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IELTS Mock Test 2022 May Speaking Practice Test 2

Question list

  • Where is your favorite place to sit?

  • Do you always sit down for a long time?

  • Do you feel sleepy when you are sitting down?

  • When you were a kid, did you usually sit on the floor?

  • What do you like about your job?

  • Do you prefer buying things in big companies or small businesses?.

  • Have you ever worked in small businesses?

  • Have you ever thought about starting your own business?

  • How often do you remember your dreams after you wake up?

  • Do you like hearing about other people's dreams (Why Why not)?

  • Do you think dreams can have special meanings (Why Why not)?

  • Would you like to learn more about the subject of dreams (Why Why not)?

  • Describe an important river/lake in your country

    You should say:

    • Where it is located
    • How big/long it is
    • What it looks like

    And explain why it is important

  • How can rivers and lakes benefit local people?

  • Do you think rivers and lakes attract tourists?

  • How do rivers and lakes affect local tourism?

  • Are rivers and lakes good for transport? Why?

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please if you can evaluate my speaking skill and give me a bond for the section I will be really thankful
Thank you.


Hi, i am looking to practice ielts speaking with anyone who is available, my test is in 4 days, also i will be taking your test as per IELTS standards and same as a Examiner, I am very good with evaluation. Email me ikn.dxb@gmail.com
Please only genuine people can msg me.

Hello Imran, will love to do some practice together because I also preparing myself to take a test in the near future.

Please contact me at my telegram account @S_anggii


https://ieltsonlinetests.com/sot/result/speaking-practice-test-1-466216 please evaluate my speaking skill and give me a mark and tell me my weaknesses to improve it PLS

Anta Islam

Guys, can anyone help me to evaluate my speaking test? I was little confused in my 1st section as I didn't notice the little time for thinking!!! :(

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