IELTS Practice Test Volume 1

IELTS Practice Test Volume 1

(2,124 votes)
  • Published on: 30 Jul 2018
  • Tests taken: 632,541

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 13
  • 1 TRUE 
  • 2 FALSE 
  • 3 NOT GIVEN 
  • 4 focal point 
  • 5 focal length 
  • 6 convex lenses 
  • 7 (Johannes) Kepler 
  • 8 conscious effort 
  • 9 temperature change(s) 
  • 10 peripheral (vision) 
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
Correct answer: 0/13
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 13
Correct answer: 0/13
  • 1 TRUE 
  • 2 FALSE 
  • 3 NOT GIVEN 
  • 4 focal point 
  • 5 focal length 
  • 6 convex lenses 
  • 7 (Johannes) Kepler 
  • 8 conscious effort 
  • 9 temperature change(s) 
  • 10 peripheral (vision) 
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
Part 2: Question 14 - 26
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18 TRUE 
  • 19 NOT GIVEN 
  • 20 NOT GIVEN 
  • 21 FALSE 
  • 22 TRUE 
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
Correct answer: 0/13
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 14 - 26
Correct answer: 0/13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18 TRUE 
  • 19 NOT GIVEN 
  • 20 NOT GIVEN 
  • 21 FALSE 
  • 22 TRUE 
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
Part 3: Question 27 - 40
  • 27 Laurasia 
  • 28 Pangaea 
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33 tectonic plate 
  • 34 cools 
  • 35 rotation 
  • 36 Aegir Ridge 
  • 37 Divergent (boundary) 
  • 38 continental collision 
  • 39 mighty rivers 
  • 40 subduction (zone) 
Correct answer: 0/14
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 27 - 40
Correct answer: 0/14
  • 27 Laurasia 
  • 28 Pangaea 
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33 tectonic plate 
  • 34 cools 
  • 35 rotation 
  • 36 Aegir Ridge 
  • 37 Divergent (boundary) 
  • 38 continental collision 
  • 39 mighty rivers 
  • 40 subduction (zone) 


Nguyen Hong Phuc 9.015:33
Deeba Prohor 9.015:36
Ulyana Danilova 9.016:00
4 Truong An Do 9.016:09
5 Wxy Tus 9.016:46
6 Trang Nguyen 9.017:14
7 Jiang Ciarra 9.018:04
8 Olga Kashirina 9.018:39
9 sravya yadlapalli 9.018:45
10 Emily Cosmic 9.019:02
Tips for improving your ielts score


(2 votes)
19 Oct 2023

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-13

Questions 1-3

Questions 4-6

Complete the diagram.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Two Focusing Problems






  • 4 Answer: focal point

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    …There are two main focusing disorders: myopia and hyperopia. In the case of the first (nearsightedness, in which it is difficult to see objects at a distance), concave lenses are used, compensating for the eye’s refractive error by pushing the focal point back, to the retina…

    …Basically, glasses modify the focal length of the eye’s lens



    The answer must be a Noun.

    Find the keywords “two focusing problems” and “myopia” in the first chart of the questions to locate the text containing necessary information

    Look at that text: “…There are two main focusing disorders: myopia and hyperopiacompensating for the eye’s refractive error by pushing the focal point back, to the retina…”. So, the answer is focal point.

  • 5 Answer: focal length

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    …There are two main focusing disorders: myopia and hyperopia. In the case of the first (nearsightedness, in which it is difficult to see objects at a distance), concave lenses are used, compensating for the eye’s refractive error by pushing the focal point back, to the retina…

    …Basically, glasses modify the focal length of the eye’s lens



    Look at the first chart, we can realize that the missing information related to “lens of the eye”.

    Search around this paragraph, we will see the text “…Basically, glasses modify the focal length of the eye’s lens…”. So, the answer is focal length.

  • 6 Answer: convex lenses

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    …Hyperopia (farsightedness) uses convex lenses to do the opposite, bringing the focal point forward, to the retina.



    Keywords “hyperopia” and “focal point brought forward” in the second chart of the questions should be used to find information from the text. We can easily find the text “…Hyperopia (farsightedness) uses convex lenses to do the opposite, bringing the focal point forward, to the retina”. So, the answer is convex lenses

Questions 7-10

Answer the questions.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Who first explained how glasses function?


What is needed when viewing through bi-focal glasses?


What can cause condensation on glasses?


What aspect of sight do contact lenses improve better than glasses?


  • 7 Answer: (Johannes) Kepler

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q7: Who first explained how glasses function?

