 13 courts 
  • 14 customers 
Correct answer: 0/14
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 14
Correct answer: 0/14
  • 1 TRUE 
  • 2 TRUE 
  • 3 TRUE 
  • 4 NOT GIVEN 
  • 5 NOT GIVEN 
  • 6 FALSE 
  • 7 jargon and waffle 
  • 8 Gap 
  • 9 do-it-yourself 
  • 10 frustration 
  • 11 first-time user 
  • 12 legal 
  • 13 courts 
  • 14 customers 
Part 2: Question 15 - 27
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 21 Francis Galton 
  • 22 24 A,E,F 
  • 25 27 A,B,D 
Correct answer: 0/12
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Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 15 - 27
Correct answer: 0/12
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 21 Francis Galton 
  • 22 24 A,E,F 
  • 25 27 A,B,D 
Part 3: Question 28 - 40
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34 FALSE 
  • 35 FALSE 
  • 36 TRUE 
  • 37 TRUE 
  • 38 NOT GIVEN 
  • 39 NOT GIVEN 
  • 40 FALSE 
Correct answer: 0/13
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Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 28 - 40
Correct answer: 0/13
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34 FALSE 
  • 35 FALSE 
  • 36 TRUE 
  • 37 TRUE 
  • 38 NOT GIVEN 
  • 39 NOT GIVEN 
  • 40 FALSE 


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5 Khoi Tran 9.016:56
6 Emilie Pham 9.017:30
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Part 1: Questions 1-14

Questions 1-6

Questions 7-14

Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage.

Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 7-14 on your answer sheet.

Campaigners experienced a council renting document full of strange 7 of housing in terms of an Act. They are anxious in some other field, for instance, when reading a label of medicine, there was an obvious 8 for patients.

Another notable field was on 9 products, it not only additionally cost buyers but caused 10 , thus writer should regard himself as a 11 . However, oppositions against the Plain English Campaign under certain circumstances, e.g. 12 language had been embellished as an accurate language used in the 13 . The author suggested that nowadays new compelling force is needed from 14 .

  • 7 Answer: jargon and waffle

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q7: Campaigners experienced a council renting document full of strange 7___ of housing in terms of an Act.

    One council began a letter to its tenants about a rent increase with two sentences averaging 95 words, full of bizarre housing finance jargon and waffle about Acts of Parliament.

    This blank is after an adjective (strange) and before a preposition (of), thus the word we need to find is a noun / noun phrase. 

    In this sentence, we can see that this is something bad (“strange”here has negative meaning) that happened to the campaigners, and it is related to a renting document. We should focus on “campaigners”, “council”, “renting”, “strange”, “housing” and Acts to find a suitable answer.

    In paragraph A we see that there is a story about a council writing a letter about rent increase with “full of bizarre housing finance jargon and waffle about Acts of Parliament”. “Bizarre” is synonym with “strange”, “housing” in front is similar to “of housing” afterwards, moreover, “jargon and waffle” is for “writing a lot but without any useful details, hard to grasp, inconcise”.

    Thus the answer is jargon and waffle.

  • 8 Answer: Gap

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q8: They are anxious in some other field, for instance, when reading a label of medicine, there was an obvious 8___ for patients

    Two kinds of instructions give us a lot of concern – medical labels and do-it-yourself products. With medical labels, there is a serious gap between what the professionals think is clear and what is really clear to patients. 

    31% of patients misunderstood the instruction on eye drops ‘To be instilled’, while 33% misunderstood ‘Use sparingly’.

    This is after an adjective (obvious) and before a preposition (for), thus in the blank there should be a noun / noun phrase.

    This is entirely about patients reading labels of medicine, thus we should find information in the first half of paragraph C. Here “an obvious __for the patients” happened when they were reading a label of medicine, and and this is also an example for “the campaigners are anxious in some other field”. Thus we could come to a conclusion that this thing makes them anxious, and it happens when they read a label of medicine. Thus, the answer should be “gap”, cause this “gap” in understanding makes them anxious when reading medicine labels, being afraid of misunderstanding and making a mistake leading to death.

    Hence the answer is Gap.

  • 9 Answer: do-it-yourself

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q9: Another notable field was on 9___ products, it not only additionally cost buyers but caused 10___, thus writer should regard himself as a 11 ___.

    Two kinds of instructions give us a lot of concern – medical labels and do-it-yourself products.

    Unclear instructions on do-it-yourself products cause expense and frustration to customers.

