IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 2

IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 2

(638 votes)
  • Published on: 15 Dec 2017
  • Tests taken: 270,232

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8 10 B,D,G 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8 10 B,D,G 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 June 6th 
  • 12 5000/5,000 
  • 13 transportation 
  • 14 low levels 
  • 15 Commuter 
  • 16 plant trees 
  • 17 upgrade 
  • 18 border 
  • 19 clean(er) fuels 
  • 20 factories 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 June 6th 
  • 12 5000/5,000 
  • 13 transportation 
  • 14 low levels 
  • 15 Commuter 
  • 16 plant trees 
  • 17 upgrade 
  • 18 border 
  • 19 clean(er) fuels 
  • 20 factories 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 northwest/north-west 
  • 22 spray 
  • 23 (a) (small) library 
  • 24 mountains 
  • 25 field observation 
  • 26 development 
  • 27 water 
  • 28 market town 
  • 29 national park 
  • 30 dissertation 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 northwest/north-west 
  • 22 spray 
  • 23 (a) (small) library 
  • 24 mountains 
  • 25 field observation 
  • 26 development 
  • 27 water 
  • 28 market town 
  • 29 national park 
  • 30 dissertation 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 requirements 
  • 32 private 
  • 33 attitudes 
  • 34 interviews 
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38
  • 39
  • 40
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31 requirements 
  • 32 private 
  • 33 attitudes 
  • 34 interviews 
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38
  • 39
  • 40


Nguyễn Trí Dũng 9.015:20
Həsən Ələkbərzadə 9.015:28
ou jin xin 9.015:41
4 Thạch Vũ Lê Quân 9.016:30
5 Nguyen Pham Nhi 9.022:29
6 thaobich1312 9.023:39
7 Hiep Dang 9.024:03
8 Gitika Verma 9.024:31
9 Nguyễn Đình Tuấn Đạt 9.025:05
10 maryam kariman 9.025:07

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-7

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C


The woman says she is interested in

A part-time employment.

B a permanent job.

C unpaid work.


The librarian says that training always includes

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: B

Question 1:

  •    Key word are “training” and “always”

  • Option A –computer skills” is incorrect as the librarian said: ”Then we give specialist training for particular projects - like using our database system.”, means they do offer computer skills training however it is not always included because this is specialist training just for particular projects

  •  Option B – “basic medical skills” is correct  as he said: “We always include an orientation on to the library, together with emergency procedures, that's fire regulations, emergency exits, First-aid

  • Option C ­– “interpersonal skills” is incorrect as it is not mentioned in the recording.


All library service volunteers have to

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: A

Question 2:

  •   Key word is have to”. From this, candidates can guess what kind of information they need to hear to and try to focus if any word like ;”requirement” or “regulation”, etc. in order to get prepared to catch the detail

  • Option A – “record their arrival and departure is correct as he said:” we ask you to sign in and sign out for insurance purposes, but that's all.”

  •   Option B – “stay within ‘staff only' sections” is  incorrect  because even when the key word :” ‘staff only' sections”  is mentioned in the conversation, but the detail related to it is “all staff has to wear a name badge so they can be identified if they go outside the ’staff only' areas”, there is no information about staff has to stay within the section only, in fact, they can go outside as it is stated in the talk.

  • Option C –“wear a uniform is incorrect.  The woman asked about “dress requirement”, however, the librarian did not confirm about uniform, only mentioned that staff has to wear name tag in the specific occasion.


 The woman would be entitled to a contribution towards the cost of

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: C

Question 3:

Key word: “be entitled to a contribution towards the cost of” which means the woman can be repaid or supported a sum of money from the library. From the options, candidates are suggested that this cost is related to “transport”.

  • Option A –“transport by minibus.” Is incorrect  as the librarian just mentioned minibus as: “we are looking for though is someone who can drive a minibus”, did not mentioned about any cost related to it.

  • Option B:parking at the library.” Is incorrect. The library said that if the woman travel by car, the cost of transport will not be repay because “parking is such a problem here”

  • Option C-public transport”  is correct as he said “we can reimburse part of your travel expenses in that casewhen the woman said she would come by bus


One recent library project involved

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: B

Question 4:

  • Key words are: “project” and “recent

  • Option A –“ labelling historical objects” is incorrect because in the recording it said :” sometime next year we're hoping to begin working on an initiative involving the sorting and labelling of objects relating to local history” . The project in question is recent, but this project is hope to start next year.

