2023年5-8月雅思口语Part2题库及答案-人物类:Describe someone who moved to your community and brought positive influence

2023年5-8月雅思口语Part2题库及答案-人物类:Describe someone who moved to your community and brought positive influence

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2023年5-8月雅思口语Part2题库及答案-邻居 / 搬新家的人


Version A: Describe someone who moved to your community and brought positive influence. 
You should say:
 who this person is 
 when this person moved to your community
 what this person did 
and explain how you felt about this person. 
Version B: Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place.
You should say:
 who this person is 
 what the new place is like
 why he/she moved to a new place 
and explain whether his/her move has a postive impact on you
Part 3 Questions:
Is it positive for young people to live by themselves?
Besides cooking, are there any other skills that people need to learn if they live on their own?
What kinds of people tend to live by themselves? 
Why do some young people keep moving?
What’s the difference between living alone and with roommates?


1. Who this person is:
- Think about someone who moved to your community and made a noticeable positive impact. It could be someone who started a new business, created a community event, or simply brought a lot of positive energy with them.
- Make sure to choose someone you know well enough to describe their impact in detail.

2. When this person moved to your community:
- Try to remember roughly when this person arrived. Was it recently, or have they been around for a while?
- Think about the context surrounding their arrival: was there a particular reason why they moved to your community?

3. What this person did:
- This is the most important part of the description - what has this person done to bring positive influence to your community?
- Consider specific examples of things they've done, such as starting a new volunteer initiative, organizing a successful event, or creating a positive atmosphere through their personality and attitude.

4. How you felt about this person:
- Wrap up your description by explaining how this person has affected you personally. Have they been a role model for you? Have they helped you or someone you know in a meaningful way?
- Try to use specific and vivid language that will help the listener feel the same admiration and appreciation that you have for this person.


The person I'm going to describe is a woman named Emily, who moved to my neighborhood about two years ago. She's had a really positive impact on both me personally and our community as a whole.

Emily moved here from a different city because her husband got a job in the area. When she arrived, she didn't know anyone in the neighborhood, but she quickly started to make connections. One of the first things she did was start a Facebook group for our neighborhood, which has been incredibly helpful for getting people to communicate and organize events.

But Emily's impact hasn't just been organizational - she's also brought a lot of positive energy to the community. She's always the first one to say hello to newcomers, and she's really outgoing and friendly. I've seen her make a real effort to get to know people from all different backgrounds and walks of life.

One event that Emily organized last summer stands out to me as a particularly positive thing that she's done for our community. She organized a neighborhood potluck in a local park, and it was so successful that we've continued to do it every year since. It's been a great way for people to get to know each other and form connections, even if they don't live right next door to each other.

Personally, Emily has been a real role model for me. I'm naturally pretty shy and introverted, but seeing how friendly and outgoing Emily is has inspired me to be more like her. I've also appreciated how much she's done to bring our community together - it's made me feel like I'm part of something bigger than just my own little corner of the neighborhood.

Overall, I think Emily is an amazing person who has had a really positive influence on our community. I'm so glad she moved here and helped make this place feel like home.


