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Of all mankind’s manifold creations, language must take pride of place. Other inventions – the wheel, agriculture, sliced bread – may have transformed our material existence, but the advent of language is what made us human. Compared to language, all other inventions pale in significance, since everything we have ever achieved depends on language and originates from it. Without language, we could never have embarked on our ascent to unparalleled power over all other animals, and even over nature itself.

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But language is foremost not just because it came first. In its own right it is a tool of extraordinary sophistication, yet based on an idea of ingenious simplicity: ‘this marvellous invention of composing out of twenty-five or thirty sounds that infinite variety of expressions which, whilst having in themselves no likeness to what is in our mind, allow us to disclose to others its whole secret, and to make known to those who cannot penetrate it all that we imagine, and all the various stirrings of our soul’. This was how, in 1660, the renowned French grammarians of the Port-Royal abbey near Versailles distilled the essence of language, and no one since has celebrated more eloquently the magnitude of its achievement. Even so, there is just one flaw in all these hymns of praise, for the homage to language’s unique accomplishment conceals a simple yet critical incongruity. Language is mankind’s greatest invention – except, of course, that it was never invented. This apparent paradox is at the core of our fascination with language, and it holds many of its secrets.

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但语言之所以首屈一指,不仅因为它是首创。它本身是一种非常复杂的工具,却基于一个巧妙简单的想法:“从二十五或三十个声音中创作出无限种表达,虽然这些声音本身与我们心中所想毫无相似之处,却让我们向他人揭示心中的全部秘密,向那些无法理解的人展示我们所想象的一切,以及我们灵魂的各种激动。” 这是1660年法国著名的Port-Royal修道院附近的文法学家们提炼出了语言的本质,自那以后再无人能更雄辩地赞美其成就的伟大。即便如此,所有这些赞美之词中只有一个缺陷,因为对语言独特成就的敬意掩盖了一个简单而关键的不一致之处。语言是人类最伟大的发明——当然,它从未被创造过。这个表面上的悖论正是我们对语言的迷恋之核心,并且包含了许多它的秘密。


Language often seems so skillfully drafted that one can hardly imagine it as anything other than the perfected handiwork of a master craftsman. How else could this instrument make so much out of barely three dozen measly morsels of sound? In themselves, these configurations of mouth -p,f,b,v,t,d,k,g,s,h,a,e and so on – amount to nothing more than a few haphazard spits and splutters, random noises with no meaning, no ability to express, no power to explain. But run them through the cogs and wheels of the language machine, let it arrange them in some very special orders, and there is nothing that these meaningless streams of air cannot do: from sighing the interminable boredom of existence to unravelling the fundamental order of the universe.

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The most extraordinary thing about language, however, is that one doesn’t have to be a genius to set its wheels in motion. The language machine allows just about everybody – from pre-modern foragers in the subtropical savannah, to post-modern philosophers in the suburban sprawl – to tie these meaningless sounds together into an infinite variety of subtle senses, and all apparently without the slightest exertion. Yet it is precisely this deceptive ease which makes language a victim of its own success, since in everyday life its triumphs are usually taken for granted. The wheels of language run so smoothly that one rarely bothers to stop and think about all the resourcefulness and expertise that must have gone into making it tick. Language conceals art.

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Often, it is only the estrangement of foreign tongues, with their many exotic and outlandish features, that brings home the wonder of language’s design. One of the showiest stunts that some languages can pull off is an ability to build up words of breath-breaking length, and thus express in one word what English takes a whole sentence to say. The Turkish word ?ehirlili?tiremediklerimizdensiniz, to take one example, means nothing less than ‘you are one of those whom we can’t turn into a town-dweller’. (In case you were wondering, this monstrosity really is one word, not merely many different words squashed together – most of its components cannot even stand up on their own.)

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通常,只有对外语的陌生感,以及它们许多奇特和异国情调的特点,才能让人体会到语言设计的奇妙之处。一些语言可以进行的最炫的把戏之一是能够构建出长到令人窒息的词汇,并因此用一个词来表达英语需要整个句子才能说清楚的意思。以土耳其语为例,的一个词 ?ehirlili?tiremediklerimizdensiniz 的意思绝不止是“你是我们无法使之成为城里人之一”。(如果你在想,这个怪物确实是一个词,不仅仅是许多不同的词被挤在一起——它的大部分组成部分甚至无法独立存在。)


And if that sounds like some one-off freak, then consider Sumerian, the language spoken on the banks of the Euphrates some 5,000 years ago by the people who invented writing and thus enabled the documentation of history. A Sumerian word like munintuma’a (‘when he had made it suitable for her’) might seem rather trim compared to the Turkish colossus above. What is so impressive about it, however, is not its lengthiness but rather the reverse – the thrifty compactness of its construction. The word is made up of different slots, each corresponding to a particular portion of meaning. This sleek design allows single sounds to convey useful information, and in fact even the absence of a sound has been enlisted to express something specific. If you were to ask which bit in the Sumerian word corresponds to the pronoun ‘it’ in the English translation ‘when he had made it suitable for her’, then the answer would have to be nothing. Mind you, a very particular kind of nothing: the nothing that stands in the empty slot in the middle. The technology is so fine-tuned then that even a non-sound, when carefully placed in a particular position, has been invested with a specific function. Who could possibly have come up with such a nifty contraption?

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如果这听起来像是一种独一无二的怪物,那么考虑一下苏美尔语吧,这种语言是5000年前在幼发拉底河畔由发明了文字并因此使历史得以记录的人们所说的。一个苏美尔语词munintuma’a(“当他使它适合她时”)可能在与上面的土耳其巨兽相比显得相当整洁。然而,它令人印象深刻的不是它的长度,而是相反——它的紧凑结构。这个词由不同的槽组成,每个槽对应特定的意义部分。这种流畅的设计允许单个声音传达有用的信息,事实上,甚至声音的缺失也被用来表达特定的东西。如果你问在 苏美尔语词中哪一部分对应英文翻译中的“it”,那么答案将是没有。当然,是一种非常特殊的空白:在中间的空槽中站立的空白。这种技术是如此精密,以至于即使是一个非声音,当被小心地放置在特定的位置时,也被赋予了特定的功能。谁可能想出这样一个巧妙的构思呢?