    This is in front of a noun, thus it could be an adjective or another noun.

    We can see that this “notable field” is another field besides the medical field (another) they talked about previously, and this field was on some kind of products. There are only a few fields they talked about in the text, especially those with products: medical products and do-it-yourself products. Moreover, they also mentioned 2 consequences of this field: additionally cost buyers (cause expense) and ___.

    Thus we could guess that it is “do-it-yourself products”, which is in the latter half of paragraph C. The answer is do-it-yourself.

  • 10 Answer: frustration

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q10: Another notable field was on do-it-yourself products, it not only additionally cost buyers but caused 10___, thus writer should regard himself as a 11 ___

    Unclear instructions on do-it-yourself products cause expense and frustration to customers.

    After verb there should be an adverb or an object (pronouns, nouns, noun phrases).

    As we can see the previous blank is about do-it-yourself products, this should be about 2 problems using jargon and waffle on do-it-yourself products could cause to the customers. The first half is already about “cost buyers additionally”, which means to cause more expense to the buyers (customers), thus the second half should be about causing “frustration”.

    Thus, the answer is frustration.

  • 11 Answer: first-time user

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q11: Another notable field was on do-it-yourself products, it not only additionally cost buyers but caused frustration, thus writer should regard himself as a 11 ___

    Writing the necessary instructions for these products is usually entrusted to someone who knows the product inside out, yet the best qualification for writing instructions is ignorance. The writer is then like a first-time user, discovering how to use the product in a step-by-step way. 

    Because of the terrible instructions the do-it-yourself products usually have, the writer should see himself as someone. As we see in the passage, in order to make good instructions, they should write like they were “a first-time user”, discovering how to use the product step by step.

    Thus, the answer is first-time user.

  • 12 Answer: legal

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q12: However, oppositions against the Plain English Campaign under certain circumstances, e.g. 12___ language had been embellished as an accurate language used in the 13___.

    Some documents simply can’t be simplified. The only legal language that has been tested for centuries in the courts is precise enough to deal with a mortgage, a deed, a lease, or an insurance policy. 

    This is about the opposition the Plain English Campaign faces, thus it should be in Paragraph F. 

    The statement is talking about an example of a circumstance where Plain English should NOT be used, that this irreplaceable language has been improved to the point it become an accurate language used in a field.

    In the passage, we have information on legal language: the only language that is precise enough for court work. 

    Thus, the answer is legal.

  • 13 Answer: courts

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q13: However, oppositions against the Plain English Campaign under certain circumstances, e.g. legal language had been embellished as an accurate language used in the 13___.

    Some documents simply can’t be simplified. The only legal language that has been tested for centuries in the courts is precise enough to deal with a mortgage, a deed, a lease, or an insurance policy. 

    The legal language is used in the court, thus the answer is court.

  • 14 Answer: customers

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q14: The author suggested that nowadays new compelling force is needed from 14___.

    What is needed today is not a brake on the movement’s momentum but another push toward plain English contracts from consumers.

    The sentence said that the author suggested someone needs to push, to make an effort to bring Plain English closer to our daily life. In the final paragraph, the author wrote that the consumers need to make another push toward plain English contracts.

    Thus the answer is consumers.

Part 1


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-14, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

Plain English Campaign


We launched Plain English Campaign in 1979 with a ritual shredding of appalling government and municipal council forms in Parliament Square, London. We had become so fed up of people visiting our advice centre in Salford, Greater Manchester, to complain about incomprehensible forms that we thought we ought to take action. At the time the shredding seemed like merely throwing sand in the eyes of the charging lion, but it briefly caught the public imagination and left an impression on government and business. Although we’re pleased with the new plain English awareness in government departments, many local councils and businesses maintain a stout resistance to change. One council began a letter to its tenants about a rent increase with two sentences averaging 95 words, full of bizarre housing finance jargon and waffle about Acts of Parliament. The London Borough of Ealing sent such an incomprehensible letter to ISO residents that 40 of them wrote or telephoned to complain and ask for clarification. Many were upset and frightened that the council was planning to imprison them if they didn’t fill in the accompanying form. In fact, the letter meant nothing of the sort, and the council had to send another letter to explain.


Plain legal English can be used as a marketing tactic. Provincial Insurance issued their plain English Home Cover policy in 1983 and sold it heavily as such. In the first 18 months, its sales rocketed, drawing in about an extra £1.5 million of business. Recently, the Eagle Star Group launched a plain English policy to a chorus of congratulatory letters from policyholders. People, it seems, prefer to buy a policy they can understand.


