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IELTS Mock Test 2023 June

IELTS Mock Test 2023 June

(701 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 21 Jun 2023
  • Tests taken: 664,940
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 18th - 20th October 
  • 2 the pacific hotel 
  • 3 0793332266 
  • 4 $60 
  • 5 professor burt 
  • 6 last Friday 
  • 7 an interesting title 
  • 8 300 words 
  • 9 brief CV/short CV (curriculum vitae) 
  • 10 info 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 18th - 20th October 
  • 2 the pacific hotel 
  • 3 0793332266 
  • 4 $60 
  • 5 professor burt 
  • 6 last Friday 
  • 7 an interesting title 
  • 8 300 words 
  • 9 brief CV/short CV (curriculum vitae) 
  • 10 info 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 1771-1778 /1771 and 1778 
  • 12
  • 13 all over europe 
  • 14 closed to the public 
  • 15 the art gallery 
  • 16 your room 
  • 17 vegetarian food 
  • 18 visitors 
  • 19 animals 
  • 20 very friendly 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 1771-1778 /1771 and 1778 
  • 12
  • 13 all over europe 
  • 14 closed to the public 
  • 15 the art gallery 
  • 16 your room 
  • 17 vegetarian food 
  • 18 visitors 
  • 19 animals 
  • 20 very friendly 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 social 
  • 32 1860 
  • 33 strictly controlled 
  • 34 recovery time 
  • 35 nice view 
  • 36 live music 
  • 37 artistic pictures 
  • 38 (felt) less pain 
  • 39 (soothing) classical (music) 
  • 40 (felt) happier 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31 social 
  • 32 1860 
  • 33 strictly controlled 
  • 34 recovery time 
  • 35 nice view 
  • 36 live music 
  • 37 artistic pictures 
  • 38 (felt) less pain 
  • 39 (soothing) classical (music) 
  • 40 (felt) happier 


#Thành viênĐiểmThời gian
asnoor amir ali 9.015:17
Symbat Nurmukhambetova 9.015:22
Aren Hasratyan 9.015:27
4 Ain Nurfatihah Abdullah 9.015:28
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6 Khushi Patel 9.015:35
7 mai nguyễn bảo 9.015:59
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13 Oct 2020

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-10

Complete the notes below.


Architecture 21 conference

Conference dates: 1
Conference venue: 2
Reservations phone no.: 3
Student rate per day: 4
Contact person: 5
Must act fast:
Closing date for talks: 6
Summary should have: 7
Maximum length: 8
Also send: 9
Email address: 10 @uniconf.edu.au
  • 1 Answer: 18th - 20th October

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Conference dates: __________

    Student: Oh! Good morning. I was wondering if you could give me some information about the forthcoming Architecture 21 conferencedates, enrollment procedures, costs… that sort of thing.

    Secretary: Well… the conference runs from the 18th to the 20th of October.


    • The keyword concerned in Q1 is "conference dates".

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a date.

    • The keyword "conference dates" was mentioned in the enquiry, followed with answer for the dates. In the answer, the date is replaced by a synonym, the verb "run"

    • The answer should be 18th - 20th October as the answer should be no more than three words.

  • 2 Answer: the pacific hotel

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Conference venue: __________

    Student: 18th to the 20th of October… Oh good. I’ll still be here then and um… where exactly is it being held? Is it at the university as in previous years?

    Secretary: No, it’s actually being held at the Pacific Hotel – we’re rather outgoing the university conference facilities, so we’ve opted for this new venue.

    Student: Right. Paradise Hotel.

    Secretary: No. The Pacific – that’s P-A-C-I-F-I-C.


    • The keyword concerned in Q2 is "conference venue".

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a place, an address.

    • The keyword is not mentioned in its exact form, but the speaker uses a synonym "being held".

    • The answer should be Pacific Hotel.

    • Don't be misled by the name Paradise Hotel, as it is explained to be wrong in the following sentence. The hint to find out which name is correct is that the speaker spells the word PACIFIC, a way to emphasize that it is the correct word.

