Describe a sports program you like to watch.
You should say:
what it is
how often you watch it
who you like to watch it with and explain why you like to watch this program.
Part 3 Questions:
Which sport do you think most people like to do?
Do children need exercise?
What are the benefits of exercise?
美式足球比赛 (American football game)
激情 (passion)
兴奋 (excitement)
热情 (enthusiasm)
乐趣 (fun)
欢呼 (cheering)
交流 (chatting)
看法 (viewpoint)
感受 (feelings)
As an English student, I need to describe a sports program that I like to watch. I choose to describe American football, which is a passion-inducing and exciting sport that always draws me in. The frequency with which I watch American football is approximately once a week, and I always enjoy it with my friends. We not only cheer for our favorite teams but also discuss our views and feelings during the game.
The reason why I like to watch American football is that it provides me with a sense of passion and excitement. The physical contact, fast-paced gameplay, and the energy of the crowd always bring me to tears. Moreover, the game provides me with a platform to connect with my friends and share our love for the sport. Overall, American football is not just a game but also a way of life that I enjoy every single day.
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