Two kinds of instructions give us a lot of concern – medical labels and do-it-yourself products. With medical labels, there is a serious gap between what the professionals think is clear and what is really clear to patients. A survey by pharmacists Raynor and Sillito found that 31% of patients misunderstood the instruction on eye drops ‘To be instilled’, while 33% misunderstood ‘Use sparingly’. The instruction ‘Take two tablets 4 hourly’ is so prone to misunderstanding (for example, as 8 tablets an hour) that we think it should be banned. Unclear instructions on do-it-yourself products cause expense and frustration to customers. Writing the necessary instructions for these products is usually entrusted to someone who knows the product inside out, yet the best qualification for writing instructions is ignorance. The writer is then like a first-time user, discovering how to use the product in a step-by-step way. Instructions never seem to be tested with first-time users before being issued. So vital steps are missed out or components are mislabeled or not labelled at all. For example, the instructions for assembling a sliding door gear say: ‘The pendant bolt centres are fixed and should be at an equal distance from the centre of the door.’ This neglects to explain who should do the fixing and how the bolt centres will get into the correct position. By using an imperative and an active verb the instruction becomes much clearer: ‘Make sure you fix the centres of the pendant bolts at an equal distance from the centre of the door.’


Effectively, the Plain English movement in the US began with President Jimmy Carter’s Executive Order 12044 of 23 March 1978, that required regulations to be written in plain language. There were earlier government efforts to inform consumers about their rights and obligations, such as the Truth in Lending Act (1969) and the Fair Credit Billing Act (1975), which emphasized a body of information that consumers need in simple language. But President Carter’s executive order gave the prestige and force of a president to the movement. All over the country isolated revolts or efforts against legalistic gobbledygook at the federal, state and corporate levels seemed to grow into a small revolution. These efforts and advances between the years 1978 and 1985 are described in the panel ‘The Plain English Scorecard’.


The Bastille has not fallen yet. The forces of resistance are strong, as one can see from the case of Pennsylvania as cited in the Scorecard. In addition, President Ronald Reagan’s executive order of 19 February 1981, revoking President Carter’s earlier executive order, has definitely slowed the pace of plain English legislation in the United States. There are there main objections to the idea of plain English. They are given below, with the campaign’s answer to them:


The statute would cause unending litigation and clog the courts. Simply not true in all the ten states with plain English laws for consumer contracts and the 34 states with laws or regulations for insurance policies. Since 1978 when plain English law went into effect in New York there have been only four litigations and only two decisions. Massachusetts had zero cases. The cost of compliance would be enormous. Translation of legal contracts into non-legal everyday language would be a waster of time and money. The experience of several corporations has proved that the cost of compliance is often outweighed by solid benefits and litigation savings. Citibank of New York made history in 1975 by introducing a simplified promissory note and afterwards simplified all their forms. Citibank counsel Carl Falsenfield says: ‘We have lost no money and there has been no litigation as a result of simplification.’ The cost-effectiveness of clarity is demonstrable. A satisfied customer more readily signs on the bottom line and thus contributes to the corporation’s bottom line. Some documents simply can’t be simplified. The only legal language that has been tested for centuries in the courts is precise enough to deal with a mortgage, a deed, a lease, or an insurance policy. Here, too, the experience of several corporations and insurance companies has proved that contracts and policies can be made more understandable without sacrificing legal effectiveness.


What does the future hold for the Plain English movement? Today, American consumers are buffeted by an assortment of pressures. Never before have consumers had as many choices in areas like financial services, travel, telephone services, and supermarket products. There are about 300 long-distance phone companies in the US. Not long ago, the average supermarket carried 9,000 items; today, it carries 22,000. More importantly, this expansion of options – according to a recent report – is faced by a staggering 30 million Americans lacking the reading skills to handle the minimal demands of daily living. The consumer’s need, therefore, for information expressed in plain English is more critical than ever.


What is needed today is not a brake on the movement’s momentum but another push toward plain English contracts from consumers. I still hear plain English on the TV and in the streets, and read plain English in popular magazines and best-sellers, but not yet in many functional documents. Despite some victories, the was against gobbledygook is not over yet. We do well to remember, the warning of Chrissie Maher, organizer of Plain English Campaign in the UK: ‘People are not just injured when medical labels are written in gobbledygook – they die. Drivers are not just hurt when their medicines don’t tell them they could fall asleep at the wheel – they are killed.’

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