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IELTS Mock Test 2021 February

IELTS Mock Test 2021 February

(1,878 votes)
  • Đăng ngày: 21 Feb 2021
  • Tests taken: 966,222
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 RTY34 
  • 2 30 
  • 3 3/three hours 
  • 4 50/fifty 
  • 5 3/three 
  • 6 Parkinson 
  • 7 performance 
  • 8 Melrose Road 
  • 9 0928982453 
  • 10 2pm 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 RTY34 
  • 2 30 
  • 3 3/three hours 
  • 4 50/fifty 
  • 5 3/three 
  • 6 Parkinson 
  • 7 performance 
  • 8 Melrose Road 
  • 9 0928982453 
  • 10 2pm 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 (some) controversy 
  • 12 services 
  • 13 the left 
  • 14 late Feb(ruary) 
  • 15 football ground 
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 (some) controversy 
  • 12 services 
  • 13 the left 
  • 14 late Feb(ruary) 
  • 15 football ground 
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26 5/five 
  • 27 21st 
  • 28 4/four weeks 
  • 29 18 days 
  • 30 22 days 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26 5/five 
  • 27 21st 
  • 28 4/four weeks 
  • 29 18 days 
  • 30 22 days 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34 teeth 
  • 35 statistical 
  • 36 hard plates 
  • 37 large sizes 
  • 38 common 
  • 39 discover 
  • 40 (so) fascinated 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34 teeth 
  • 35 statistical 
  • 36 hard plates 
  • 37 large sizes 
  • 38 common 
  • 39 discover 
  • 40 (so) fascinated 


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Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-5

Complete the instruction page.


Instruction Manual for

Example: electric motorcyle

Model Number: 1

The motorcycle should travel 2 km, provided that the battery is charged for 3 when the gauge falls below 4 volts. The battery weighs 5 kg, so care is needed when removing it for charging.

  • 1 Answer: RTY34
    • From the question, we can assume that the answer for Q1 could be letters and numbers.

    • The keyword concerned in this question is model number.

    • When hearing the representative’s question can you tell me the model number?, we can know that the answer will soon appear.

    • The answer for Q1, RTY34, is quite easy to spot since it is directly confirmed by the customer that at the top of the instruction manual here, it gives the model number R-T-Y-34.

  • 2 Answer: 30
    • From the question, we can assume that the answer for Q2 could be a number.

    • The keyword concerned in this question is motorcycle.

    • As mentioned by the customer, the battery will take the motorcycle 30 km, we can conclude the answer for Q2 is 30.

  • 3 Answer: 3/three hours
    • From the question, we can assume that the answer for Q3 could be a period of time.

    • The keywords concerned in this question are battery and charge.

    • From the representative’s question “are you sure you charge it for the required three hours?”, we can conclude the answer for Q3 is 3/ three hours.

  • 4 Answer: 50/fifty
    • From the question, we can assume that the answer for Q4 must be a number.

    • The keywords concerned in this question are gauge and fall under.

    • As mentioned by the representative, “according to the manual, you’re meant to charge the battery if the needle falls under 50 volts”, we can conclude the answer for Q4 is 50/ fifty.

    Note: Gauge is similar to needle in this case; under and below are interchangeable.

  • 5 Answer: 3/three
    • From the question, we can assume that the answer for Q5 must be a number.

    • The keywords concerned in this question are battery and weigh.

    • As mentioned by the customer, “you say in your manual that it weighs only three, we can conclude the answer for Q5 is 3/ three.

Questions 6-10

Complete the form.


Complaint Form

Name: Jessie 6

Type of Complaint: 7

Address: No. 45 8

Ph. No.: 9

Best Time to Ring: 10

  • 6 Answer: Parkinson
    • From the question, we can assume that the answer for Q6 must be a name.

    • When hearing the representative’s question Can I have your name please?, we can know that the answer will soon appear.

    • As spelled by the customer, P-A-R-K-I-N-S-O-N, we can conclude that the answer for Q6 is Parkinson.

  • 7 Answer: performance
    • From the question, we can assume that the answer for Q7 must be a noun.

    • The keywords concerned in this question are type and complaint.

    • When hearing the representative’s question what shall we list this complaint under? Parts, service, or performance?, we can know that the answer must be one of them.

    • As confirmed by the representative, “we’ll go with performance”, we can conclude the answer for Q7 is performance.

  • 8 Answer: Melrose Road
    • From the question, we can assume that the answer for Q8 must be name of road.

    • The keyword concerned in this question is address.

    • When hearing the representative’s question would you mind giving me your address?, we can know that the answer will soon appear.

    • As mentioned by the customer, “It’s 45 Melrose Road” and once again spelled by the rep M-E-L, and ‘rose’, we can conclude the answer for Q8 is Melrose Road.

