雅思口语2023年5-8月题库-Is there anything famous in your hometown?

雅思口语2023年5-8月题库-Is there anything famous in your hometown?

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雅思口语2023年5-8月题库-Is there anything famous in your hometown?




My hometown is a small but historic city located in the northeast of China. There are many famous things in my hometown that people may have heard of, such as the ancient city wall, the Confucian Temple, and the local cuisine.

The ancient city wall is one of the must-see attractions in my hometown, which is about 600 years old and a witness to the history of our city. The wall is made of bricks and stones, with watchtowers and gates at intervals, forming a complete defense system. Visitors can walk or ride bicycles on the top of the wall, enjoying the panorama of the city and feeling the vicissitudes of time.

Another famous thing in my hometown is the Confucian Temple, which is a religious and cultural center for Confucianism. The temple was built in the Ming Dynasty and has undergone several renovations throughout the centuries. It is a magnificent complex with numerous halls, courtyards, and gardens, showcasing the traditional Chinese architecture and art. People can visit the temple to learn about Confucianism, appreciate the cultural relics, and attend various ceremonies and activities.

Also, my hometown has a variety of delicious local cuisine, such as the candied hawthorns, stewed pork with vermicelli, and fried dumplings. These dishes are unique in taste and flavor, and loved by both locals and tourists. For example, the candied hawthorns are made of fresh hawthorn fruits and sugar, which are cooked and dried to preserve the sourness and sweetness. They are not only a snack but also a symbol of happiness and auspiciousness.

In conclusion, my hometown has many famous things that represent its history, culture, and gastronomy. I believe these things can offer great experiences and insights to people who want to explore and appreciate the diversity and charm of China.


1. historic city - 历史名城
2. ancient city wall - 古城墙
3. defense system - 防御系统
4. panorama - 全景
5. vicissitudes - 沧桑变迁
6. religious and cultural center - 宗教和文化中心
7. cultural relics - 文物
8. traditional Chinese architecture and art - 中国传统建筑和艺术
9. unique in taste and flavor - 口感独特
10. auspiciousness - 吉祥


