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Talk about a famous chef or cookbook author you admire 谈论你钦佩的著名厨师或食谱作者
You should say:
Talk about the chef or author you admire
Explain what makes him/her excellent
Discuss how he/she has inspired you

1. Do you think technique or creativity is more important?
2. What qualities do you think it takes to become an excellent chef?

1. 厨师/食谱作者的背景和成就
2. 他/她在烹饪领域的才华和技巧
3. 他/她对于食材选择、烹饪方法和味道创新的见解和贡献
4. 他/她对于健康饮食、可持续性和文化传统的关注
5. 他/她的创新意识和对食物和用餐体验的独特理解
6. 他/她的创作对于你的个人烹饪技能和兴趣的影响

1. 介绍一位世界知名的大厨或食谱作者,如Gordon Ramsay、Jamie Oliver、Nigella Lawson等。
2. 探讨该厨师/作者对于烹饪行业的影响和贡献,如推广健康饮食、参与慈善活动、出版畅销食谱等。
3. 分享他/她的故事和经历,包括职业生涯的起源、成功和挑战。
4. 谈论他/她的烹饪风格和特点,比如注重美味与健康的结合、创新的烹饪技巧、传统文化的传承等。

I would like to talk about Jamie Oliver, a famous British chef and cookbook author. He is not only an exceptional chef but also an influential advocate for healthy eating and sustainable food practices.

What makes Jamie Oliver excellent is not just his incredible culinary skills, but also his passion for bringing about positive change in the way people eat and think about food. He has revolutionized the concept of cooking and has made it accessible to everyone through his TV shows, cookbooks, and various campaigns.

Jamie Oliver is renowned for his simple and delicious recipes that emphasize the use of fresh, seasonal ingredients. His approach to cooking is all about celebrating flavors and making wholesome, nutritious meals. Moreover, he has been actively involved in promoting a healthier diet in schools, fighting against childhood obesity, and advocating for better food education. His dedication to improving the eating habits of children and families has earned him widespread praise and admiration.

Personally, Jamie Oliver has been a great source of inspiration for me. His emphasis on using fresh, local produce and his commitment to cooking from scratch has encouraged me to be more conscious of the food choices I make. I have learned from him the importance of experimenting with different flavors and techniques, and how to create delicious meals using simple ingredients.

In conclusion, Jamie Oliver is not just a talented chef and cookbook author, but also a visionary who has transformed the way people approach food. His commitment to promoting healthy eating and sustainable food practices has had a profound impact on individuals and communities worldwide. I truly admire his passion, creativity, and dedication to making a positive difference in the culinary world.



Talk about a famous chef or cookbook author you admire 谈论你钦佩的著名厨师或食谱作者
You should say:
Talk about the chef or author you admire
Explain what makes him/her excellent
Discuss how he/she has inspired you

1. Do you think technique or creativity is more important?
2. What qualities do you think it takes to become an excellent chef?

1. 厨师/食谱作者的背景和成就
2. 他/她在烹饪领域的才华和技巧
3. 他/她对于食材选择、烹饪方法和味道创新的见解和贡献
4. 他/她对于健康饮食、可持续性和文化传统的关注
5. 他/她的创新意识和对食物和用餐体验的独特理解
6. 他/她的创作对于你的个人烹饪技能和兴趣的影响

1. 介绍一位世界知名的大厨或食谱作者,如Gordon Ramsay、Jamie Oliver、Nigella Lawson等。
2. 探讨该厨师/作者对于烹饪行业的影响和贡献,如推广健康饮食、参与慈善活动、出版畅销食谱等。
3. 分享他/她的故事和经历,包括职业生涯的起源、成功和挑战。
4. 谈论他/她的烹饪风格和特点,比如注重美味与健康的结合、创新的烹饪技巧、传统文化的传承等。

I would like to talk about Jamie Oliver, a famous British chef and cookbook author. He is not only an exceptional chef but also an influential advocate for healthy eating and sustainable food practices.

What makes Jamie Oliver excellent is not just his incredible culinary skills, but also his passion for bringing about positive change in the way people eat and think about food. He has revolutionized the concept of cooking and has made it accessible to everyone through his TV shows, cookbooks, and various campaigns.

Jamie Oliver is renowned for his simple and delicious recipes that emphasize the use of fresh, seasonal ingredients. His approach to cooking is all about celebrating flavors and making wholesome, nutritious meals. Moreover, he has been actively involved in promoting a healthier diet in schools, fighting against childhood obesity, and advocating for better food education. His dedication to improving the eating habits of children and families has earned him widespread praise and admiration.

Personally, Jamie Oliver has been a great source of inspiration for me. His emphasis on using fresh, local produce and his commitment to cooking from scratch has encouraged me to be more conscious of the food choices I make. I have learned from him the importance of experimenting with different flavors and techniques, and how to create delicious meals using simple ingredients.

In conclusion, Jamie Oliver is not just a talented chef and cookbook author, but also a visionary who has transformed the way people approach food. His commitment to promoting healthy eating and sustainable food practices has had a profound impact on individuals and communities worldwide. I truly admire his passion, creativity, and dedication to making a positive difference in the culinary world.

Previous: 2023年9-12月雅思口语Part2题库及答案:描述一次公共场合演讲时感到紧张的经历 Next: 2023年9-12月雅思口语Part2题库及答案:描述一下你走出舒适区的时刻


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