  • 3 Answer: 0793332266

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Reservations phone no__________

    Secretary: Yes, but you’ll need to contact them direct to arrange that. I’ll give you the number for hotel reservations. Have you got a pen ready?

    Student: Yes, go ahead.

    Secretary: It’s area code zero seven and then nine triple three, double two double six.


    • The keyword concerned in Q3 is "phone no.", which means phone number.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a sequence of number. Therefore, you should pay attention to any sequence of digits you hear from the audio.

    • Although the keywords are not mentioned in its exact form, there are some words providing clues that the answer will be shortly after that like "contact them direct...", "the number for hotel reservations".

    • As the speakers says " zero seven and then nine triple three, double two double six.", the answer for this question should be 0793332266.


    • "Triple three" means "333".

    • "Double two" means "22".

  • 4 Answer: $60

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Student rate per day__________

    Student: Are there any student concessions?

    Secretary: There’s a 50% concession for students, so that’s $150 for the three days, or $60 a day.


    • The keywords are "student" and "per day" as, the question asks about the amount of money a student have to pay for a day.

    • The keyword is mentioned, followed by the answer "$60 a day" shortly after that.

    • The answer should be $60.

    • Don't be misled by "$150 for the three days". You should listen carefully until the speaker ended talking to avoid missing the needed information. In addition, reading the question carefully can help you identify which information is the right answer, as it is stated clearly that the rate should be per day.

  • 5 Answer: professor burt

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Contact person: __________

    Student: Oh, really? But I’ve only just arrived here in Australia – is there any way I could have a paper accepted?

    Secretary: Well, you’d need to talk to Professor Burt, the conference organiser. I can put you through, if you like.

    Student: That’d be great. Oh and can I just check the spelling of his name. Is that B-U-R-T?

    Secretary: Yes, that’s correct.

    Prof. Burt: Professor Burt speaking.


    • The keyword concerned in Q5 is "contact person".

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a name.

    • The keyword is not mentioned in its exact form, but there is a hint, which is "you'd need to talk to ...", followed by the answer "Professor Burt" shortly afterwards.

    • Another hint to answer this question is the spelling B-U-R-T.

  • 6 Answer: last Friday

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Must act fast!

    Closing date for talks: __________

    Student: I’m interested in giving a talk on my research at the conference but I believe I may have missed the deadline.

    Prof. Burt: Well, strictly speaking you have. The closing date was last Friday.


    • The keyword concerned in Q6 is "closing date".

    • From this question, we can assume that the answer is a date.

    • "Closing date" is mentioned in the conversation, followed by the answer "last Friday" shortly afterwards.

  • 7 Answer: an interesting title

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Summary should have: __________

    Prof. Burt: Send me a summary of your talk. And make sure you include an interesting title for the talk. Something to attract people’s attention.


    • The keyword concerned in Q7 is "summary". We are required to fill in the blank with a noun, a necessary thing when sending a summary.

    • The keyword is mentioned in the conversation, followed by the answer "an interesting title". Remember to put the determiner "an" to make it grammatically correct.

    • In the conversation, the speaker doesn't use the word "should have". He says "make sure...", which also means that an interesting title is needed, necessary.

  • 8 Answer: 300 words

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Maximum length: __________

    Prof. Burt: Yes, quite. But remember: the outline should be no more than 300 words.

    Student: Right. I’ll try to keep it down to 300 words, but would 400 be OK?

    Prof. Burt: No, not really, because we have to print it in the proceedings and we just don’t have the space.

    Student: Sure, I understand.


    • The keyword concerned in the question is "maximum length".

    • The keyword is not mentioned in its exact form, but the professor uses a synonym structure, which is "no more than".

    • The answer should be "300 words".

    • Don't be misled by the number "400 words", as it is not approved. Pay attention to the flow of the conversation will help you solve this trick.

  • 9 Answer: brief CV/short CV (curriculum vitae)

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Also send: __________

    Prof. Burt: And also, can you send me a short CV – the usual stuff – name, age, qualifications, that sort of thing.

    Student: Right. OK, short CV.


    • The keyword concerned in Q9 is "send".

