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Choose the correct letter, G, N, or E.
G | Galileo |
N | Newton |
E | Einstein |
NB You may use a letter more than once.
Which scientist does each person think was the greatest?
27 Steve
28 David
29 Susan
30 Peter
แหล่งที่มา 1
แหล่งที่มา 2
You will hear two colleagues, Marcus and Ella, discussing details about the coming office party.
Marcus: Okay Ella. As you know, you and I have to make the big decision about in which restaurant we are going to hold our office celebration.
Ella: Well, we’re celebrating 20 years of operation, so I think it has to be a good restaurant -something which will really impress people, and make them think better of the company.
Marcus: We do have a budget, though. It’s... how much?
Ella: $2,000, and that should be enough for a good meal.
Marcus: Actually, it’s $3,000, not $2,000. Iconfirmed that today.
Ella: That should be enough for a great meal, then.
Marcus: Well, this is a significant milestone. So, should we go for a buffet meal at a local hotel? All you can eat? Something like that?
Ella: The Chestfield Hotel has good food. I’ve eaten there before. Very impressive.
Marcus: Yes, I’ve got the brochure here. Do you know how much it costs? The full buffet banquet is beyond us, I’m afraid.
Ella: Yes, but we don’t have to get the banquet. They have set meals for cheaper prices. Show me the brochure. What about this? Set Meal C is $50 a head, and that’s just within our price range. It includes a main meal with prawns, and there’s other seafood as well. Look, there’s even a seafood platter, with crabs , oysters, everything you like.
Marcus: But not everyone likes seafood. Let me see the brochure. Actually, Set Meal D looks better to me -more meat-based.
Ella: How much is it?
Marcus: Meal A is $70, B is $60, and so on, so D is even cheaper, at $45.
Ella: Okay, and we could spend the money we save on other things, such as a lottery present, or something.
Marcus: The main meal is lamb , and everyone likes that, right? It comes with soup, dessert, coffee, all the frills that you’d expect.
Ella: What’s the soup?
Marcus: Actually, all the meals come with soup. Meal A is lobster soup, B is prawn, C is clam - but ours is chicken.
Ella: Ah, T like that. Chicken is simple but tasty. All those seafood soups are not nearly as nice.
Marcus: So, why don’t we take Meal D then?
Ella: Alright, we’ve picked the restaurant and meal for this celebration, so that just leaves the time and date to be decided.
Marcus: We need to do it soon. This month is the 20th anniversary, so what about the 14th?
Ella: 14th? Hmmm, but wouldn’t it be belter to do it after the end-of-quarter reports are handed in? That way everyone will feel more relaxed. That’s the 18th , after the middle of the month.
Marcus: Good thinking. That’s why you’re the office manager, and I’m not.
Ella: Ha ha. And that leaves the starting time. After work, but not too late, right?
Marcus: Well, any time is fine, I should think. 7 pm, 7,30, 8 pm. Does it really matter?
Ella: Not too late, though. 8 pm is too late. 7 pm might be too early for those submitting the end-of-day accounts. Split the difference then. Take the middle time. That will please everyone.
Marcus: Sounds fine by me. Let’s do that, then. Now, that leaves the minor details, you know, about clothes, and what to bring, and...
Ella: Clothes! Isn’t this an informal event?
Marcus: Yes, but it is an anniversary, and we don’t want people in jeans and jogging shoes. We don’t necessarily want formal dress, either.
Ella: I agree. Formal is too... well... formal. Smart casual is better. Let’s just say ‘smart casual’, okay?
Marcus: Okay. And should we allow smoking?
Ella: Isn’t that the hotel’s decision? Do they allow smoking?
Marcus: They do - in designated areas, well away from the eating tables.
Ella: Personally I hate smoking, and would like to ban it completely from this function, but, to be reasonable, I think we can just follow the hotel’s policy. If they allow it, so can we.
Marcus: Okay, that sounds fine. That just leaves... ah...
Ella: ...whether the guests should bring anything with them. I think it would be a nice idea if everyone brought a...
Marcus: Let me guess. A card, right? A ‘getting-to-know-you’ card?
Ella: No. A present! A small present, of course, to be put into a large box, and then everyone can reach inside and pull out something. A lucky dip! That should be a good laugh, don’t you think?
Marcus: Great idea!