    …The first detailed mathematical explanation would not come until Johannes Kepler published his work on optics in 1604…



    We must find a name of a person who first explained how glasses function.

    The text “…The first detailed mathematical explanation would not come until Johannes Kepler published his work on optics in 1604...” includes keywords “first…explanation…”. So, Johannes Kepler is the name of the person we are looking for.

  • 8 Answer: conscious effort

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q8: What is needed when viewing through bifocal glasses?

    …The most common are bifocal lenses, with two distinct horizontal viewing areas. A conscious effort is thus necessary to focus through the band of the lens necessary to solve the visual challenge faced….



    The answer must be a Noun

    It is easy for us to find the keyword “bifocal glasses” of the question in the text. The text: “A conscious effort is thus necessary to focus through the band of the lens necessary to solve the visual challenge faced….” shows us that noun phrase “conscious effort” is best answer

  • 9 Answer: temperature change(s)

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q9: What can cause condensation on glasses?

    … or from natural condensation due to temperature changes



    The answer must be a Noun

    Using scanning skill to quickly find information about “condensation” in the text, we can easily see the sentence “…or from natural condensation due to temperature changes” which means that “temperature changes” is the cause of condensation. Hence, the answer is temperature changes

  • 10 Answer: peripheral (vision)

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q10: What aspect of sight do contact lenses improve better than glasses?

    …Having said that, by completely covering the pupil, contacts also offer better peripheral vision



    We can find that the sixth paragraph in the text mainly refer to “contact lenses” which is the keyword of the question.

    The text : “….contacts also offer better peripheral vision…” shows us that the answer is peripheral vision

Questions 11-13

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.


Modern lenses are

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: A

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q11: Modern lens are

  1. Safer

  2. Heavier

  3. Softer

  4. More flexible

These days, lenses are most commonly a plastic polycarbonate material, offering lower weight and higher scratch resistance, as well as the ability to screen out harmful ultraviolet and infrared rays from the sun. Similarly, the frames are flexible and lightweight, offering less friction and irritation for the skin…



The text: “These days, lenses are most commonly a plastic polycarbonate material, offering lower weight and higher scratch resistance, as well as the ability to screen out harmful ultraviolet and infrared rays from the sun. Similarly, the frames are flexible and lightweight, offering less friction and irritation for the skin…” indicates us that modern lenses are lower weigh. So, the answer B “heavier” is wrong.

In addition, attributes “flexible” and “lightweight” (soft) are mentioned in the text. However, these attributes are of frames, not of modern lens. So, C and D cannot be the correct answer.

After eliminating the wrong answers, we can guess the best answer is A. Besides, the text “…the ability to screen out harmful ultraviolet and infrared rays from the sun” implies that modern lens are safer. Therefore, the answer is surely A


‘Off-the-shelf' glasses

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: C

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q12: “Off-the-shelf” glasses

  1. are not popular

  2. can cause glaucoma

  3. earn shops good money

  4. are recommended

…Glasses can now even be bought ‘off the shelf’, without an eye examination, cashing in on the need for quick solutions that people want in a busy society



The text doesn’t refer to either the popularity or the recommendation of “off-the-shelf” glasses; so, the answer A and D is not suitable.

It does mention that there is no eye examination if we buy glasses “off the shelf”, but not completely imply that these glasses can cause eyes’ problems such as glaucoma. So, we eliminate the incorrect answer B

The text “…cashing in on the need for quick solutions that people want in a busy society…” shows us the best answer must be C


Laser eye surgery is

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: A

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q13: Laser eye surgery is

  1. of limited benefit

  2. more convenient than glasses

  3. becoming more popular

  4. complex

The lace of the future may well be ‘laser eye surgery’. In this process, laser beams are used, usually to alter the curvature of the cornea and thus provide long-term corrective benefits. Although straightforward enough and increasingly safe and affordable, given the delicacy of the eye, there remains a small risk of failure and resultant vision problems, such as ghosting or halos. It is an interesting fact, that, despite the growth of such surgery, and the use of contacts, traditional lenses remain as popular as ever. Nothing, it seems, can match the simple convenience of putting on a pair of glasses.



The content of “laser eye surgery” is mentioned in the last paragraph.

We can make the mistake when seeing the text “…provide long-term corrective benefits…” and ignore the answer A because we easily think that “long-term benefits” has the opposite meaning with “limited benefits”.