  • 9 Answer: 0928982453
    • From the question, we can assume that the answer for Q9 must be a series of numbers.

    • The keyword concerned in this question is phone number.

    • When hearing the representative’s question now, your phone number?, we can know that the answer will soon appear.

    • The answer for Q9, 0928982453, is easy to spot since it is directly stated by the customer.

  • 10 Answer: 2pm
    • The keywords concerned in this question are best time and ring.

    • The rep’s question what time is best for ringing you? helps us to know that the answer will soon appear.

    • As stated by the customer, it’s best to ring me at 2pm, we can conclude that the answer for Q10 is 2pm.

Part 1
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Section 1

You will hear a customer phoning a company representative to complain about her new purchase.

Cust Hello. Is this the Dynamo Motorcycle company?

Rep Yes, it is. How can I help you?

Cust Well, I have an instruction manual here for your new electric motorcycle, but I’m not satisfied with the purchase at all.

Rep Well, I’m sorry to hear that. But don’t worry; I’m sure we can sort this out. Before we do anything, can you tell me the model number?

Cust Ah, at the top of the instruction manual here, it gives the model number R-T-Y-34.

Rep ... rrrrr... T-Y-34. Okay. Now, what’s the nature of your complaint?

Cust It’s many things, actually. The biggest problem is that you say in your manual that the battery will take the motorcycle 30 km.

Rep That’s right.

Cust Well, it’s lucky to take me eight! The battery is usually flat by then, often leaving me stuck at the side of the road.

Rep Are you sure you’re charging it correctly?

Cust I’m fairly sure. I follow all the instructions, and plug it in for a long time.

Rep And are you sure you charge it for the required three hours?

Cust I charge it until the charging light goes off, and that’s two hours, so that should be enough. And, there’s

a serious design fault with this motorcycle. When you’re riding it, there’s no meter to show you how much power is left, so you actually don’t know when the machine is going to stop working.

Rep There’s a voltage gauge.

Cust Yes, but that tells you nothing. The needle fluctuates about from 55 to 45, so whatever it says is meaningless.

Rep According to the manual, you’re meant to charge the battery if the needle falls under 50 volts.

Cust But even when you charge it, it can go below 45! As I said, the needle just waves all over the place. The result is that I’m always worried that the bike will leave me stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Rep Well, I’m sorry about that.

Cust Sure, but what are you going to do about it?

Rep Unfortunately we don’t have a refund policy, but if you take the bike to one of our shops, our

mechanics will look at it. Perhaps there’s a problem that we can fix - the gauge, for example.

Cust The other problem is the battery. I actually weighed it, and it’s almost six kilograms, yet you say in

your manual that it weighs only three. I can barely pick the thing up. So it’s not three kilograms at all.

Rep Maybe you purchased the wrong model by mistake.

Cust I doubt that very much. Basically, I think I’ve been defrauded, and I’d like to know what you’re going to do about it.

Rep Alright, I’ll put you through to our complaints department.

Cust Hello.

Rep Complaints department here. Apparently you have a complaint.

Cust Yes, I do, Let me tell you all about...

Rep It’s... it’s alright. Our representative has already informed me about your problem. It’s probably just a misunderstanding. I’m sure we can work something out. Right now, I need to take down some details.

Cust Alright.

Rep Can I have your name please?

Cust Jessie Parkinson. That’s J-E-double S-I-E. And Parkinson. P-A-R-K-I-N-S-O-N. Parkinson! Rep Alright, what shall we list this complaint under? Parts, service, or performance?

Cust Well, the meter isn’t accurate at all. So that’s ‘parts’, isn’t it?

Rep Yes, perhaps, but you do feel more generally that the motorcycle doesn’t meet the operational standards as advertised, so it’s probably better to tick ‘performance’ here.

Cust Can we tick both: parts and performance?

Rep No, we can only tick one, so let’s not call it parts. We’ll go with ‘performance’. Now, we may post some further forms and questionnaires to you, so would you mind giving me your address?

Cust Certainly. It’s 45 Melrose Road.

Rep Melrose. M-E-L, and‘rose’. Okay. Now, your phone number?

Cust Just use my mobile phone. That’s 0-9-2-8-982-453.

Rep 4-5-3. Okay. And if we have any follow-up questions, what time is best for ringing you? Morning? Afternoon? Night time?

Cust Well, I work, as a secretary, from 9 to 5, but I do get a lunch break which gives me some free time. This break used to be 12.30 to 1.30, but then it changed to an hour later, so it’s best to ring me at 2 pm since the break now starts at 1.30.

Rep Alright! Ah, that’s all for now. We just need to do our own investigation, and we’ll probably ring you back tomorrow. I’m sure we can get to the bottom of this.

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