  • Option B –protecting historical photographs” is correct because it said:” We’ve just finished one which involved working with photographs taken of the area 50 or 100 years ago it basically involved what we call encapsulation “ and the woman asked to confirm that encapsulation means :” Putting them in some sort of covers to keep them safe “

  • Option C -  “cataloguing historical documents” ” is incorrect because in the recording it said :” sometime next year we're hoping to begin working on an initiative involving the sorting and labelling of objects relating to local history” . The project in question is recent, but this project is hope to start next year.



At present, the library is looking for people to

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: A

Question 5:

  • Key word is:at present”.

  • Option A - “record books onto CDis correct. In the recording, the librarian said :”We provide volunteers with equipment so that they can take books home with them and read them aloud onto CDs

  • Option B - “tell stories to children” is incorrect because when the woman asked about this project, the library said: “That's done by our regular staff but the woman is only work as volunteer, and the library did not looking for this position

  • Option C -” read books to the blind”  is incorrect.  Even when this project is ‘Working with the blind”, however, do not mentioned about reading directly for the blind.  


The woman says she is interested in a project involving

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: A

Question 6:

  • Key word: “Interested in”

  • Option A – “taking library books to people in hospital.”  is correct because the librarian introduced the project :” helping those who are unable to have direct access to the library.” And the woman confirmed:” I noticed someone with a trolley of books when i was at the hospital last week. And the most importance, at the end the woman said ;” Yes, I'd definitely be interested in that

  • Option B: “delivering library books to people at home” is incorrect because even the librarian was talking about “helping those who are unable to have direct access to the library”, he did not said that the library will bring book to people’s house. Candidates might confused because they heard :’ lots of people who wouldn't dream of going to the library normally, when they're at home, borrow a book when the trolley comes round the ward.” And if they do not really understand what he means, they might took a mistake. Here, the librarian means that the sick who wouldn't dream of going to the library normally when they're at home (“Wouldn’t dream of doing” means something a person would never consider doing in life.), now can borrow book, when the trolley comes round the ward.( ward means zones in hospitals, not a place where their houses are located)

  • Option C: “driving the disabled to the library” is incorrect because even the librarian was talking about “helping those who are unable to have direct access to the library”, he did not said that the library staff will drive the disabled to the library


The woman agrees to work for

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: B

Question 7:

  • Key word : “agrees” and look at the options, candidates shall understand that this is the amount of hour working per week

  • Option A – “two hours per week.”  Is incorrect. Candidates might make a mistake as they heard “we do need someone for a couple of afternoons from 2 to 4”.

  • Option B - “four hours per week”. Is correct as he said : “so four hours altogether “

  • Option C - “six hours per week.” Is incorrect. . Candidates might make a mistake as they heard the woman said :” I could probably do five or six hours.”,however, the librarian said “be careful not to take on too much “

Questions 8-10

Choose THREE letters A-G.

Which THREE of the following must be provided by all volunteers?


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • 8-10 Answer: B,D,G

    Question 8-9-10:

    • A civil conviction check because in the recording, it mentioned “That's a document we have to provide by law for those working on projects involving children, so we’ won’t need it in your case

    • B signed copy of commitment because in the recording, it mentioned “But you will need to sign this separate document that’s a copy of commitment”  

    • C certificates to indicate qualifications , in the recording the woman asked :”do I need to provide certificates?” and Librarian replied: They're not necessary.”

    • D emergency contact information because in the recording, it mentioned :”You also need to fill in details of who we should get in touch with in case of any accident or problem like that”

    • E date of birth  because in the recording, it mentioned :”there's a space for date of birth, but that’s only if you're over 75 so. we won't worry about that”

    • F signature of parent or guardian because in the recording it mentioned :”signature of parent or guardian - that won't be necessary

    • G referees because in the recording it mentioned “ We'll need the names of two referees

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Section 1

Woman:    Hmm .. I'm interested in doing some work for the library - are you the person to speak to?

