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The chart below is composed of two parts, the table part shows the proportion of different way of journeys transport in four different countries, while the bar chart shows the percentage of different reason of car using in America.
In the table part we can see journey by car in USA has absolute advantage and have lowest proportion in netherlands, in United Kingdom and France is the data convergent. It's also remarkable that transport by manpower, which is on foot and bike, is more than 40% in Netherlands.
In part two we could see there's no alternatives to travel by cars is the maximum part of the reasons, which almost 40% respondents chosed it. People who need car for work get lower presentage which make up approximately 30% of the total. Need for convenient and efficiency seems to be not so important. Car for a graveyard shift occupy the smallest part which is less than 10%.
Generally through the chart we can see differ forms of transport in four countries, and different reasons of car using in USA.
The table illustrates the data on the source of the police budget and the two pie charts shows the reallocation of the amount of money in the two of year 2017 and 2018 in a British area.
The main source of money was from national government, which constituted 50% in these two years, with a slight rise from 175.5 million to 177.8 million. The second main source was local taxes, which contributed 91.2 m and 102.3 m in 2017 and 2018 respectively. Other sources such as grants also allocated 38 m or so to the budget in two years, keeping stable in the amount of money.
In terms of how to make use the budget, the department of the police mainly invest in the salaries of workers, which took account of three quarter of the total money. the project of buildings and transport level off at 17% and still the second area which the money spent the most. Technology has
Overall, the total amount of the budget had increased from 304.7 million to 318.6 million, and the money was mainly spent in the construction of buildings and transport.
The line graph compares that the proportion of the population over aged 65 during the period from 1940 to 2040 in Japan, Sweden and USA.
It's clearly that in 1940,the proportion of population aged 65 and over in Japan was the lowest with 5% ,while the proportion of population aged 65 and over in USA enjoyed the highest with 8%.The the proportion of population aged 65 and over in Sweden was remain stable.
The the proportion of population aged 65 and over in USA and Sweden display a fluctuation during the year 1940 to 2023.In addition,the the proportion of population aged 65 and over in Sweden has exceed to the USA since they has an intersected in 1990.And then they has the same upward trend in 2024,which will climb to 25%.
The the proportion of population aged 65 and over in Japan has the stable upward trend between 1940 and 2040.But in 2030,the the proportion of population aged 65 and over displays the dramatically increase and enjoys the highest figures in 2040.
The two diagrams illustrate how a harbour looks like in 2000 and today.
It is notable that today, the castle is replace by a hotel and the road extending from main road to the lifeboat has been redesigned.
Looking at the public beach, a new dock is added, which means more passenger ferries can stop in there. The positions of marina and fishing boats are exchanged. Meanwhile, new shower and toilets are built, next to the area of marina.
It is noticeable that today, the castle is replaced by a hotel. And the road once linking main road, car park and lifeboat have now been redesigned. It is no longer linked with the car park but extend a new path to the hotel. The public beach in the past is turned to be the private beach owned by the hotel. The final change we can see from the graph is cafes and shops are built next to the lifeboat.
It is universally argued that people have more ability of imagination and language by reading for pleasure compared with watching TV. Personally, I almost agree with this assertion, although I concede that watching television may also have some merits.
On the one hand, it is the contention of others that watching television provides more benefits for imagination and language skills than reading. The main reason is that people can learn how to speak others by appropriate tune, like our friends, parents or employers, due to the fact that a TV play normally involves with specific communication context, which means it requires people are passived by engaging of lexical, grammatical, phonetic and pragmatic language abilities when they are watching TV. Additionally, television also contains other channels, including society or various rerealms of news. Take the case of CCTV news whose commentary has professional interpretion, and it reports what is currently occuring from the whole planet. Another reason is that people sitting in front of TV are able to enjoy more impulse scenario, thus vast of vivid animations may be likely to broader viewer’s horizon.
However, ironically, average people, are still in a life stage to exposure excessive electronic products. Watching too much TV means people should sacrifice the rest time for other things, such as communicating with their memberships, even worse this behaviour may have a negative impact on their eyes.
So, compared with the mentioned above, I reckon that individuals who read for pleasure exhibit enhanced imagination and language skills compared to those who prefer watching TV. For the primary reason, reading exposes individuals to a wide range of vocabulary, expressions and grammatical structures which help readers absorb and then unconsciously utilize them into their daily communication. For example, literary works often adopt sophisticated language, leading readers to understand context and meaning. Another reason is the form of presentation, people just construct images in their brains by reading descriptions from the words of books, while visuals in television are fixed interpretations prevail. Therefore, reading not only enriches vocabulary and language skills but also stimulates imagination.
In a nutshell, while both reading and television have adavantages in shaping imagination and language skills, I believe that people benefit to a great extent from reading for pleasure.
The pie chart illustrated the percentage distribution of dance lessons held at various places, including two halls and two studios, in a town in Australia. While the bar graph shows the numbers of students in 3 different types of dance classes, which are Ballet, Tap and Modern. It is divided into two age groups, under 11 and 11 to 16.
