雅思考官口语指导 - Part 2 & Part 3 例题与答案:“美”的定义

雅思考官口语指导 - Part 2 & Part 3 例题与答案:“美”的定义

(9 评分人数)




口语第二部分(IELTS Speaking Sample Part 2)


1.Discuss the meaning of beauty for you? 探讨你对美的意义的理解?

2.What is the difference between inner and outer beauty? 外在美和内在美有什么区别?

3.Whom do you consider the most beautiful person in your life? And why? 谁是你生命中最美丽的人?为什么?



1.(对美的定义)In my opinion, beauty is a blend of good qualities and splendid appearance which leaves an unforgettable impression on other people.

2.(外在美与内在美的区别)A person who is looking physically attractive has outer beauty but a person who feels beautiful is attractive and wonderful from his soul. Your skin, body, hair, smile contributes to your outer beauty while your soul, thoughts, character and moreover your relationships with others define your inner beauty.

3.(谁是心目中最美的人)I think my mother is the most beautiful person in my life because she has always justified her different roles as a wife, mother, and women. She has always balanced her priorities very well.

4.(为什么)I believe that understanding the true definition of life and living it to the fullest with strong self esteem and creating your own identity in this world makes you feel beautiful.


口语第三部分(IELTS Speaking Sample Part 3)

问题1. How much time and money do you spend on physical appearance? 你花费多少的时间和金钱在你的外貌上?

答案:. Actually physical look matters a lot in this modern world. So one has to and should take care of his appearance. Even I go to beauty salons on monthly basis and spend required time so that I can leave a remarkable impression on the society.

这个问题的解答方向在于先要解释为何(why)需要花费时间和金钱去打理外观,然后再回答花费多少(how much)时间与金钱在这方面,只单独回答how much会显得缺少了承上启下。

问题 2. Do you think outer beauty affects one’s success? 你是否认为外在美会影响一个人的的成功?

答案: Outer beauty leaves first impression on other people. So if you are looking nice and appealing then opportunities will find your way. But physical looks will only give you that first step of the ladder. To support, beauty pageants can be taken as example where girls are initially selected on the basis of their physical appearance but in the later stage,there are many other parameters on which the final judgement is taken like confidence, communication ability etc.


问题 3. Are there any disadvantages to being beautiful? 变美有什么缺点吗?

答案: I think beautiful people are always in the limelight. For example, when Aishwarya Rai gained post-pregnancy weight, a lot of people criticized and judged her. This became a national news. I believe beautiful people have unnecessary pressure of always staying beautiful.

直截了当回答太美会引得更多的人的关注,并通过Aishwarya Rai的例子来说明太美引得更多人关注而给个人产生的不必要的压力。压力大会产生负面情绪,从而会对个人的发展产生不利影响。



口语第二部分(IELTS Speaking Sample Part 2)


1.Discuss the meaning of beauty for you? 探讨你对美的意义的理解?

2.What is the difference between inner and outer beauty? 外在美和内在美有什么区别?

3.Whom do you consider the most beautiful person in your life? And why? 谁是你生命中最美丽的人?为什么?



1.(对美的定义)In my opinion, beauty is a blend of good qualities and splendid appearance which leaves an unforgettable impression on other people.

2.(外在美与内在美的区别)A person who is looking physically attractive has outer beauty but a person who feels beautiful is attractive and wonderful from his soul. Your skin, body, hair, smile contributes to your outer beauty while your soul, thoughts, character and moreover your relationships with others define your inner beauty.

3.(谁是心目中最美的人)I think my mother is the most beautiful person in my life because she has always justified her different roles as a wife, mother, and women. She has always balanced her priorities very well.

4.(为什么)I believe that understanding the true definition of life and living it to the fullest with strong self esteem and creating your own identity in this world makes you feel beautiful.


口语第三部分(IELTS Speaking Sample Part 3)

问题1. How much time and money do you spend on physical appearance? 你花费多少的时间和金钱在你的外貌上?

答案:. Actually physical look matters a lot in this modern world. So one has to and should take care of his appearance. Even I go to beauty salons on monthly basis and spend required time so that I can leave a remarkable impression on the society.

这个问题的解答方向在于先要解释为何(why)需要花费时间和金钱去打理外观,然后再回答花费多少(how much)时间与金钱在这方面,只单独回答how much会显得缺少了承上启下。

问题 2. Do you think outer beauty affects one’s success? 你是否认为外在美会影响一个人的的成功?

答案: Outer beauty leaves first impression on other people. So if you are looking nice and appealing then opportunities will find your way. But physical looks will only give you that first step of the ladder. To support, beauty pageants can be taken as example where girls are initially selected on the basis of their physical appearance but in the later stage,there are many other parameters on which the final judgement is taken like confidence, communication ability etc.


问题 3. Are there any disadvantages to being beautiful? 变美有什么缺点吗?

答案: I think beautiful people are always in the limelight. For example, when Aishwarya Rai gained post-pregnancy weight, a lot of people criticized and judged her. This became a national news. I believe beautiful people have unnecessary pressure of always staying beautiful.

直截了当回答太美会引得更多的人的关注,并通过Aishwarya Rai的例子来说明太美引得更多人关注而给个人产生的不必要的压力。压力大会产生负面情绪,从而会对个人的发展产生不利影响。


Next: 雅思口语8.5分是什么水平?雅思大神与考官谈话时究竟说了什么?


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