IELTS Mock Test 2024 February

IELTS Mock Test 2024 February

(551 评分人数)
  • 发布时间: 07 Sep 2023
  • 模考人次: 262,135


Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 Elsinore
  • 2 077896245
  • 3 waiter
  • 4 baseball coach
  • 5 rescue diver
  • 6 diving experience
  • 7 October
  • 8 Saturday mornings
  • 9 6 (o’clock)
  • 10 (the) radio
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 B
  • 12 C
  • 13 B
  • 14 A
  • 15 C
  • 16 A
  • 17 B
  • 18 B
  • 19 A
  • 20 A
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 C
  • 22 B
  • 23 B
  • 24 D
  • 25 F
  • 26 G
  • 27 E
  • 28 C
  • 29 A
  • 30 B
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 nervous
  • 32 a gift
  • 33 last
  • 34 well-organised/well-organized
  • 35 paying attention
  • 36 sheet of paper
  • 37 full
  • 38 one or two/1 or 2
  • 39 time
  • 40 a script



Tips for improving your ielts score


(0 评分人数)

16 Nov 2023


本套试卷详细解析内容暂未上线,教研正在加班整理中, 敬请期待
Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-10

Complete the form below.


Phone interview

Name:John Murphy
Position applying for:lifeguard
Street Address:45 1 Court
Contact phone number: 2
Current part-time job:` 3
Previous job at Ridgemont High School: 4
Additional relevant work experience: 5
Relevant skills/qualifications:CPR certification & 6
CPR certification expiration date: 7
Preferred weekly shift: 8
Time available to start work: 9
Advertisement source: 10

源 1

源 2



EMPLOYER: Hello, is this John Murphy?

APPLICANT: Hi, yes it is.

EMPLOYER: Hi John, this is Ed Heisenburg from the Wild Dunes Spa and Resort calling about your application for our lifeguard (Example) position. Do you have a few minutes to talk?

APPLICANT: Yes, absolutely.

EMPLOYER: Great. Could you give me your address?

APPLICANT: Sure. My address is 45 Elsinore  Court.

EMPLOYER: I’m sorry, was that Eleanor? Could you spell that for me?

APPLICANT: Sure - it’s Elsinore. E-L-S-I-N-O-R-E.

EMPLOYER: Okay, thanks. And is this the number we should reach you at in the future? 099885767?

APPLICANT: No, this is my home phone, but let me give you my mobile phone number instead: 077896245 (Q2). Call me on that one.

EMPLOYER: Okay - I’ll make a note of that. Could you tell me your availability?

APPLICANT: Sure. I am usually available during afternoons or weekends.I would prefer not to be scheduled on weeknights because I work part-time as a waiter .

EMPLOYER: That shouldn’t be a problem, since we don’t stay open very late anyway. And do you have any other employment experience?

APPLICANT: Yes, I have worked at a few other places. I was the baseball coach at Ridgemont High School last season.

EMPLOYER: I see. And do you have any other experience that you would like us to note on your application?

APPLICANT: Yes. Last year I worked at the beach as a rescue diver.

EMPLOYER: Rescue diver? That sounds intense!

APPLICANT: Well, it’s really just like being a lifeguard, except in the ocean instead of a pool. So kind of like being a lifeguard at the world’s largest pool.

EMPLOYER: Haha. I see.

EMPLOYER: So could you tell me about the relevant skills you have? I’m guessing a lot, given your experience.

APPLICANT: I am CPR certified and have 2 years of diving experience.

EMPLOYER: Great! It sounds like you are well qualified for this position. When does your CPR certification expire?

APPLICANT: Hm. I think in November, but let me quickly check my CPR card ... actually, it expires in October.

EMPLOYER: Okay, so regardless you have it through the end of the summer. When is your ideal time to work?

APPLICANT: Since I work in the restaurant on weeknights, I like weekends best - specifically Saturday mornings.

EMPLOYER: I see. We do already have a lot of staff available on Saturdays, but I do need an early morning shift lifeguard. How early could you work Saturday morning?

APPLICANT: I can get there by 6.00 if need be.

EMPLOYER: You’ll be happy to know we open a little later than that, but I’ll put you down for Saturday mornings here.

APPLICANT: Oh awesome! I can’t wait to get started.

EMPLOYER: How about you come in next Saturday, the 12th?

APPLICANT: That sounds good.

EMPLOYER: Great - we can figure out other shifts for you to work when you come in then. One last thing - just out of curiosity, where did you hear about us?

APPLICANT: I heard your ad on the radio while I was driving this morning.

EMPLOYER: You know, I think you’re the first person who has responded to our radio ads. It’s almost always people who have seen us in the newspaper.

APPLICANT: Yeah, I don’t have time to read through the newspaper every morning. I have plenty of time in the car to listen to radio ads

EMPLOYER: That makes sense. Well, thanks for your time, and we’ll look forward to seeing you on the 12th.