Overall, the most striking feature of the chat for the location of the dance classes is the private studios. It comprises 48% of the whole pie chart. Next, approximately a quarter of the whole is occupied by school halls and it accounts for 24%. Community halls & other and college-based studios show a relatively similar proportion, which are 18% and 10%, respectively.
For the bar graph, it is clear that under 11 that learn ballet have the most students, about 600, while only 300 choose ballet between the age of 11 to 16. Conversely, 300 pupils under 11 attend modern lessons, while the number nearly doubles for those under 11. For the tap classes, two age groups have a similar number of students learning it and under 11 is about 20 more than the 11-16 age group.
It is true that the aim of science should be improve people's lives,in Tianjin, people's lives have become intelligent with the help of science and technology,in my opinion,as a common person of Tianjin,Science makes a huge contribution to improving the quality of our lives。
Science has improved the convenience of transportation,first of all,In Tianjin's Chinese-Singapore Eco-City, smart buses have become the way for most people to travel, the emergence of this bus has alleviated traffic congestion, scientists have designed a dedicated bus route, through multiple stations in the city, and the car can also calculate the passage time and stay time, can easily travel during peak congestion, the power of the bus comes from electricity, no pollution to the environment at the same time, the operating cost is reduced。
Science has greatly improved the means of payment,Ten years ago, the payment method was cash and credit card payment, 95% of people used cash to pay when shopping, but now with the development of science, the use of electronic payment accounted for 95%, instead of cash payment, people no longer carry cash when traveling, which is also conducive to preventing loss and theft, electronic payment to improve convenience but also improve security, to create a better payment atmosphere, and the emergence of electronic payment can be used in many countries, resulting in online shopping, promote economic development
In summary,I think the emergence of science has improved people's quality of life and improved the convenience of life in terms of travel, shopping, etc
because of the technological advance and increased personal wealth.people life expertancy have been experted.although the elderly people can paly an important part on sociaty,this demographic change can cause a number of issues.
One problem relate with an ageing population is that the health care cost will dramatically increased,imposing an burden on taxpaters.the most of medical cost will increase in the later of life.so the government have to pour more money on taking caring of olderly people,as the result ,other primary services will face fund problem.like education. another problem is that slow pace of work with the number of senior workers increasing. with ageing ,people ability to absorbing information and deal with problems.
if the elderly generation delay retirement,they may influence companies's profit and effiency.on the other hand,many senior workers choose to delay retirement and expert ther carrer,their experience and wisdom is an valuable asset.People can live longer and live healthier ,they are willing to choose to live in workforces because thay have been expert in their field.
they can work as coluntant,impact thir their knowledge and skill to younger generation. for instance, some senior manager can teach younger people how to manage a company and to provide a good service to clients
in a word. life extending has put pressure to health care in many countries and output of workforces.although we can make use of elderly people 's wisdom, it can affect the economic deveoplment,
In recent years, there has been a prevailing notion that university students should prioritize their studies above all else, sacrificing social activities in the process. However, I disagree with this perspective for several reasons.
Firstly, social interactions are essential for personal growth and development. Engaging in extracurricular activities and forming connections with peers allow students to broaden their horizons, develop interpersonal skills, and gain valuable experiences outside the classroom. These experiences complement academic learning and contribute to a well-rounded education.
Secondly, maintaining a healthy social life is crucial for mental well-being. The pressures of academic life can be overwhelming, and without an outlet for relaxation and socialization, students may experience increased stress, anxiety, and isolation. Participating in social activities provides an opportunity to unwind, recharge, and foster a sense of belonging within the university community.
Furthermore, involvement in social activities can enhance academic performance. Contrary to the belief that socializing detracts from studying, engaging in extracurriculars can actually improve time management skills, boost motivation, and foster a sense of responsibility. Additionally, collaborating with peers outside of the classroom can lead to valuable insights and perspectives that enrich academic discussions and learning experiences.
In conclusion, while academic success is undoubtedly important, it should not come at the expense of social development and well-being. By striking a balance between academics and social activities, students can cultivate a fulfilling university experience that encompasses both personal growth and academic achievement. Therefore, I firmly believe that advocating for a holistic approach to education—one that values both scholarly pursuits and social engagement—is essential for the overall success and happiness of university students.
The topic of gender equality attracts more and more people's attention. We pay more attention to some phenomena surrounding us and begin to think about wheather they speak of justice and right or not. Some people notice the education inequality and appeal that universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. As for me,I have other opinions about it.
There is no denying that ,in a such long time previously, universities in the all over the world not accepted any female students. They deprived female students' education rights. As the time passing, with the mordenization,more and more universities come to open to female students, although there still exsits universities onlyn enroll male students. For sure,we fight for female students' eduation rights. However, we are not supposed to ask for universities the rigid rules.
On the one hand,everyone is supposed to bear gender equality awareness in mind. On the other hand, no one can blind to the differences between women and men.Women tend to be more sensitive and are talented in sociology and so on. While men are inclined to be more logic and are adept to math and so on. All of them are able to own rights to choose subject they prefer and have advantage.We need to create the atmosphere for them to decide their subject freely instead of setting obsticles.
We appeal for gender equality in the approperate way and every student are able to choose their subject freely.