Đáp án
# | Thành viên | Điểm | Thời gian | |
Hoang-Nguyen Nguyen | | 9.0 | 15:06 | |
siban boban | | 9.0 | 15:06 | |
Ananth Sivaanbu | | 9.0 | 15:17 | |
4 | Dat Ha | | 9.0 | 15:20 |
5 | Omobola Onalaja | | 9.0 | 15:25 |
6 | Rofiat Mudashiru | | 9.0 | 15:30 |
7 | Trịnh Quỳnh Anh | | 9.0 | 15:30 |
8 | Charo Sicat | | 9.0 | 15:34 |
9 | Reshma Prakash | | 9.0 | 15:38 |
10 | harneenkaur | | 9.0 | 15:46 |
These questions are as much vocabulary tests as they are reading tests because they require you to be aware of paraphrasing (using different...
Review & Explanations:
Complete the schedule below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Example: Globetrotters Language School
Chinese Level: | Advanced |
Level: | Advanced |
Days: | 1 evenings |
Japanese | |
Level: | 2 |
Days: | Tuesday and Thursday mornings |
Level: | 3 |
Days: | Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings |
French | |
Level: | Intermediate |
Days: | Friday 4 |
Complete the information below.
Write NO MORE THAN ONE NUMBER for each answer.
Six weeks $ 5
Four weeks $ 6
One week $ 7
Twelve weeks $ 8
Complete the sentences below
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer
Students can register for a class by visiting the 9
10 is in charge of student registration.
Nguồn 1
Nguồn 2
You will hear a man asking for information about lan guage classes over the phone.
Woman: Good morning. globetrotters Language School. How may I help you?
Man: Yes, I was wondering if you could give me some information on language classes.
Woman: Certainly. What language are you interested in studying?
Man: Well, that’s the thing. I’m interested in learning japanese, but I’d also like to improve my Chinese. I don’t know which to study right now.
Woman: Maybe the class schedule will help you decide. Did you want to study in the morning, afternoon, or evening?
Man: I work in the evenings, so mornings or afternoons would be best.
Woman: Then that decides it for you. We offer an advanced Chinese class, but it meets on Wednesday and Friday evenings.
Man: I couldn’t do that. When do the Japanese classes meet?
Woman: We have beginning Japanese on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, no wait, that’s intermediate Japanese. Which level do you want? advanced?
Man: No, beginning. Definitely. I know some Chinese and some French, but I’m a real beginner with Japanese.
Woman: Well then, are you free Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings? That’s when the beginning Japanese classes meet. We also have intermediate French on Friday mornings.
Man: I could do those mornings, but I’d prefer afternoon. Don’t you have anything in the afternoon?
Woman: We have intermediate Japanese class on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.
Man: I really need a beginner class. So I’ll take the morning Japanese class. Could you give me an idea of the cost? What would be the tuition for the Japanese class?
Woman: The beginning-level classes meet three times a week, so they cost a bit more than the other levels. For a six-week course, the cost would be five hundred and seventy five dollars.
Man: That’s a bit steep.
Woman: If it’s hard for you to pay that much, you could sign up for just four weeks of class and pay four hundred and ten dollars. Or, you could pay for one week at a time, at a hundred and twenty five dollars a week.
Man: That comes out to be much more expensive once you add up all the weeks.
Woman: That’s true. You can save money by registering for two levels together. For example, pay for your beginning and intermediate classes now and you’ll get twelve weeks of class for just one thousand and fifty dollars.
Man: That’s not a bad deal, but I can’t come up with that much money at once. I'll just pay for the six week course.
Woman: Fine. That class begins next week, so you need to register right away.
Man: Can’t I register over the phone?
Woman: No, I’m sorry, we don’t take phone registrations. What you’ll need to do is visit the school office today or tomorrow. Bring a check for the tuition and a photo id
Man: Is that all?
Woman: Yes, we’ll give you a registration form to complete, or you can save time by visiting our website and downloading the form there. Complete it and bring it into the office with your check.
Man: Great. I’ll stop by this afternoon.
Woman: Fine. When you arrive, ask for Mr. Lindsay. He’s in charge of student registration.
Man: I’m sorry, Mr. who?
Woman: Mr. Lindsay, spelled L-I-N-D-S-A-Y.
Man: Thank you for your help.
Woman: Thank you. We’ll look forward to seeing you in class.
Bình luận
I'm Nigga
I'm another Nigga!
what i have seen nơw?
I'm another Nigga!
I'm Nigga
Alot of niggas here