    • The keyword is mentioned in the question, followed by "a short CV", the answer for Q9. Remember to include the determiner "a" to make the answer grammatically correct.

    • You can solve this question with ease as the answer is repeated two times.

  • 10 Answer: info
    • Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Audio


    Email address: __________@uniconf.edu.au

    Prof. Burt: Actually, you can email it to me. That’d be quicker.

    Student: Sure. What’s your email address?

    Prof. Burt: Well the best thing would be to send it to the conference administrative officer at info … that’s I-N-F-0@uniconf.edu.au.

    Student: Right. I’ll do that straight away.


    • The keyword concerned in Q10 is "email" or "email address".

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be an email address.

    • The answer for Q10 is quite noticeable, as the word "email" is repeated two times, followed by the answer. The answer for this question is INFO.

Part 1
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Secretary: School of architecture. Professor Burt’s office.

Student: Oh! Good morning. I was wondering if you could give me some information about the forthcoming Architecture 21 conference – dates, enrollment procedures, costs… that sort of thing.

Secretary: Well… the conference runs from the 18th to the 20th of October.

Student: 18th to the 20th of October… Oh good. I’ll still be here then and um… where exactly is it being held? Is it at the university as in previous years?

Secretary: No, it’s actually being held at the Pacific Hotel – we’re rather outgoing the university conference facilities , so we’ve opted for this new venue.

Student: Right. Paradise Hotel.

Secretary: No. The Pacific – that’s P-A-C-I-F-I-C.

Student: Oh right. And presumably we can get accommodation at the hotel?

Secretary: Yes, but you’ll need to contact them direct to arrange that. I’ll give you the number for hotel reservations. Have you got a pen ready?

Student: Yes, go ahead.

Secretary: It’s area code zero seven and then nine triple three, double two double six.

Student: And what’s the registration fee?

Secretary: Individual fees are $300 for the three days, or a hundred and twenty dollars a day if you only want to attend for one day.

Student: Are there any student concessions?

Secretary: There’s a 50% concession for students, so that’s $150 for the three days, or $60 a day.

Student: And am I too late to offer to give a talk?

Secretary: Oh, I’m pretty sure you’ve missed the deadline for that.

Student: Oh, really? But I’ve only just arrived here in Australia – is there any way I could have a paper accepted?

Secretary: Well, you’d need to talk to Professor Burt, the conference organiser. I can put you through, if you like.

Student: That’d be great. Oh and can I just check the spelling of his name. Is that B-U-R-T?

Secretary: Yes, that’s correct.

Prof. Burt: Professor Burt speaking.

Student: Oh, hello. My name’s John Helstone. I’m an architecture student at London University. I’m here in Australia for three months, looking at energy-saving house designs.

Prof. Burt: Right.

Student: I’m interested in giving a talk on my research at the conference but I believe I may have missed the deadline.

Prof. Burt: Well, strictly speaking you have. The closing date was last Friday.

Student: Oh, no!

Prof. Burt: But we may be able to include your paper if it fits into our programme … but you’ll have to be quick.

Student: OK. What do I need to do?

Prof. Burt: Send me a summary of your talk. And make sure you include an interesting title for the talk. Something to attract people’s attention.

Student: OK. Interesting title. Right. I’m looking at ways of designing buildings for tropical climates that don’t rely on the need to include air conditioning, so I’m sure I can come up with something.

Prof. Burt: Yes, quite. But remember: the outline should be no more than 300 words.

Student: Right. I’ll try to keep it down to 300 words, but would 400 be OK?

Prof. Burt: No, not really, because we have to print it in the proceedings and we just don’t have the space.

Student: Sure, I understand.

Prof. Burt: And also, can you send me a short CV – the usual stuff – name, age, qualifications, that sort of thing.

Student: Right. OK, short CV.

Prof. Burt: Actually, you can email it to me. That’d be quicker.

Student: Sure. What’s your email address?

Prof. Burt: Well the best thing would be to send it to the conference administrative officer at info … that’s I-N-F-0@uniconf.edu.au.

Student: Right. I’ll do that straight away.


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