Librarian:    Yes Right, well, erm, what sort of work are you interested in?

Woman:    I've just come to live here in Australia I don't want a full-time job until my children have settled down, but t really need to get out of the house a bit, and l heard you need voluntary workers for various projects...  

Librarian:    Right.

Woman:      but I don't know if I have the right skills.

Librarian:    Well, we do provide training

Woman:    Oh.

Librarian:    We always include an orientation to the library, together with emergency procedures, that's fire regulations, emergency exits, first aid. So you can cope with accidents or sudden illness, things like that which are necessary for anyone who’s working with the public. Then we give specialist training for particular projects - like using our database system.

Woman:    I do have quite good computer skills, in fact.

Librarian:    Umm Great!

Woman:    Is there any sort of dress requirement?

Librarian:    Well, all staff have to wear a name badge so they can be identified if they go outside the ’staff only' areas. But apart from that there aren't many regulations - we ask you to sign in and sign out for insurance purposes, but that's all. How about transport do you live locally?

Woman:    Not too far away I'm at Porpoise Beach. My husband needs the car during the day but it's only about twenty minutes on the bus.

Librarian:    In fact, we can reimburse part of your travel expenses in that case.

Woman:    Oh Would that be the same if I came by car?

Librarian:    No, because parking is such a problem here. One thing we are looking for though is someone who can drive a minibus.

Woman:    No problem So. do the projects involve going outside the library?

Librarian:    Some, yes. But not all. We’ve just finished one which involved working with photographs taken of the area 50 or 100 years ago it basically involved what we call encapsulation ..

Woman:    Putting them in some sort of covers to keep them safe?

Librarian:    Exactly, it’s time-consuming work, and we were very grateful to have help with it. Then, sometime next year we're hoping to begin working on an initiative involving the sorting and labelling of objects relating to local history. We'll be needing help with the cataloguing.

Woman:    I'd definitely be interested. How about at present?

Librarian:    Well, we have a small team who work to support those who are unable to read.

Woman:    Working with the blind.

Librarian:    Yes, or other groups who have reading difficulties. We provide volunteers with equipment so that they can take books home with them and read them aloud onto CDs. We're gradually building up a collection that can be lent to those who need them

Woman:    Mmm. I can see it would be useful, but I'd really like to do some sort of work where I can get the chance to meet people. How about reading stories to children?

Librarian:    Mmm. That's done by our regular staff. But we do have another project - it's a very long established scheme which involves helping those who are unable to have direct access to the library.

Woman:    Oh. I noticed someone with a trolley of books when i was at the hospital last week. That sort of thing?

Librarian:    That would have been one of ours, yes. It’s one of our most popular services - lots of people who wouldn't dream of going to the library normally, when they're at home, borrow a book when the trolley comes round the ward.

Woman:    I can imagine. Yes, I'd definitely be interested in that. Right, so how do I enroll?

Librarian:    Well, we do ask all volunteers to commit themselves to a regular period each week.

Woman:    I could probably do five or six hours.

Librarian:    Oh ... be careful not to take on too much - but we do need someone for a couple of afternoons from 2 to 4 ... so four hours altogether.

Woman:    That sounds fine.

Librarian:    Right, so here's the application form . .. it asks the usual questions, name and address and telephone number. You also need to fill in details of who we should get in touch with in case of any accident or problem like that, we do need to have that filled in, and there's a space for date of birth, but that’s only if you're over 75 so. we won't worry about that.

Woman:    No. Oh. it asks for qualifications do I need to provide certificates?

Librarian:    They're not necessary. We'll need the names of two referees not relatives or family members, obviously. What else . . signature of parent or guardian - that won't be necessary as i assume you're over 18?

Woman:    Yes. What's this? it says 'civil conviction check'

Librarian:    That's a document we have to provide by law for those working on projects involving children, so we’ won’t need it in your case. But you will need to sign this separate document that’s a copy of commitment, it's basically an agreement to work according to the library guidelines. So if you'd like to fill this all in - you can do it here, or take it home, whichever you prefer.

Woman:    I'll take it home if that’s OK. Right, well thank you for your time ...


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