However, the answer A is correct. In fact, besides benefits (straightforward, safe and affordable), laser eye surgery remains a small risk of failure and resultant vision problems..” which indicates that “laser eye surgery” has limited advantages.

The word "straightforward” and the text “…traditional lenses remain as popular as ever. Nothing, it seems, can match the simple convenience of putting on a pair of glasses...” help us realize the answers B, C and D are incorrect.

Reading Passage 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage One.

Could You Pass Me My Glasses, Please?

The human eye was not designed for the years of intensive book learning that are now common in modern society. The result is eye strain and deterioration, often at an early age, but this same society has provided the obvious answer: corrective lensed eyeglasses. Ubiquitous and everpresent, coming in all styles, colours, and designs, the optical correction of faulty vision with these devices is a phase which probably everyone will have to face at some stage in their lives.

It is not surprising that the first eyeglasses were made by the Catholic monks dedicated to the writing, translation, and reproduction of finely written religious texts. In contrast to the general undereducation and illiteracy of the times, these monks were versed in many languages, and worked for years in badly-illuminated candle-lit ‘scriptoriums’ - an effort which took its toll on their eyesight. Thus, the earliest pictorial evidence for the use of eyeglasses is a 1352 portrait of the Catholic cardinal, Hugh de Provence. However, the usefulness of glasses had already long been realised by the population at large, and by 1300 the trade of lens-grinding was widespread enough to require formal guilds and regulations.

Although popular and effective, no one was quite sure of the mechanics of it all. The first detailed mathematical explanation would not come until Johannes Kepler published his work on optics in 1604. Basically, glasses modify the focal length of the eye’s lens. There are two main focusing disorders: myopia and hyperopia. In the case of the first (near-sightedness, in which it is difficult to see objects at a distance), concave lenses are used, compensating for the eye’s refractive error by pushing the focal point back, to the retina. Hyperopia (far-sightedness) uses convex lenses to do the opposite, bringing the focal point forward, to the retina.

Yet, to accommodate the range of situations in which clear vision is needed, from reading books and computer monitors, to television watching and driving cars, some glasses are equipped with more than one lens type. The most common are bi-focal lenses, with two distinct horizontal viewing areas. A conscious effort is thus necessary to focus through the band of the lens necessary to solve the visual challenge faced. A variation which helps with this are lenses which allow progressive transitions, rather than distinct changes between viewing angles. The simplest system of all is to merely have several pairs of glasses, reserving them for specific tasks.

These days, lenses are most commonly a plastic polycarbonate material, offering lower weight and higher scratch resistance, as well as the ability to screen out harmful ultraviolet and infrared rays from the sun. Similarly, the frames are flexible and lightweight, offering less friction and irritation for the skin. Nevertheless, glasses cannot be said to be convenient devices. Grease, dirt, sweat, and vapour can streak them when eating or cooking, or from natural condensation due to temperature changes (such as when exiting a heated building into the colder outdoors). Glasses are also awkward during fast-motion sports or labouring jobs, are rather easily broken, and not cheap to repair.

Obviously then, contact lenses have considerable advantages. These are inserted directly over the pupil, and have the additional benefit of a perceived aesthetic appeal. Traditional glasses are sometimes seen as unfashionable, carrying associations of age or infirmity. The almost invisible contacts avoid this, which is perhaps one reason why most wearers are female. Having said that, by completely covering the pupil, contacts also offer better peripheral vision, and are more appropriate for certain less common vision impairments. Their disadvantage is the difficulty and discomfort involved in putting them on and taking them off. They can also result in dryness and irritation.

Interestingly though, the modern era has seen eyeglasses become somewhat of a fashion accessory. The musicians Buddy Holly and John Lennon were so characterised by their glasses that their names have been given to the style they wore. Glasses can now even be bought ‘off the shelf’, without an eye examination, cashing in on the need for quick solutions that people want in a busy society. Although they are a source of much revenue, opticians advise people to first have proper eye examinations, not only to ensure the best results, but also for early detection of potential eye diseases, such as glaucoma, which might actually be the root cause of focusing problems.

The lace of the future may well be ‘laser eye surgery’. In this process, laser beams are used, usually to alter the curvature of the cornea and thus provide long-term corrective benefits. Although straightforward enough and increasingly safe and affordable, given the delicacy of the eye, there remains a small risk of failure and resultant vision problems, such as ghosting or halos. It is an interesting fact, that, despite the growth of such surgery, and the use of contacts, traditional lenses remain as popular as ever. Nothing, it seems, can match the simple convenience of putting on a pair of glasses.


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